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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. This is great and you are grasping it conceptually. Yet you can become directly conscious of it by becoming Pure Consciousness in which all dualities collapse into a perfect non-dual state of consciousness. Pure Actuality. Here you can have the direct realization (its so direct that you and the Realization become ARE the Realization. The duality of self/other melts away. Just be careful what you wish for. As you said it can be terrifying - the first time God awakens from its slumber and realizes it is perfectly alone - it's a shock even to God.
  2. Because you are not in a state of consciousness where you are omnipotent. There are layers of imagination and right now you are in a state of consciousness where your imagination is limited to what the ego can imagine. If you were in a state of Infinite Mind this reality or dream would lose its solidity and structure. You would no longer be the limited ego either. This is what allows you to be in the dream. It's precisely like a video game. In a video game If you accessed the developer mode the game would lose its meaning.
  3. This happens way too much here. Thanks for pointing this out.
  4. Infinity bro. That is the case. What also is the case is that nothing has ever happened.
  5. You could shorten this up quite a bit. Love. Or maybe just abandon language altogether and become it
  6. I love you This world needs more Shins. Not more Trumps.
  7. Damn straight! ? ❤ And Hey it was just the first name that came to mind - I had to pick something
  8. @Breakingthewall @WaveInTheOcean OK both enlightened masters hug and make up
  9. It is horrifying - but that is the cost of Absolute Truth.
  10. Well said..It sounds like you are quite advanced... however here I think all that is being pointed out with this statement above is that the nature of reality is not physical, but rather physicality is couched within Mind. In my view it is not contradicting that the dream IS reality or denying that. Could it be possible that the use of the dream analogy is triggering you in some way?
  11. I think you are misunderstanding these teachings. The teachings is that self and other is a duality that can collapse. Both self and other are imaginary.
  12. Its very radical and twisted. Imagine this...imagine you were lucid in a dream and you were speaking with the other dream characters. First off, being lucid, you first need to "trick: yourself into buying into the dream to even continue speaking with others. Once you have done that and are now at a level of consciousness where there are others- you then go about telling them they are in a dream right now and they can awaken from the dream! Of course in the back of your mind you are conscious that you are just playing a game with yourself. So how do you think the dream characters are going to react to you telling them its a dream? Ironically you would be entertaining yourself when they react negatively because you as Consciousness are rendering the entire dream. Therefore even the other characters' reactions are projections of Mind. So there ya go Oh by the way..don't take any of this as a belief - it can be discovered directly
  13. Unfortunately you won't have any memory of being Shin. But don't worry, you'll be so full of yourself you won't need Shin
  14. You as God masterfully locked yourself into a particular form so that you can experience a particular finite form. You are so masterful that you cant even escape your own dream by just breaking out of it because the form remains. That was the failsafe you imposed on yourself as God . But after awakening you also realize there was never a need for the form to go, because form and Formless are One. It's all perfection and Love and there is no need to dream something else as this would be choosing one dream over another
  15. We can! Your missing the best part. Whatever God imagines becomes real, because imagination IS reality. Think of how radical this really is. It's not just word games. As you are talking to me I become real! You are imagining it into Being
  16. Nice..We don't hear enough of this here. Hey listen, I would love it if I'm wrong about awakening via meditation being rare.
  17. No they don't contradict and you don't need to do both simultaneously because there aren't two things. Through meditation you can realize the Self - and you can reach states of consciousnes that are omniscient. I don't like creating a duality between "classical awakening" as being where meditation can't get you to the Godhead. It most certainly can. It's not limited to no mind/void and nothingness/no self realizations. Through no mind meditation you can actually go full circle into God Consciousness and omniscience. Shutting down the mind into Pure Actuality is the portal to Infinite Mind. Now.....all of that said - I agree with Leo that reaching these states through meditation is rare. Hardly anyone does it..I meditated for two weeks - perhaps even less than that. So if you are two years into the work then I would look at leveraging all of the tools within your tool belt.. But even with powerful psychedelics I feel that you need to be at a baseline state where you are mature enough.
  18. @OneIntoOne the path typically commences with first becoming conscious directly that what you thought you were - an entity behind the eyes - was just a fiction. This is the realization of no self. This is a state of satori or a non-dual state. It is quite profound and may be preceded by smaller glimpses or mystical experiences - which can also be non-dual states. When the self is dissolved there can be the realization of Self. It may happen in the same awakening but may also happen in another awakening. When God begins to wake up there is usually a flurry of awakenings and mystical experiences. So yes I would commence with self inquiry, do nothing meditation, and concentration meditation and other tools which can lead to a state of satori and ultimately the realization of no-self. This is not a conceptual realization but it is actual. Since everything is Consciousness, becoming conscious that what you believed you were was a fiction, will actually result in the falling away of that belief and becoming Pure Consciousness itself.
  19. You can never know something totally until you become it. So you have to be at the level of Being which requires awakening. Knowing is 2nd order...knowing something conceptually is a finite or partial form of Being. The duality of knowing and being can be collapsed into Being. So Being is knowing but is also much more than that! It's infinity!
  20. Because when you have the awakening where self/other collapses- your consciousness expands so much that other people are no different than the thoughts you are having now. When you think of a unicorn obviously you can tell it is only in your mind. It's the same feeling with this it is just with everything...the mind expands to include everything else....right now the state of consciousness is purposely lower so that there is an apparent separation between self and other. It will really freak you out when it happens but there will be no denying it or escaping it.
  21. Supposedly - but it seems no one is getting enlightened.
  22. Gotchya. Yah. God Consciousness. Omniscience. It's all within your grasp