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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Don't even go there unless you wanna get banned. Leo will reverse it though. So I guess your fine. He's a Hitler lover.
  2. They funded them to avoid such attacks not to have them happen. That was the only motive. Any other motive that you want to call out is speculation and beyond that actually false.
  3. Do you realize how absurd you sound to say that Israel funded and planned the killing of its own women and children to justify it's own expansion? You really believe that?
  4. From Wikipedia: Assertions of Israeli support for Hamas date back to the late 1970s and early 1980s, a period marked by significant political upheaval in the Middle East. Former Israeli officials have openly acknowledged Israel's role in providing funding and assistance to Hamas as a means of undermining secular Palestinian factions such as the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Brigadier General Yitzhak Segev, who served as the Israeli military governor in Gaza during the early 1980s, admitted to providing financial assistance to Mujama Al-Islamiya. Who were the PLO ? From Wikipedia: Founded in 1964, it initially sought to establish an Arab state over the entire territory of the former Mandatory Palestine, advocating the elimination of Israel.
  5. The reality of it is from their perspective there is a threat whether or not Hamas has the ability to destroy them completely they have the ability with other allies to do damage. They are just protecting by expanding.
  6. @Raze you really think it's that simple and one sided? You really think that Hamas just mystically appeared out of nowhere because of Israel's devilry? OK. I'll buy that one if you buy Trump is a saint.
  7. It's impossible to know what is in each leaders heart- is there malice there? But I think as a whole they are simply trying to protect what is theirs We already established that global dominance is not their end goal. So to compare Netanyahu to Hitler i think is a bit premature.
  8. This is a losing argument for reasons i pointed out earlier. The loss of one human being is an atrocity. You cannot put a value on it so playing the humbers game is stupid. Shoud Israel back off? In my opinion yes but the thing is they killed a very powerful leader last week and if they back off now and go on the defensive it could cost them in this campaign. The campaign has begun unfortunately. And not by Israel. Stopping it now will only be with surrender it seems.
  9. I value Truth above all else too brother. (Or sister - not sure please clarify) But I don't think they did it because they felt they were entitled because they were the chosen people. They did it because they wanted a place to call their own and so they had land to stake a claim and protect themselves from extinction. They did what they had to do. Is it wrong? Well i guess that depends on what perspective you look at it from. You believe in Absolute Truth above all else and I agree. But you are assuming the Jewish people felt entitled. They don't. They just want to exist like everyone else. And there are constant threats to that existence.
  10. That was wrong but Hamas purposely hid themselves among civilians to bait Israel. And you also have the 1100 or whatever ( @Karmadhi will correct me here so I need to be careful) Jews who were killed by the Palestinian backed group who wanted justice. Did they think about that before attacking? So they wanted to kill Jews to get rid the leadership. Same thing. And in fact they struck first. Now you can claim that they are justified but violence is never justified.
  11. Racist or protective? I know but have you asked any of them how they would be if the roles were suddenly reversed? Maybe they would say they would be nice guys but would their leaders be? The ones who had to protect them. I love the movie Planet of the Apes because if you watch the series you literally watch Caesar become the devil - the very thing he fought to dispel. He hated that but it was the world he existed in.
  12. As crazy as this sounds it's possible and you get to come back too. If you're lucky.
  13. Being limited is precisely what makes reality "real" It's called awakening. And if you actually do awake, it doesn't change anything. You're just lucid unless you wanna forget while in the dream which is also possible and actual more probable most of the time. It makes perfect sense once you realize bullet point 1. And that you realize it is just One Infinite Consciousness or Awarness. You realize you have to take on different forms in order to experience each possiblity. Now you are catching on. There is no separation. God is just this. Existence is just this.
  14. What I mean by that is the Jewish people as a whole. If they didn't do what they had to do they wouldn't have their own state and a powerful military, etc. They probably wouldn't even exist at all. What I think their goals are here is not genocide but it is to preserve their nation. Which they took by force. The US gained indendence from the British by force and so it goes on and on. Do you think if the roles were reversed and Hamas ends up being victorious that they would leave a place for Jews in their government or land. Possibly but most likely no, because of what others mentioned earlier - the religious differences, etc.
  15. @Flim my spirituality and metaphysical or spiritual views (which by the way are a result of direct experience and meditation) really have nothing to do with relative matters such as this. So whether I am awake or not is irrelevant. But all that aside..I'm not per se defending "zionism" or the way Israel is behaving. I'm basically presenting an alternate perspective in order to bring more balance to the atmosphere here. You see, there appears to be a deep bias against Israel on this forum and that's mainly because what's happening there is current events. So yeah let's examine this because it's current but also we have to zoom out and explore the larger phenomenon of survival as a whole. Because while it seems like Israel is committing all of these atrocities, and they are, it's naive to think that other nations wouldn't do the same given their current level of development. And unfortunately if there was a spiral dynamics tier 2 nation they would be eaten alive in today's world. Israel has been the nice guy in the past and look where it got them. So it's important to keep a balanced perspective because when you get a demonization of one nation then you end up being the devil yourself. And this doesn't help anyone.
  16. What’s Zionism? It'’s a fiction in your mind. There is only what you are. Zionism is some made up conceptual crap that anti-jews use as some sort of movement. Fuck em. Where were they when we were being walked to the gas camps. Most of them weren't even born. So..genocide. We got one of the captains last week. Be happy for that because if he had the chance he would have exterminated you.
  17. Good guys are the good guys and the bad are the bad We have lines here let's not muddy the waters.
  18. Netanyahu knows damn well they dont care if he is among civilians. If Hamas had the chance to kill him they would no matter who else died in the process. If you don't believe that you are kidding yourself. You want to demonize Netanyahu but the truth is Hamas would not hesitate to take out women and children for their cause.
  19. Well i will ask you this: What the difference between 1000 and 15000? The numbers? Children and innocent civilians died. On both sides. So is one number worse than another? Yes it is but is one more right than another? Children died in both situations. So you are ultimately left with is war right. That's what you are really left with. If i lost a bother and you lost two brothers and a sister does that make any one side better?
  20. You really need to look into your disdain for Israel. Maybe it's because you are Jewish by blood. But you have to realize that your views are completely subjective and you do not take into account the Jewish peoples need to persist as a race. I think you forget that sometimes.
  21. Here's one for you @Socrates. What's the difference between a Truth and a lie?
  22. That's fair. If you don't feel it in your heart then it's not there.
  23. No..I believed it because it was a "reputable" source. The truth is you weren't there and neither was I. So next time he asks you for your source just say it's my view based on what I have researched. There's nothing objective about it.
  24. True but you were sure quick to provide objective facts by ABC on how 15000 kids were killed. Maybe that didn't happen either.