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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Moksha well also consciousness cannot be lost. We can only imagine that. Have you ever experienced non-existence?
  2. That's still appearance. It's tricky stuff. Come do it to me. Fear of death - as real as it seems - is also imaginary. But it has to seem real or we would not have a chance of surviving in this imaginary form.
  3. @Corpus yeah - reality "appears" so real. Yet if one looks under the hood of reality - appearance is all that is there.
  4. Guess ya gotta discover that for yourself - of course you will - you already have really advanced intuition You have a will it is just finite. And yeah within the dream it all seems so real - but maybe that's the point
  5. No no no. You are still thinking like a materialist. The brain is doing none of that. The brain is imaginary. Psychedelics will help you transcend the brain.
  6. Maybe you do get it now and @Nahms posts aren't supposed to make sense Maybe using logic to grasp reality isn't such a good "idea"
  7. Yes they are. There only becomes the duality of Absolute / relative when we imagine it. If we stop imagining there is only existence itself - or isness.
  8. @Mafortu you touch on something that is often misunderstood by many who preach duality does not exist. Or they don't explain it well enough. Duality IS imaginary. The example of the perceiver is the duality of subject / object. Absolutely speaking what everything IS is Isness Being. One. So when teachers say this they are speaking from the Absolute perspective, not the relative. Some say it in a way to say that the relative doesn't exist - but again it is imaginary - it exists but it is content within the structure - so what they mean is that the content is not the substance of reality. When talking about the substance of reality it is Isness itself. And of course the paradox is since everthing is One the content IS the structure - so you run this contradiction because of the self reflection problem of Oneness. That's a feature not a bug.
  9. @Psychventure if it were otherwise God could not experience limitation. The finger is also the hand. But to be the finger it must be the finger.
  10. Well i was going to say modern science did their damndest to figure out the nature of reality and the best they could come up with was reality is made of wave functions or mathematical equations - probabilities if you will. That is quantum mechanics. So if you really wanna dive deep dive into the work of Neils Bohr. I prefer him over Einstein because despite Einstein's theory of relativity he was in denial that there was no objective reality or that reality could be infinite consciousness although eventually j think he came around. He just wanted a logical answer in the beginning. Bohr knew reality was fundamentally nothing.
  11. You should have never accepted it from the beginning because that forms beliefs. I didn't - i just started doing the spiritual practices because i was curious and i was absolutely floored and shocked when i realized it was Truth. So that's all we are doing here.
  12. Yes it could be but are you willing to open your mind to the possibility that its not? Have you really truly done that ever?
  13. You are definitely right to question it but you called it bullshit. Thats closed mindedness. I am asking you to keep an open mind.
  14. @Nthnl becsuse when you awaken you as @Nthnl will perish leaving only Truth. You BECOME it. This is NOT a belief. Keep an open mind here or you will be banned. This work is not for everyone. Very few of the current world population have ever awakened but we hope to change that with the teachings here.
  15. l False. Right there is your mistake. The Absolute is not a belief. I cannot explain this to you because language is finite.
  16. @Nthnl haha! this the problem of the black hole - if i have entered the black hole i have seen or become conscious of the Absolute. But now i can't share that with you or pass that onto you because light cannot escape a black hole. The only way you will know is if you yourself enter the black hole.
  17. @Nthnl No these are facets of the Absolute. You can become directly conscious of the nature of reality.