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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Yahtzee God is a Mastermind. You guys underestimate yourselves.
  2. If you had Infinite intelligence and knew how the game played out, frame by frame, would it still have the same context? Ponder that...
  3. The dream is pure subjectivity. The Absolute is that it is a dream.
  4. How do you know anything is anything? It requires enlightenment or the collapse of all duality. I once said the duality of everything and nothing is the final duality to collapse...but it may be the duality of concept and actuality. Being and knowing are one.
  5. That is how you should be. And you also seem open minded. How many hours have you spent doing self inquiry? If not a lot i recommend starting there. The recognition of no self is paramount.
  6. That is enlightenment not mahasamadhi or permanent enlightenment. The awakened mystic is not yet ready to collapse into Infinity.
  7. All that is finite and all that is distinct - (nirvana vs not nirvana) must be imagined into existence - for you are the Infinite. Should you become conscious enough, you could dissolve yourself (the illusion) into Yourself - infinity/Love forever.
  8. Have you pondered the possibility that because God is Infinite he could make himself limited to the point where he forgot he was God? The ability for total limitation is an expression of that omnipotence.
  9. Its the same thing. It is itself. You are yourself. Nowhere to go...that which you think was outside is inside.
  10. It can happen in 3 days or 20 years. All depends on your own life experience and baseline level of consciousness, intuition, how spirituality gifted you are and your levels of suffering. Also if you are asking the question and are looking at it as achievement be careful - the ego can seize that for itself and you will never reach it. You can't have a time-frame in the back of your mind. When you meditate you have to be completely present and collapse all thought - there is no time.
  11. No need for non-dual wars. @Holygrail my advice is to do the practices and discover directly.
  12. Not in your current state of consciousness or even in most awakened states. In most awakened states you are just God waking up to itself and realizing what the fuck is really going on.. Leo wasn't kidding when he said there are Infinite states much higher than the one you find yourself in now. Your current state of consciousness is there precisely so you wouldn't be able to make the wall disappear. If you could, you would not be able to experience this particular dream - it would just melt away.
  13. Its even more radical than that. Everyone else is within your imagination. Not just everyone else but everything. This can be verified in much higher, expanded states of consciousness.
  14. Well therein lies the problem. You just have to realize that you don't exist. It's a real bind.
  15. Remember this - its not the psychedelic that will awaken you - its you.
  16. @eggopm3 Extreme suffering works too - but i don't recommend it.
  17. When you realize you are God you will also be God simultaneously. You will have awoken from the dream.
  18. You don't get it yet. You will BE the Truth. You can't get any closer than that because you also can't escape yourself. So when you realize that - that you are Infinity - you will be infinity. And i mean actually realize it - not in theory - thus collapsing the duality of actuality and concept. You won't be able to miss yourself.
  19. If you are not conscious of your leg it ceases to exist.
  20. They are identical in theory. Ego death = non-dual state. in a non-dual state there is only Being which equals Infinity which equals Infinite Understanding which = Infinity. Infinity = God