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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Stages can be valuable though - until they are not. One awakening is not going to do it. It takes a lot of awakenings and then a lot of integration afterwards. And then even then your consciousness can deepen. It can do that for infinity. But when you do become conscious of Oneness it's done. Talking about it with others or trying to enlighten them becomes entertainment right away - at that point its just God becoming more conscious of itself.
  2. Right all language is finite. If you are truly God Realized it's done. All of this- this forum - stages of development- all of it - is just for entertainment. Teaching others is entertainment. That's it.
  3. That is actually correct. That's why I dislike the phrase direct experience it's not Total enough. Being is King. But Being is as direct as you can get because there is no you. So when we say direct experience that is what is implied.
  4. Dude you're all over the place and not making any sense. Take a chill pill.
  5. Go back to the drawing board bud! If you still think there is someone that gets enlightened and then sees the enlightenment of others then you have much more to go! And no - you don't go back to suffering because there is no one to suffer
  6. Yeah I can't speak a lot on psychedelics obviously but I do think one does need a certain level of conceptual framework to help ground them - such as the metaphysical videos Leo puts out - I haven't seen any of yours but it is great to meet you -- and will want to be at a certain baseline level of consciousness/maturity as they begin doing the spiritual practices - be they psychedelics or meditation. Otherwise they may not have these realizations at all or be able to properly integrate thereafter. But by the same token too much concept can be counterproductive so just the right mix is needed of course. Keep in mind a lot of what is said here when Absolute Infinity or God is mentioned is simply pointers to the Absolute. But often times I see a lot of people confuse the map with the territory or are bothered by the use of these pointers as if we are trying to capture the Absolute with words. So its a delicate balance.
  7. That was said because it is precisely true but not the you that you are thinking of.. and a bubble is just an idea..There is only what is actual in your direct experience. When you look at your hand that is actual. Or the wall. That is actual. But what can happen if you stare at your hand long enough is that the subject / object can collapse. There never really was a subject (you) staring at an object there was just pure actuality itself or isness. That is what you are - not a person looking at a hand. That is all thought or imagination. It is being imagined that you are a person with a name and a backstory just as it is being imagined that there are others with names and back stories. if there wasn't a self there wasn't other either.
  8. Myself and a lot of the mods here encourage meditation and self inquiry - so not sure you can say that as a general statement...I have never done psychedelics in my life. Now granted, I can make a Buddha dance in a few minutes too. So I don't know if that's the case for everyone here. If psychedelics can get them there faster then all the better. But yeah a lot of us stress meditation and self inquiry here
  9. @Thought Art take it up a meta level. It's not you as a small self alone in a universe. That is all dualistic and being imagined. It's Total. You are the Universe itself as in Reality itself. It's so freaking Total there is no self to be alone or to even say you are the Universe. You ARE. Direct experience is king of course. Yeah i guess it's easy to get confused and think he's talking about the finite "human" self maybe...
  10. You could say it's inevitable because of the nature if Infinity which will actualize possibilities onto Infinity. But I prefer to think of it as potential. Just like you dream. Your potential isn't just limited to that one dream. The next night you can dream a whole different universe with different beings/creatures etc. Ad infinitum. So God isn't limited to this game/dream per se.
  11. @Thought Art a good analogy to grasp what he is saying is to think of it like a video game with only ONE player. As this one player you are currently playing the character of @Thought Art. But there is the potential to play any of the other characters in the game. In this analogy the game would be Universal Mind.
  12. Precisely. Like you said that is the way God Consciousness can be accessed via meditation. Of course the most gifted may spontaneously hit God Consciousness without stopping the mind at all.
  13. The ego doesnt accept it because the ego only has meaning if it is contrasted with "other" it exists in imagination along with other duality. When one has this particular awakening (and this was the case for me) the mind opens up and it is literally shown to you directly (God showing itself really) that you are completely alone as God. It's jawdropping, like a curtain just lifts. And you just want to run and hide because it's so shocking. You want to run and hide but there is no where to go because everything and everyone, all of it, is you. It's probably the single biggest mindfuck I have ever experienced. It's something else. But when you come back to ego consciousness it's no longer direct and the ego doesn't see Oneness it sees itself and everyone else!!
  14. Episode 3 pop squad is good...goes to show that being immortal is not all its cracked up to be
  15. Also I would add that even though there is no one to teach - it's just something your literally becomes real as you are imagining it and you are fully conscious on a meta level of what's going on so it's all good. It also took me a while to deepen how I was literally creating reality on the fly. It's so fucking powerful...but my point is that there is a certain pay off God gets for imagining it is teaching and awakening sorta gets to amplify/deepen and experience it's own Love for Itself via its own imagination. It's a win win for God.
  16. @SQAAD if you can do sauna sessions and then go into a cold plunge or a cold pool that is even better than cold showers.
  17. Agreed. One must be careful not to miss out on the beauty of creation itself and fully experiencing that creation. They would be in a sense, only denying the creative part of themselves.
  18. When death is imagined to exist it exists because imagination literally is reality. So of course we will be sad because we are imagining its real and so it becomes - but awakened folks can also shift their awareness to a meta level in which they are conscious that this is a dream. They are aware of their own attachments to the dream.
  19. Right the imaginary or illusory self dissolves as you become directly conscious that it was a fiction or that it was never actual. And what is left is pure Actuality.
  20. @AnthonyR that was beautiful man, and beautifully written as well.. as I was reading it I could literally feel how things just came alive for you, blossoming with life and love - each distinct part blooming into a whole universe in itself. That is the beautiful nature of Infinity.
  21. Consciousness can never be described as anything other than itself. Because saying its one thing over another is finite, and held within Consciousness. Consciousness IS! And what IS Isness? Well that takes awakening. Language cannot go any farther.
  22. @Terell Kirby keep going. God realization isn't a maybe. But you're on the right track in terms of this is Universal Mind imagining everything. That's one awakening you can have in which Consciousness expands beyond human levels and it is realized that all beings/objects, etc, including yourself, are being held within Mind and that it is your Mind. Not as the ego but as God.
  23. Let's be honest with ourselves. If you are working on getting big muscles it's typically for vanity reasons. There is the occasion where senior citizens work out to strengthen themselves purely for health reasons. But they aren't looking to get big just to strengthen. This can be the case for younger adults too - but by and large people wanna get bigger and stronger for vanity reasons not for health reasons even though those come along with. As was stated, it doesn't have to be a bad thing- as everything is purely relative. But should be recognized. This is not to discourage weight lifting its awesome! And If you are working out with weights purely for health reasons that's fine I'm just stating what is typically the case...even those who do it for health only may find themselves flexing in the mirror...