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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. At this rate is the key word. There is no certainty that any of this will come to pass. So why get worked up over it. It's just your thoughts running wild. I get caught up in it too and let me tell you it's just not worth your health.
  2. @Hardkill dude you are going to run yourself into the ground like this. Take a chill pill. There is no reason to feel hopeless. Remember the perfection of reality. It is evolving perfectly and precisely how it should. Everything will work itself out. There is no reason to despair or feel hopeless. If you get bent out of shape just take a break and reset. Nothing is worth your mental health.
  3. @r0ckyreed this is kinda silly. Woke or enlightened has little to do with the price of groceries. And spirituality aside both parties are far from tier 2 in their own way so if you think that letting the left win this term is going to drastically change the course of history I got news for you it's probably going to advance society further to let it take its natural course and let Orange completely peak.
  4. @Davino great work and congrats on outgrowing this place especially at such a young age. Much congrats keep it up and keep growing and evolving. You're going to do great things. I understand where you are and this is something that should he embraced. Good luck sir.
  5. He's basically saying that all of these words aren't IT. Truth is ineffable. However to say there is no one to know it isn't quite true. The reality it is knowable via Being it or becoming it. Don't worry this was an ongoing argument with @James123 and he was banned and reinstated after many years. The point is there isn't a self to know Truth but there is a Self - which is Nothing. That can become it.
  6. You can know that 2+2=4 but when was the first time that you directly (actually) realized and understood for yourself that 2+2=4? Notice that one is concept while one is actual. Both are of the same reality but one is sort of the thought afterwards and not direct Being. This is a duality that yet too must ultimately break down, but not until you first grasp the difference can they become indifferent.
  7. It's interesting to say the least. I see your perspective on this and it is highly valued. Wow I just sounded like AI there! AI is completely objective so supplementing the forum with this could provide some value but if we have to rely on AI to govern us than perhaps we have to look in the mirror.
  8. Great points. Seems like a very narrow view to make the lines so black and white. But guys politics has nothing do with how awake you are or whether you are a mystic and discovered Absolute Trurh or have had mystical experiences or not. All of this stuff, politics included, is relative and exists within the realm of duality. The truly wise Being will know that things are very elastic and one particular stance, viewpoint, or otherwise does not define a person. The key thing with duality is impermanence and there is nothing Absolute about it whatsoever other than it is Absolute Truth. Like the paradox there? Spiral dynamics is just a model. What stage you are at is very, very relative. It only matters if you assign it value.
  9. Fact checking is good but AI isnt always right there either. Also I think a little bias and emotion is healthy within reason because it keeps the human element alive.. If you want to use AI it will basically expose our biases because it just goes on facts and not emotion though it does try to convey that it grasps when there is an emotional issue at hand. But that's mostly because of the data it's been fed. So it's good for expanding our perspectives in many regards however using it full time might make the place dull. If it was constantly monitoring us it would feel like Big Brother was watching and moderating but in this case a robotic Big Brother far more intelligent than us...and we would try to adhere it it's standards...that's fine but again we could be sacrificing the very thing that makes us human. Emotion!
  10. You're getting wiser by the minute @Scholar. If you were lucid dreaming what would you do? You would apply your own would get lost in the game/dream. So now my friend it's time to lose yourself again- but with a silver lining... You now have the fallback of knowing it's all a game. So when things get too stressful and too real you can always fall back on knowing the fact that its all a dream. But what makes it so juicy is that it is real to you. You haven’t gotten to that type of awakening yet but when you do it will be glorious and very much meaningful my friend.
  11. It's going to be really interesting how this plays out...don't you hate how things take so takes forever to play out! If only we had a looking glass and could see the future..that would be a trip!
  12. I wish I could stay up all night and sleep all day 😀
  13. Kamala looks like she's going alright...out the door....
  14. Let's hear your thoughts. Right now based on the current level of development and where we are, can Trump do more for the economy and the security of the nation than Harris? Right now I'd have to say yes. I've been on the fence for months until I saw the Joe Rogan interview and got to know Trump more as a person. The left has been trying to portray him as a Hitler for so long now and demonize the guy but he has already had four years in office and I don't think another four is going to turn him into Adolf. If we are looking at the short term (the now) who is really going to pump energy into this nation? I think ultimately it's going to be Trump. We've had 4 years of mediocrity and honestly it hasn't been enough. We'll get 4 more years of the exact same thing if we vote Harris. Plus with Harris we aren't getting an authentic Harris we are getting her goons. She will be another figurehead. We will get wide open borders and we will get crazy inflation (over the span of 4 years - I know it is dipping now). And we will probably get more wars or leaders that have no respect for the US. Leo admits that Harris doesn't think for herself but he still wants to go with the democrats because he thinks they are a safer bet and fears Trump's insanity, and that he will become a dictator, yet what if these fears are an illusion? I believe the guy when he says he has nothing to do with project 2025. What if going with the "safe" bet is an illusion and instead leaves you with a nation in a worse state than it was 4 years ago? Something to think about. So let's hear your thoughts.
  15. If i may. God is the master of Deception. Now you can attribute this to the Devil, but if we're talking non-duality, which we can actually discover to be what is actual, then we can see that the Devil and God are one being. So we can see now that the master of Deception is the one who indeed ushers in the word of Truth. The moral of the story is that the Master of Deception is able to use anything in his power to sneak in Truth. And you have no idea from moment to moment what he is using. He could be using Trump or he could be using Harris. Here we have to go with our gut. But I can assure you this: God always has a plot twist. He's the best writer you ever met.
  16. Sounds very familiar over in the spiritual forum when we say we can't make you wake up you have to do that for yourself. "I'd love to awaken you but I can't do that." So I guess you come from a place of love ❤️
  17. You're not on the shit list for disagreeing with the masses. You're always very respectful.
  18. Don't rule yourself out of that equation then. Keeping Harris in could be the same mistake. It's something that is yet to happen. What your describing is something after the fact.
  19. The risk of that possibility is extremely low. What is much more probable is another four years of this abominable crap. So I'd rather take my chances. Just saying.
  20. It's really sad that you have to wish bad things on people that want to vote with the hopes of a better nation in mind. It actually makes the democrats look devilish.
  21. It's more that the economy will get better, inflation will decrease, income tax will go down and we will have stronger borders. To me getting office will solidify this while keeping Kamala in office will prevent this. It's not about him being a dictator or anything like that because he wasn't four years ago.
  22. It's fair and that's what I wanted in this thread. Ultimately I wanted someone to talk me out of changing my mind and voting for Trump on Tuesday. I can't say I'm there but you made a strong argument. You attacked his character which I know is flawed for sure and why I turned towards Harris initially. I just don't know If its enough though and I don't know if it's enough for the country. We want change just as we wanted it in 2016. This is going to be a nail biter
  23. The real question of the day is whether or not the sandwich was peanut butter, or peanut butter and jelly To me - Jelly changes the whole deal. It promotes a much sloppier politics. I believe in a politics where napkins aren't needed.