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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. And you would be correct. Even though others are you, it is a selfish act to willingly disappear. Because God is playing a game with Itself and tricking itself into believing there are others. And so here we are. And it's doing so to share Infinite Love with itself. True mahasamadhi is to become Pure Inifnity via selflessness (for example the willingness to die for your wife) and thus remove the form you currently occupy for pure formlessness. But it cannot happen with finite will because finite will is ego.
  2. You see how the ego is twisting this into selfishness for itself? And what is the result of the ego's selfishness? Suffering. Not awakening. And yes counterintuitively since reality is One and circular that same suffering will actually grow you. But you have to forget the ego's desires and just clear the mind. Clear the mind through meditation and meditate for lets say 100 hours. Then take pcyhedelics if you want but don't attach anything to them.
  3. @Mips If i were you - which i am - i would still listen to the videos. You could even listen to some of the self inquiry and other exercises while doing self inquiry meditation. Ultimately of course awakening will come with you merging with the present moment but opening your mind on a conceptual level can still help promote shifts in your consciousness. It sounds like you know the difference between actuality and imagination which is vital. Otherwise you could get lost in concepts in which the videos would steer you astray.
  4. You need to actually live through each possibility so it can be actualized for You. now of course raw infinity is pure potential and in that state everything has happened and is happening and also nothing has happened is happening
  5. @Someone here the question you have posed takes you to the deepest levels of understanding reality so i commend you for that. So this simultaneous question is an interesting one but from my own awakenings which elevate Consciousness to infinitely higher levels - God Consciousness - this is what i can say.. You are Consciousness - Consciousness is Infinite and therefore One. are God. You are God imagining you are a human looking through the finite eyes of @Someone here And so too am i. I am God experiencing myself through the form i am in right now. But since reality is One - i AM you. Literally. There is absolutely no difference. It's just that right now - in my direct experience - or this present moment - of which there can only be One - i am experiencing this POV. Everything in this POV is held within my consciousness as God. Rocks, people, animals, all are imaginary within the Mind. Exactly like a dream. Because right now I'm God playing this character and all other characters are NPCs....Cuz again - one present moment - Until such time...and until such time is not quite correct because time is imaginary from the Absolute perspective so here is where words break down...but until such time when i actually take or start imagining your POV - or play your character- In which case I would stop being this POV and i would completely and totally be YOU!!! Then I would be you - (or God in your form) asking these same questions and wondering if my present moment is the only which it would be!!!
  6. I know you have prolly heard this here a million times but this is what happens when you try to rationalize Infinity which transcends rather than try and grasp it with the finite mind - which will get into paradoxical territory since its trying to rationalize Oneness from the POV of twoness hehe - i would say nay... Instead quiet the finite mind with meditation - collapse all duality, umm, including yourself...(perhaps become directly conscious that you are not you but rather you are Being) and then maybe, just maybe you will have your answer. Of course not as you but as Infinity itself
  7. @Yali They "believe" in Jesus. But Jesus was just a guy who discovered he wasn't just a guy but he was God. And then the rest worshiped him when they could also have discovered they were God.
  8. @Gesundheit materialist paradigm vs the idealist paradigm. You can become directly conscious that reality is a giant Mind. Therefore it is designing this reality. Why wouldn't it? If you were infinitely intelligent and responsible for this reality wouldn't you design the greatest realty possible? we are! Chaos is finite . Chaos cannot break through to infinity otherwise it would stop being chaos and become order.
  9. You don't have to be a billionare. When you truly hit the higher egoic stages - honestly money literally has no meaning beyond basic survival. So it circles back to when you just need enough to eat and cloth yourself. Whatever else literally has no relevance to you. I make way beyond getting a stimulus check as well but i honestly have no interest in any of it.
  10. @How to be wise hint. You won't awaken via selfishness
  11. Are you kidding - i forgot i was me with meditation and almost didn't come back.
  12. @Lyubovi was immediately thinking Datura....but that is not recommended here. But if you want to completely forget you are a human and become a is dangerous and you may never come back to the ego. Then again so is spirituality. There is no ground. So the ego is only necessary from the ego's POV. Relativity in action.
  13. Precisely. Relativity goes much, much deeper than any of us could ever imagine. Of course whether the knowledge of such is meaningless or meaningful is in itself relative....ta da!
  14. @BipolarGrowth whatever you imagine it to be is what becomes real for you.
  15. It has to be well...i guess it could have been worse since all is relative - but let's view the glass half full Happy New Years guys
  16. Precisely..because "places" are something You are imagining.
  17. Funny thing about the top bodybuilders in the world is - yes they did steroids but they also were some of the hardest working, most dedicated, most disciplined bodybuilders in the world. They just realized that in order to reach the top of their field they needed both. Ronnie Coleman is a good example. He was one of the most genetically gifted and hard working bodybuilders out there. He could win any natural contest easily but to win against others taking steroids he needed to as well. I know its not apples to apples just an interesting tidbit.
  18. @satyajit i suggest just keep an open mind and continue to do the practices laid out here because anything we say here runs the risk of being adopted as a belief. If you want conceptual answers the videos explain that in depth with the warning not to take it as belief. DMT is not necessarily a requirement - awakening has ocurred by many via meditation...
  19. Yet the ego is God nonetheless. Thus it is also Love. This will break the mind of the ego. But the mind of the ego is finite and dual. God - that which is Absolute - is One. So from the highest vantage point - pure Oneness - the ego is God.
  20. Oneness will lead to strange loops and paradox. The ego is an illusion. (Remember the ego assumes a subject-object duality). But when you have God realization you will hit a non-dual state of consciousness and become conscious that all is One and all is designed by God the One. The ego is the One in form. The Shapeshifter's true form is empty, but it can take any form. So the catch is you must dissolve form and become formless to realize Truth. Then its all good. That's liberation. Till then you are sleeping.
  21. @Megan Alecia The self is a deception. So wouldn't it be fitting that it would pursue more of it. if it were found out, the game would be up.
  22. @James123 yes brother once you become pure Actuality by realizing directly the self is an illusion that is it. There is no mistaking it and your life will never be the same because it was seen through This dissolves the ego and God breaks through the chains of the dream. But then one as God , the formless, can still have realizations. Such as the nature of itself. It can become conscious of it's Nothingness or its Everythingness. For it is truly Infinite. It can become conscious fully of Itself which is identical to Bliss or falling in Love with Itself. So notice the thoughts of the ego are first dissolved but Infinite Mind is what dawns.