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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @How to be wise indeed because you are Infinite. And you can hit infinite states of consciousness. The hard part is for most this will never occur at all. Or it is once in a lifetime. And once in a lifetime is not really a problem in a deep, full awakening - since you become conscious of all of reality. Your life will never, ever be the same. That is awakening. You will know when that happens.
  2. Yes - i was an atheist. It might actually be better because an atheist has no preconceived notions or beliefs about God. Because that is what religion is based on - beliefs. Yet at the same time an atheist needs to be open minded and curious while doing the practices. If they cling to the belief that there is no God they will have the same problem. An atheist is a form of belief too. The belief that there is no God. Truth is Actual. God is Truth.
  3. @Yoshy ever think about something and how for some reason it makes no sense...because you have limited data about the subject...(and we always assume we have all the data at the time) .but then later you get more information and realize...Oh! So that's what it is all about! Now it makes perfect sense! Now that i see this with all the data it makes sense! Well that's how the Universe or God is. From a finite vantage point it will seem like the pieces don't all fit together. But that's because you are only able to see it from one finite vantage point which doesn't have all the pieces. And furthermore it is attached to it's own piece... From an Infinite vantage point, with all pieces as One and thus no attachments to any one piece in particular, it would make perfect sense.
  4. If what we idealists claim is True - that reality is a mental construct and not made of matter (which it is and can be directly validated by you) then what else would others be? Where else would others exist other than consciousness?
  5. @Conscious life nothing we can say will do it justice. Just keep meditating and using the tools. Let spirituality come from curiousity not selfishness.
  6. Because it is. Forget all the non-dual talk. If you are self conscious about being able to be you then in the very desire to be non-dual you are actually demonizing duality, thereby never allowing yourself to one day come full circle - embracing all as One. Typically you will realize there is no self but then later come to realize the self and no self are One. For example you can look at your finger and realize it is both the finger and the whole hand simultaneously. That's what is going on here.
  7. Brother, @fridjonk has it correct. Do not confuse the map for the territory. What is being said here is being pointed to. The words themselves are thought. I have become Absolute Love sober. Absolute Love and Absolute Nothing and Absolute Infinity and Absolute Being are identical. The guy in the video has not become conscious of the highest Truth if he still limits God and imposes duality between everything and nothing. Have to become Nothing to become conscious that it is Everything. And everything is Love. This cannot be explained to you on a forum. It can only be pointed to here.
  8. I hear you bro but you as God would be missing out on all of Creation if that were the case. You would be missing out on Infinity. God is so Infinite that it absolutely must take form in order to express itself. Your very form is an expression of God! If God were to forgo form it would make itself a devil. It would in essence be denying itself.
  9. Indeed brother no one should take it as a belief but after the self "dies" and God awakens then God can say what i am saying. That is not ego. That is Truth once One has awoken.
  10. Well said. You're one of the wisest here buddy
  11. If only language could explain it....? Infinite Mind brother. Infinite Understanding. God.
  12. Love you brother ❤ why haven't you gone off and become a monk yet?
  13. I hear you brother i know you are out here tryin to wake mofos up... Interestingly enough thought can exist in an Infinite state of consciousness but it is not finite thought bound by time. It is not what the finite mind calls a thought but it is Absolute Mind. You must quiet the monkey mind to reach such a state because it is merging with the present moment.
  14. Exactly right. The relative exists for the relative which is exactly why it's relative The concept of death does not exist without birth. It is a duality. I think you guys are just talking about two sides of the same coin. he is expressing non duality while you are stating that duality exists - which it does - for its own sake. It's a debate that has gone on here for years where some have said duality is an illusion. But notice - it IS an illusion hehe. You cannot get under existence. I don't think @James123 is disputing this here but speaking of pure non-duality. But I could be wrong....actually to despute it would just be a finite perspective. Absolute Infinity or Absolute Nothingness or Absolute Love cannot be spoken.
  15. This. Once you become the Absolute there is nothing else to do but divide yourself into different perspectives to experience yourself and someday realize your own Infinity again. So God goes back into its dream to be a player character in the dream but this time to try and awaken all of its other parts that have fragmented off from the whole. From that finite POV there are others. From God's POV all is held within One Mind.
  16. @SpiritualAwakening the guy may have had other drugs in his system. She said he was drinking and doing ketamine the night before then took two more drugs - including -went to bed for a few hrs then took DMT. I mean.....doesn't sound like enough time to get all of that out of your system. Not smart to mix any of that stuff either.
  17. @Javfly33 ? i had some pretty bad ego backlash myself.... It took me weeks before i could even function properly. Of course i could have also just went and lived in a cave and meditated 24/7 and bliss out rather than going back to my job and society....;)
  18. I think he meant that some teachers may portray awakening as always and only a happy and calm process. Awakening can in some cases really destabilize someone (because of course the "someone" is completely removed or seen to never have been there in the first place haha) so its not all roses. I'm not saying these teachers do portray it that way, i have not really listened to any of them much.
  19. @Moksha just watched latest episode of The Mandalorian - love that show
  20. @Javfly33 he doesn't know shit. He calls out these teachings and Leo as delusional BS at the 13 minute mark...for someone who claims to have experience with psychedelics its surprising to me. The guy is still in realism obviously. As for Connor he has probably had some legit awakenings from what I can tell.