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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Yup for sure haha.
  2. @Javfly33 ?❤ @Lyubov masterful insertion of humor!
  3. Who knows. It's more important that you don't get locked into one teacher and that's it. Stay loose and do the practices.
  4. What is being said in this post is beyond what Rupert is teaching to his students.
  5. The ego likes to introduce doubt. Pure Truth has no place for ego. So of course It is incredibly sneaky. Which is precisely why you haven't woke up yet. But it can deny it all it wants. The Truth is actual. The Truth is Absolute. You couldn't go back to materialism if you tried.
  6. Reality simply is itself. It is prior to how, when, why. An ego searches for a why for its own selfish reasons.. no one thing is favored over another. When this is realized actually, then that is Absolute Love. The Why with a capital W. . A pointer of course.
  7. Just stare at your hand for 1000 hours and something should click I'm being serious too. You won't find answers here, not really. It has to become actual for you. The finger pointing to the moon is not the moon.
  8. Where did Infinity come from? Itself. Yes you can have an empty formlessness . And you as Infinity can remain in that forever...until you have an idea....
  9. It's because it's possible. Because there cannot not be stuff. There is no limitations on anything. Form bursts from Formlessness because of the lack of limitation. Every possibility is free to actualize. Try not having thoughts for a while.
  10. @Leo Gura great stuff.
  11. Whenever I hit a wall with something i step away from it for a while to clear my mind. Although that can be difficult and it is something I've only recently got better at
  12. You exist as soon as it is imagined. God creates on the fly. It is beautiful but right now for you it's just a bunch of stories, maps, or fingers pointing to the moon. It's not actual. So perhaps take a step away from spirituality for a while and then come back to it naturally and do the practices from a place of curiosity not desperation. You have your whole life. Maybe focus on personal development a while.
  13. Depending on where one's baseline consciousness is, and how open minded, awakening can happen with self inquiry alone - I would like to see Leo emphasize this a bit more. There may be spiritually gifted folks out there that don't even know it yet. So yeah it is not always necessary to do a complete deconstruction of paradigms - depending on how tightly they are held -because meditation and self inquiry into the self (which is a form of deconstruction but of the self) can trigger a profound mystical experience that will shatter previous paradigms on its own. Or at least encourage them to delve into the teachings here in a serious way. But perhaps since most normies are not gonna have mystical experiences via meditation it wasn't worth discussing in more depth with the time allotted. You gotta remember he had a limited amount of time with which to work.
  14. Yes. It must be genuine. The map is not the territory
  15. It takes compassion and selflessness towards others to actually awaken and only THEN is it realized that all others were actually held within your mind all along - the Mind of God. And God drowns in its own Love for Itself.. Oneness is not realized through selfishness.
  16. Maybe you had the realization that @Gabith as whole, the self, is merely an idea or a concept. It is shocking. But you can also realize that what remains is God and Love. That you are God and that you are Infinite Love. So death is a very powerful illusion. Of course the only thing now that keeps us in this form is our attachments and fear of formlessness or going to another form. (The conceptual death of @Gabith) But so what? Once you have realized God and Love you will be deeply conscious that this fear is illusory and that you can remain in this form for as long as you choose. Hold on as long as you want. After which you will melt into Divine Love forever.
  17. @Gabith have you had deep awakenings or is this just something you have conceived in your mind after listening to spiritual teachings?
  18. Exactly I totally did not expect it to go that deep that fast but you handled it well with the time you probably flew over a lot of heads though.
  19. @traveler yeah it gets better and more powerful as it goes on.....
  20. I'm not all the way through but this is epic.
  21. @herghly it seems like you kinda have that sense now of non-dual awareness and lucidity- similar to when you are a lucid in a dream.. your consciousness expanded from the break through. Why does being lucid have to be a negative - it's a wonderful meta awareness to have. If you worry about it then you will anxiety about it. But if you just let the thoughts go and flow with being in the moment it should allow you to adjust and slip back into duality naturally. So just relax and be. Enjoy the ride and everything will fall into place. Try not to label it as a negative. If you find yourself meta aware than that's awesome.
  22. It's about becoming conscious of your own Infinitude - that you have no beginning or end.
  23. God is still manifesting through form. But in these states there is no ego or thought which is finite.