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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Valwyndir thanks Connor. Glad you finally decided to be active here. But be careful about self promotion. We don't need it here. You are welcome to teach just be wary of the fine line between promoting your channel and honestly wanting to wake people up.
  2. @Focus Shift that episode is a gem and you can also find courses on quantum mechanics through the Great Courses if you wanna dive deeper technically. You can dive into the life and work of Neils Bohr who was, in my opinion, was among the greatest physicist of all time - and possibly a mystic. Definitely a philosopher first and a visionary. Einstein was too but came around rather late in the game imo - to mysticism - i don't think he wanted to let the limits of science go. Quantum entanglement was the straw that broke the camel's back and he called it "spooky action at a distance".
  3. We wouldn't call this a dream if it was fundamentally different. We would call it something else. It may seem so much more real. But you can become directly conscious that reality is made up of the same stuff as your night time dreams - aka nothing. It is happening nowhere. And everything in it is being held within your consciousness. In your Expanded Consciousness.
  4. @ir8221cu you must come full circle to embrace ego again. God is all states. There is no special state. You can be directly conscious that this is a hologram yet still fully immerse yourself in it. There can now be a lack of attachment and suffering should you so choose, because you are conscious of your true nature. The key is a seamless shifting between duality and non-duality. Remember and forget. It is the endless game God plays with Itself.
  5. Indeed - Divine Bliss! Perhaps because you were too busy Being it❤
  6. Infinity exists for itself as there is nothing outside of it. It is groundless. Yes this was tough for me to swallow when i became directly conscious i was nothing. Being groundless can be uncomfortable for the ego as it is its undoing. The Infinite must circle back and negate itself. Thus no difference between everything and nothing.
  7. @r0ckyreed quantum mechanics debunked materialism a long time ago - it's just that it is so radical most scientists today either aren't aware or turn a blind eye to the ramifications. What does your intuition tell you? Follow that and it should guide you to doing the consciousness work and discovering the Truth for yourself.
  8. Its just like a starting point - which is relative, of course... Your baseline level of consciousness will increase (hopefully) on its own even without meditation. That's just from years on this planet (in your particular finite form) - due to experience... Now consider the consciousness level of an ant compared to a is much lower relatively speaking - and probably not going to expand much.
  9. @StarStruck mayhap the "person" regrets enlightenment and NEVER EVER wants it to happen again.... Yet notice this as a paradox and observe the person as the illusion and enlightenment as the Truth. Now ponder this: Could an illusion regret being revealed as an illusion? But once its revealed as an illusion can it regret being revealed when its no longer an illusion?
  10. Keep going deeper. In a non-dual state of consciousness, consciousness will have realizations. That is because form and formless will be One. God realizes what it is. It is pure Infinity. It is not realizations of finite consciousness, it is realizations of Infinite Consciousness.
  11. Thanks - but I don't need to rely on anyone else's authority but you sure seem to.
  12. @James123 fyi you don't need 10 years of meditation - 2 weeks or 2 days can do it. I know from direct experience. But why would you be so close minded to absolutely say that psychedelics can't trigger it for those less spiritually gifted? Each partition of consciousness' path is different - i agree with some of what the other guys are saying..ultimately awakening happens when it is time for it to happen. One's baseline level of consciousness, degree of suffering - all of these things and more must be taken into consideration. But to absolutely conclude they are not useful tools is foolhardy for someone that is enlightened to proclaim.
  13. @Intraplanetary seems to me like you are pressing too hard...just relax and be. You may be going through a dark night of the soul type of phase where you are doubting your own mind and questioning the glimpses of awakening you are getting. This is normal and It will pass. Yes spirituality is a deconstructive process but at the same time it has to happen spontaneously and not come from a selfish desire of the ego... So relax. Be at peace. As you are doing your meditation practices one day it may happen out of the blue. And you shall awaken from this dream. Its all good either way. But as they say, before awakening chop wood, after awakening chop wood. You will ultimately return to the dream only now it will be magical and more wonderful than ever before. You will feel the Love of Oneness. So don't let spirituality take you down a path of isolation -- don't overthink stuff, and enjoy life!
  14. Ofocurse...we are way beyond the you..yes we are talking about Being. Language is limited. But Being IS. Nothing IS.
  15. You couldn't answer the question as i feared, and you are regurgitating other teachings. When you wanna describe your experience of nothing feel free. Simply said..this is nothing right here - but one must realize this by dying.
  16. @James123 and yet you are obsessed with teachings of Nothing. I am not doing that. I was the most skeptical of all... Answer me your moment of Nothing what happened? What was experienced?
  17. @Bacher it's real. Yeah realizing that it's real is the most epic thing ever. I remember when i had my first mystical experience. I called a friend of mine that was a psychic and exclaimed "holy shit you were right all along it's fucking real!!" To this day i don't think she understood because i realize now that she was a fake haha. She just said oh yeah how did you come to that conclusion?
  18. And from your posts you have yet to be come fully conscious that everything is nothing. You are still creating a duality between nothing and everything.
  19. @Johnathan Gautam careful not to turn this into a belief less you become lost in your own mind. Do the work then come back and let us know how you feel when you have awakened. - God
  20. Fox fired a bunch of folks so get ready.
  21. Yes. It is Inifnity. Any finite reason you give is but an aspect of the whole. Therefore it has nowhere to go but to BE. Aka Being. Being is Love. But that is total selflessness and total acceptance of everything.
  22. @Eren Eeager i can - yes because i know OCD like the back of my hand Just PM me