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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Nthnl No these are facets of the Absolute. You can become directly conscious of the nature of reality.
  2. @Nthnl its just an idea for you until you awaken. Right now from your POV its just a claim i am making or leo is making.
  3. In an infinite dream you share the dream with yourself So you can dream it from every possible perspective.
  4. @Mvrs we are talking about Infinite Consciousness. First off realize that forget it. You can't grasp it with logic. But we will try to. If you actually have a mystical experience in which you become Absolute Infinity - you will realize the power of Infinite Mind - and that all of this is held within your mind. Right now you have dumbed yourself down so that you can be conscious of others. (Duality). But pure non-duality is pure God mode and everthing will collapse into your Mind. That's just how it is. But consciousness is so infinite that what it imagines is real. So others do exist in a dualistic state of consciousness. The illusion has to be that good! But also realize that in an Absolute state of consciousness you will realize that you will be and are being every other possible perspecitve. The nature of infinity is that you will experience all possible POV's on and on to Infinity which never ends. So your girlfriend is you. I am you. Your dog is you. You are both imagining me and being me simultaneously. That is a contradiction but that's the nature of Oneness. There is only your direct experience - True. The nature of Infinity will tell you that there are things you are not conscious of in your current state of consciousness - also true.
  5. @Javfly33 ??
  6. You planted them there yourself so you could wake up to yourself.
  7. @lmfao umm..reality is an Infinite Mind with Infinite Intelligence. All that is random is imagined so. Evolution occurs but is the result of Infinite intelligence. Science has a long way to go.
  8. @Mvrs yes you are always only interacting with Yourself due to Oneness. It is entanglement and Leo discusses it in his latest video series.
  9. joe Rogan just had an interesting podcast with Dave Smith where Dave Smith says a form of libertarianism is the answer. Perfect example of what you guys are talking about.
  10. notice that this in itself is a see as long as you are thinking you can't escape having a POV. In fact you ARE the POV! Don't make it over complicated...that's just what the ego wants.... Just conduct a curious investigation....i.e. mediate, do self inquiry, etc..(leverage the tools laid out)...Awakening is Pure Being - which is prior to thought.
  11. @Leo Nordin the awakened have already died. They realize that this is merely an infinite dream by infinite Consciousness. Nothing more. These attachments and finite identity which we have are an illusion. This is realized by the awakened. The ego and its attachments will want to pull the awakened one back into the illusion but he knows better. He knows that any clinging to such attachments is a clinging to an idea within the Mind of God which will dream infinite ideas. He can go on teaching and or doing what he was going before. Nothing would really change. That something would change is yet more imagination.
  12. @Petals God has to lose itself and suffer. That's in essence what you are. Only then can it find itself/realize itself. Love.
  13. Notice that this is an assumption. Now - when and if you become directly conscious of Oneness, you will become directly conscious that reality is Infinite. This will shatter materialism because what is everything must include nothing. This may lead to the radical realization that you are in fact, absolutely nothing. Thus you will directly realize that your birth is a hallucination in order to induce the appearance of separation - or as you said - the filter that limits the infinite.
  14. After ego death. When it is seen through. It does not like to be killed off or to be uncovered as an idea. Because basically its you - as you are a collection of thoughts and attachments and a sense of self - that dies. So on return how do you think that feels
  15. @SilentTears ultimately it all collapses into one. Knowing and Being are One but that is pure Infinity.
  16. @SilentTears its not from the relative standpoint because what you imagine becomes real for you. So dualistically you as a human are not Jesus and never were (from your relative we are saying the same thing - im just speaking from the Absolute perspective..
  17. @SilentTears form is imagined by the formless by limiting itself. Or more accurately the very act of imagination is limitation. Its all One thing.
  18. Its a mind bender. You're imagining Jesus - or more precisely i am imagining you imagining Jesus. You are Infinity. I am infinity imagining you are Infinity imagining Infinity. Will you imagine you are jesus someday? Sure maybe as you are Infinite so you may also dream that you are some undiscussed alien, just the same as you are imagining you are you right now. You have done and been it all and also have infinitely more to be. Don't try to grasp the infinite with the finite your mind will break.
  19. @Mvrs Absolute Truth is itself. But don't now then see Absolute Truth as something separate from you. Realize that its you. That is enlightenment. When you actually know it and you become Infinity or Actuality. From this state of consciousness we could call that mysticism as it is a radical shift in the state or consciousness.
  20. This is only half the circle of the awakened one. Going full circle is realizing that you give meaning to the dream and then returning to it.
  21. He seemed like a good guy but his mind is not able to accept that some people have genuinely good intentions. If you notice that's what the whole podcast was about. Joe Rogan pressing that maybe not all people have evil intentions and Alex pushing back that everyone was conspiring. His mind is not able to strike a balance or be open to that.