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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Isness is Total, thus much more satisfying then seeing something partial like a face... Infinity has a self reference problem - it cannot reach outside of itself to see itself because there is nothing outside of it. But it IS itself!! And that my friend, is Infinite Love! Who needs to see something partial when they got the whole thing? No, they ARE the whole thing
  2. An eye cannot see itself- it simply IS itself ?
  3. Nice insight. Here's a mindfuck...yes you can. Your hand IS your face! There is no difference other than in your imagination haha.
  4. If you go deep enough you can see that this starts to break down. Because if "you" were to have an awakening in which there was the collapse all dualities you will be totally One. His consciousness wouldn't then collapse into yours if he was actually separate from you. It would if he was never separate from you to begin with but rather there was only the illusion of separation. @AdamR95 good insights yeah Infinity will skullfuck you
  5. @yannick very messed up man. I read a few of the testimonials on the website.- the 2nd one was seems like there is definitely mind control and manipulation going on there...and the dude seems like a wacked out narcissist lost in his own world. Good job getting your ass out of there.
  6. That is the proper way to approach this As long as you have that type of mindset where you don't just take our word for anything..because then it can sneakily turn into a belief. But yes, self/other is a duality that can collapse with an awakening.
  7. Yes It's the unified understanding that it is all One. The desire for Mahāsamādhi is still creating a duality. But awakening in itself is not an illusion. Rather it is realizing that the "dream" is Absolute Truth .
  8. That is false. You can fully awaken from the dream without harming the physical body. There is nowhere to go but back into the dream, but you can fully awaken.
  9. Yes that's why I placed it in the relative because the specific things that matter are directly relative to that finite being and what matters to that finite beings survival. In this case his mother's death would most likely pain him deeply and have widespread consequences on his own survival and well being. Notice this isn't a problem it's a feature. On An Absolute level it is all Absolute Love because there is no difference between anything as reality is Infinite and Selfless with a complete lack of bias towards anything because it is all things and there is nothing that can be outside of it.
  10. That means you are choosing one thing over another. If it were meaningless then it would make no difference if she drowned or not..That's the point I was trying to make. I'm not debating that Absolutely speaking nothing matters I'm speaking relatively.
  11. Are you saying its also OK to let her drown?
  12. That's fine but that's still a meta perspective. I'm talking more literally. I'll give you an example. If your mother is drowning in a pool is it going to matter to you to go in and save her or are you just going to say nothing really matters and let her die? If you jump in and save her that's because it mattered to you.
  13. In order for one to manipulate material reality they already have to be conscious enough to realize any other human in the world doing such things would also be their imagination. This goes very deep - and must be Total. It would take extremely radical levels of consciousness- to the point where if you could do it at all - at that point it would lose all would be like going into developer mode on your personal video game and then going back into the game as the player. So it would mean nothing other than an entertaining experiment. You would then need to fool yourself via imagination once back as the player and forget you modified the game as the game master. Of course Leo is already at the level where he is conscious on an Absolute level that this is just his own playground so it would probably work out great. .
  14. Yeab andl one must be careful not to conflate the relative with the Absolute. Relatively speaking things matter. As Leo pointed out, there are consequences. Things matter relatively speaking. That's an important distinction to make so that we don't misunderstand this work. And even Absolutely speaking nothing matters circles back around to Infinite Love.
  15. Yes real/imaginary is a duality that can collapse. What this means is what is imagined is real, and what is real is imagined.....for YOU. That's the key..for you. It still seems you are thinking in terms of some objective reality. Self/Other is also a duality that can collapse. When we say these dualities collapse we are being 100% literal. So one can say - oh yeah real/imaginary and self/other are dualities..yeah got it..not a big deal. But the problem is they don't got it. If you did you would probably be on the floor whimpering over the magnitude of the realization...Collapsing these dualities happens at the level of Being not concept. And even after that these are such radical awakenings that it takes months and sometimes years to integrate. But one needs to start by doing the spiritual practices. I see you on here a lot asking questions about the most advanced topics but have you ever bothered to do the work? Things such as meditation, self inquiry, deconstruction of the mind and more specifically the materialist paradigm. It's also important to get a metaphysical foundation before you even bother trying to tackle some of these questions. It's like you are trying to put the cart before the horse. Videos in actualized catalog such as Absolute Infinity and what is perception are very good. All of this stuff connects. Feel free to PM and I can give you a list of some of the ones I recommend specifically for helping you awake.
  16. Like you said before - it's all just One. The finger is the hand Form is formlessness
  17. I thought the same thing but then figured maybe he meant reality as in universe with a small "u"
  18. Nice Because no state of Consciousness is special or should be glorified . This is paramount to understand. You are God right now. You are in a finite state of consciousness but you are Truth and Consciousness right now. No difference. And it's just as glorious. This is it. Now yes there are more expanded states of consciousnes which you could call God Consciousness - and can have the Realization of Truth. But it should not be chased or glorified because that turns into ego.
  19. The greatest gift God can share with itself is the realization of itself.
  20. We can throw answers at you but I don't think it will do anything productive. This is something you can get an answer to but much further down the path. Just spitting out answers at the stage you are in won't make any sense to you anyway. This is getting into the deepest levels. If I were just starting in the path I would start at the beginning. Begin with meditation and self inquiry into the self. The answers to all questions need to be validated directly. But if you dissolve the self it opens doors to deeper levels and realizations on the path. We don't want this stuff to turn into beliefs.