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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @No Self sorry man i mixed your name up with @The0Self who i meant to tease.
  2. @Preety_India thanks i really enjoy your insights and posts as well
  3. @Keyhole this community is really thankful to have folks like you and @Preety_India making it what it is. So i hope you both stick around
  4. The ancients had it right all along - how did we get so far away from Truth?
  5. One thing to clarify - it is not God tossing itself away. God becomes itself. So it does not toss that which was in the illusion away. It has become conscious of itself and realizes that it is Infinity.
  6. Toss some paradox my way will ya Yeah of course. Because it Is itself. You ARE Yourself and Oneness will always be paradoxical. But relatively speaking one can only become less selfish by putting "others" first. In the dream. If it straight goes for sacrificing itself for the Self that is not true selflessness. That's ego because the Self is but a belief in its finite mind
  7. ? ironically the former can bring one closer to Truth. While the latter could seem like selfishness in disguise
  8. Indeed - Suffering is selfishness - the lack of a self is Infinite Love. Infinity. Pain is but a symptom of selfishness, of the finite.
  9. Well ultimately when you get to the deepest levels spirituality will kill you - but hey - you get to come back!
  10. Not dead - imaginary. You are God imagining up this world and Leo is a projection of your mind - precisely placed there by yourself for you to awaken to yourself. Then you placed yourself into your own dream and limited yourself. But this will take a radical shift in consciousness - a mystical shift if you will into Infinite Consciousness.
  11. Is that the last bro? You sound like Kevin Hart in the movie Central Intelligence. Bro
  12. Yeah you are saying you tend to get lost in thoughts with eyes open. Try the do nothing method in which you go meta on those thoughts - acknowledge the thought and let it go. Try not having any thoughts...Bring your awareness back to awareness itself. Its actually pretty hard to go even a few seconds without any thoughts . But just watch them float by
  13. @black_math49 it could be whatever allows you to connect with Being or Actuality better. You do wanna quiet the monkey mind down but eyes open allows me to focus on an object and become conscious of the actuality of it - which can help to collapse the duality of the subject (you) and the object into pure actuality.
  14. @black_math49 for me it is the opposite. So I only meditate eyes open. So i think it will just be different for different people. There is no right way or wrong way.
  15. ? true he was trying to get as high as he could off that thing haha
  16. It didn't seem like Joe was enjoying himself at all. It felt very forced. I think it was partially because he had promised himself to remain sober and also because he feels Spotify breathing down his neck. And i learned that he plans to change out the studio too - guess the fans won that one....
  17. @BlackPhil no i get where you are coming from - I'm not on either side I'm looking at it from a meta-perspective. So you think its wiser to fight fire with fire so to speak? If the other nations are dictators then we should be too and and go through another 4 years of where we are now..ok..I've heard that argument before....not sure if that is the wisest. A more advanced government can still work on removing the divisions in their own nation while still showing strength through wisdom. If we move to a more green government you are right - the model breaks down because we still need a show of strength - so would need qualities that both transcend green but incorporate lower stages. Thus the higher stages incorporate the mote conscious qualities of the lower stages. Again I'm not saying the left is there yet - I'm just viewing which could advance society further out of the options available. I'm not willing to go back a step just cuz other countries are back a step. And in the end what you view is the better option will be relative of course.