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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. The difference between God being asleep and awake has nothing to do with mattering or not.
  2. Do I think this or am I participating in the comic play? ?
  3. With regards to Adeptus, again relatively speaking, this would be of no help to him because he must first discover the duality before transcending it. He must first discover that physical reality exists within Consciousness and there is nothing independent of Mind.
  4. No you are conflating the absolute with the relative here...yes he is God tricking himself into believing he is a human. As am I. He is me.. It's all entertainment but within the context of the dream is where my post comes from.
  5. Adeptus will do anything to confirm his own biases. Until he has a genuine awakening he will be stuck in materialism.
  6. Exacrly. This is a dream by an infinite Mind. Doesn't it amaze you sometimes when you wake up from a highly detailed dream how you were playing a character in that dream and things were happening around you which made perfectly logical sense - there was cause and effect and it appeared like there was an objective reality with things happening behind the scenes somewhere, only for you to wake up and realize that it was all in YOUR mind and being created by you the whole time? Well, wakey wakey - it's all being imagined by you as God..not the human ego mind but Infinite Mind
  7. It's threatening to the finite self. It's threatening to the illusion, and the illusion must remain at all costs
  8. Wise words indeed It becomes an ego thing or selfishness. You don't dissolve the self via selfishness.
  9. And so what are those reasons? Do you feel Gura goes outside the spiritual box in terms of knowing vs not knowing? I'm just curious...
  10. Indeed. The duality of benefits vs no benefits is transcended or collapsed. Thus when returning to a state where there is a possibility for benefits one now has a meta perspective. The perspective in which they are aware that all benefits are imaginary. The wonderful thing about this is that birth and death are maginary too.
  11. It sounds like kundalini. Was it also a blissful/dissolving feeling that you can't really describe with words or put your finger on?
  12. @IAmReallyImportant You seem a bit too caught up in the teachings but just my POV of course...yes questioning is what it's about...but there wouldn't have been a need to bring up a critique of Acutalized if there wasn't some bias there or trigger..anyway ..nothing wrong with that it's relative but don't let it distract you...both Ralston and Gura are wise men but it's not about the wise men themselves or their teachings- it is about what is being pointed to - Absolute Truth. much love Oh as for Gura's videos - yeah his old stuff is the best. No one can sustain that level forever. Plus all the early spirituality videos were on the facets of the Absolute...If you wanna wake up go listen to the very first video he made on enlightenment while meditating and watch it through the first 4
  13. ?? Not knowing is different from a book about it
  14. Yes. Forget all that you learned about spirituality and enlightenment..and Just perform self inquiry with no ulterior motives.
  15. Well said. And to your point, yes there are actually mystical states of consciousness that are accessible but, and here is the key distinction, not by the ego. So there is truth in the claim that an ego seeking awakening for egoic purposes will never reach such states of consciousness. That is simply because the ego does not reach these states. (It cannot because it is the finite state itself which dissolves) They are void of ego. Saying these states are better is also ego and stated from the dualistic state of consciousness. From within a non-dual state of consciousness there is only isness.
  16. @WaveInTheOcean couple points - i don't think that video Leo did on omniscience was a conflation of the finger and the moon or the map and the territory...rather it was to point out that God is not just Nothingness as some traditions preach. It is Infinity. That said I am the first to point out that I don't feel like it's an axis going in two separate directions. If you quiet the ego mind (no mind) you can become Infinite Mind. And this can be done via meditation as I can directly validate. Psychedelics just cut to the chase from what I have read (never had the need to try them).
  17. And thus jealousy is an illusion - so it you discover your wife cheated on ya - well its just part of the story you are creating. God loves drama! Where as before you discovered Truth it would cause you a world of suffering- also an illusion. God is the master magician.