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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. I think when it is said here that you are God people can fall into the trap that there ego is all there is and that the ego is the only state of consciousness that there is. While yes, it is God in finite form - (so to say you are not God is not correct either..) it can expand to be Infinite. (Infinite Consciousness or God Consciousness) so God is You means that that you can expand - or better put, the ego state can die or fall away giving rise to Infinite Mind
  2. That's the point. You cannot grasp reality with the ego mind because you ARE it. Which is why all the spiritual teachings tell you to meditate by quieting the mind from all thought and to stop using the mind to capture reality. Your trying to point back at yourself and you can't do it. It's the self reference problem.
  3. You mean the you who is a concept, not God. I was pointing you towards the Absolute and you are speaking in the relative. Relatively yes there is a past. You see? Within the dream there is a you who has a past.
  4. Your imagining that! But yes imagining is reality. So I'm not saying I don't have compassion for the millions of jews who died during the Holacaust. I do. I'm just conscious that I am imagining the entire thing as God. It doesn't mean within the context of the dream you don't imagine it's real - thus collapsing rhe duality between real and imaginary. No, you do because otherwise the dream would end!
  5. Not lying just imagining...I'm pointing you towards waking up from the dream. If you wanna stay in the dream stay in it
  6. Yes. There is just Being or Actuality. (You could say pure experience). There is no you or experiencer. All of that is imaginary or conceptual. Thus there cannot be one who has a past.
  7. Ofcourse. But Consciousness is mystical you cannot pin it down with language so I'm not sure what that has to do with the thread. If your trying to claim that the past happened, I mean..your imagining it or dreaming it up RIGHT NOW. So we are back to that. If you want to say it happened you could say that it was dreamed up but that is not quite right because it implies it was dreamed up in the past. You are dreaming a past right now.
  8. This is hard to swallow but you know what I am going to say about this. And I'm Jewish. . But reality is indeed a Mind. And this is a dream.
  9. Well actually all that exists is what is actual. If I look back at the first word then it exists if I don't it is not actual.
  10. I can see how language starts to quickly break down here because "now" is prior to language or concept/thought. It's something that you ARE or IS (pure Being). @WokeBloke look at it like ARE the now. That is your true nature. Then the "now" begins to imagine it is something that has a past, present and a future. But technically calling it now is just a mere pointer because past present/now and future all fall away when you become the actual now, which is not the now. Lol.
  11. As a finite being you have bias towards some things and not others. If you had zero bias you would be infinite (total Oneness) and selfless. In other words, you as a self would be dead.
  12. There is nothing Absolutely wrong with it. But as God in human form you shall align with Absolute Goodness. You accept yourself fully and therefore love all parts of yourself. You are selfless and therefore have no preferences or bias. You simply are love. Thus you will find yourself not raping, nor killing.
  13. Yes I know exactly what you mean. In which case it is their ego that is co-opting. It's almost better if they don't perceive awakening as an end to the paradox is - it is. I would be untruthful if I told you otherwise. Not to say someone has to be awake to transcend suffering..but what is interesting is as I said that I realized the two unite..just not in the way the ego thinks it does.
  14. Very true. (No pun intended). @Shin we need to aim high No? Not chase though.
  15. @caelanbJust because you have an understanding of a thing does not mean you have a grasp/vision or are open minded to the epistemological and metaphysical ramifications of QM....that is a whole other thing. The ramifications are extremely radical and most modern scientists do not want to go there. It's too much and it would shatter their paradigm. It would also alienate them from their peers and make them an outcast of academia..just for being ahead of their time.
  16. @RoerAmit awaken. Awakening transcends the self into selflessness. That which has no self cannot suffer. You may ask what happens when when self returns - well when the self returns - remember you have transcended you no longer identify as the self unless you choose to.
  17. @Yali here is a mind fuck..from the momk's POV does spiral dynamics even exist?
  18. To imagine it. Why do you dream stuff in your dreams at night?
  19. The infinite cannot know finite by definition. Infinite does not know. Infinite IS
  20. For someone who is genetically spiritually gifted they could potentially listen to one of Leo's metaphysical videos and have a spontaneous awakening but for most words (no matter how profound) are not going to be enough to trigger a mystical experience or awakening. They will need to do the practices....but one can also meditate and or take psychedelics after listening to one of the metaphysical videos or perhaps even during and have an awakening. But your correct to break through to the level of Being it's not going to be grasped via concept because it is prior to concept. Being is Infinity and the finite cannot grasp the Infinite. There needs to be a mystical shift in consciousness.
  21. You just said it. Actuality - which is Being. At the level of Being you ARE it. This is prior to knowing but at the same time encompasses knowing which is conceptual and finite.
  22. in a state of God Consciousness you will drown in Love, Bliss and Divinity. Yet also the realization of total Oneness can be jarring and shocking as well. It is extremely radical because your entire reality will be recontexualized before your eyes. To know existentially (at the level of Being) that you are all beings, all creatures, all objects, everything. That you are alone as God....this..this can be one of the hardest realizations to swallow. But also it is wonderful at the same time. Cannot be explained really - only directly experienced..and once the realization is fully integrated the terror does pass.
  23. No one here is anti-science it's just that most scientists are rationalists and believe that reality can be figured out via logic. Science simply has to advance to a transrational stage in which things like paradox and mysticism can be embraced. Only then can there be the unification of science and mysticism. Like @Tim R said this isn't going to happen in our lifetime but it will happen.