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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. What's different about this one?
  2. What about your free will video. We have very little control over this dream even though we are dreaming it. Even Musk has little control he's just going on ego.
  3. I wasn't in the camps. If in four years you really think your suffering was equivalent to the holocaust victims then we can make that comparison.
  4. The thing you missed in your blog post is that if the politician even was conscious of the choice you proposed that would be something in of itself. If they were even aware and conscious that they were selling their soul. The sad reality is that none of them are even aware of anything outside of their current perspective. Otherwise they would be awake. Otherwise they would have a meta perspective. So I know you're trying to enlighten some folks about this - but honestly it falls on deaf ears. And the attack on voters - well - yes most of them are very ignorant. But those that have explored different perspectives- they may still come to the conclusion that a change was needed, for survival purposes, that doesn't necessarily mean a deal with the Devil. Because maybe if you really, really look things holistically, you would see that survival and the advancement of society can in fact be One. It just may be very deceptive on the surface as to how that plays out. Meaning long term it ended up being the best thing that could have happened. As opposed to something that seemed obvious at the beginning but led to a possibility that would have even further extended overall growth of the human race.
  5. Yeah but it's like those early guys that were into science too and look what happened. They got excommunicated. You guys should like at how many centuries it took for the Catholic church to lose control to science. Most scientists who challenged the Catholic church were isolated or killed. Same thing now. You have to fly under the radar if you are going to push a more advanced agenda. It's just the way it is right now. Eventually things just happen on their own.
  6. Its really about just waiting for the right to implode. Either they will implode or some outside circumstance will bring them down. There will be a downturn somewhere and then the democrats will be there to pick up the pieces.
  7. For one thing inflation went though the roof. And I agree that inflation can't fully be blamed on the Biden administration. But their last stimulus package was not necessary by most economists and in fact led to an increase in inflation overall. So there's that. Unemployment was down but without a good economy that really doesn't matter much.
  8. Thing is what will the democrats and Harris do? If the current four years were abysmal for the population what's to say the next four years won't be? She stood up and said she wouldn't do anything different. This did her in unfortunately.
  9. Maybe another pandemic will come along. Otherwise you're screwed.
  10. It's probably going to be a while though. The left has suffered a knockout that will most likely last a decade or perhaps more. That's because of their own stupidity and lack of adaptability.
  11. It's very true actually. But yes the Self with a capital S is all that you are left with. That doesn't contradict Buddishm.
  12. There need not be anything behind the scenes because it's happening on the fly. Reality doesn't need a backstory or something happening higher than the human ego. It's creating everything on the fly because it doesn't need it. The current frame you are experiencing holds everything.
  13. Infinity doesn't require it to happen behind the scenes. But if your Consciousness elevates enough, both self and other will dissipate. There will just be pure Consciousness or Pure Awareness without a self. That will show you that it's all within your own mind.
  14. But you're still awareness. The thing that thought up this whole thing.
  15. You need an awakening. You are God dreaming up everything. It's no different than a dream and you can become completely lucid. But it requires awakening. So everything else is just chatter.
  16. @WonderSeeker the reason is the economy and survival. Whether true or not the perception was that a new President could bring about a better economy. Ultimately. The people want a better economy for survival purposes.
  17. Can you see Trump meditating? Haha. He's as shallow as you get. He just won't get there. He won't get to the next level when it comes to spirituality. And he won't awkaen. If he did he probably would abandon everything he's ever worked for. It would wipe out his entire identity. So he's not gonna be willing to ever go there. But this goes for 99% of humanity and all of those in the political spectrum. So don't put this all on Trump.
  18. The time will come again. We are at a deep peak of stage Orange and we have to see it through
  19. Because he was willing to give his life for what he believed. I read his autobigraphy years ago when I was still reading. He was fearless. He was beyond a man.
  20. It's not game over for mankind don't listen to him on that. You have to start thinking for yourself in certain aspects. Mankind is going through a proper evolution process. It will ultimately advance to a higher level. But through the growing process there will be times where you will want to give up. This is part of the growth. Leo is hundreds of years ahead of most human beings in both spirituality and many other things such as politics. But that doesn't mean that mankind won't catch up it is just going to take a while. Beyond our lifetime. But it's OK. It's no.reason to cast such a negative view on mankind. It will progess at its own pace.
  21. Awaken.
  22. Nowhere to go but up @Hardkill look at it holistically- sometimes you have to get worse to get better in the big picture. Thats how society works sometimes.
  23. @Leo Gura that's right and you have to lose the belief that anything is going to change overnight. That's how it is today. But it's not how it always will be. Eventually it will change.