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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Knowledge Hoarder Infinity or Universal Mind is the creator of a doesn't need a reason because it's prior to it. We as egos need a why it's just God. It IS.
  2. @ZenSwift your perceptions are Absolute Truth. Or more specifically what is actual right now in your direct experience is Absolute Truth.
  3. Correct..its even crazier than that...there is no objective reality. There is no apple other than you imagining it right now.
  4. You might be right...but personally I like to give my body breaks from any supplement. Again if you are gonna take it long term I would be very mindful to stay within the proper dose. Here's what they say on webMD Effects When taken by mouth: Creatine is likely safe for most people. Doses up to 25 grams daily for up to 14 days have been safely used. Lower doses up to 4-5 grams daily for up to 18 months have also been safely used. Creatine is possibly safe when taken long-term. Doses up to 10 grams daily for up to 5 years have been safely used. Side effects might include dehydration, upset stomach, and muscle cramps.
  5. The science shows It's safe as long as you don't exceed the dosages and cycle off it. I've used it on and off and I'm fine. However if your on creatine and you for blood work it may skew your kidney tests and cause you to show low kidney function. (It's really not the case) if you cycle off it and go back your kidney tests will show normal. Of course that above may be enough to scare someone from doing it. But as i said I've cycled on and off it in the past and my kidneys are fine.
  6. @Mirror it's a very shocking epiphany is it not? and if you should stop imagining reality altogether it goes poof
  7. You little Infinite Devil you ?
  8. As God you have made yourself finite so that you can imagine separation and have it become real for you. If you had complete Omniscience and Omnipotence this dream or game would not be real for you - you would be outside of it as the developer. So you have to fully and totally become the character inside it and to do that requires you to become finite.
  9. Then it wasn't awakening. You'll know.
  10. A shift into Infinite Consciousness. But you can breakthrough via meditation as well, or spontaneously. However it seems for the average guy with "normal" genetics, psychedelics have just the thrust they need
  11. This is very sad news to hear...he was a really good guy from my talks with him here...and full of love and condolences to you and his family.
  12. @RMQualtrough those realizations are good. In terms of other certainties, in a non-dual state yes it is true that you would not know the lottery numbers because as Infinity lottery numbers would have no relevance or existence . But you could have a complete understanding of yourself - or understanding of reality. Since you and reality are one and the same. And since you are - the best way to start is via self inquiry meditation. A realization of no self can go a long way here. It's a fundamental facet of awakening to realize that you are awareness itself. In all of our dualistic notions of awareness we still see ourselves separate from it. And to talk about it is to have someone that talks (a subject) about awareness (the object) but of course through self inquiry you can collapse this and become awareness itself. The reason I stress self inquiry over just taking psychedelics is that this will hit a particular and key facet- which is the discovery that the self is an illusion. This is paramount in then becoming conscious of what you are as awareness and then opening the flood gates to additional realizations
  13. @RMQualtrough and what are these Absolute Truths that you have become conscious of and can list? Based on our previous conversations i respect your points and dialogue so I ask with sincerity... And then what are those that you think you cannot also become directly conscious of? Have you considered the possibility that maybe you can know these answers as well?
  14. This is false. You will find omniscience in this collapse. Perhaps - but perhaps not. Perhapse you should explore all possibilities
  15. @RMQualtrough subject/ object is a duality. An illusion. Subject/object collapse into One. You can call it pure Subjectivity or pure Being. Your trying to understand reality through logic but you must turn within not outward.
  16. Anyone care to summarize it for us ? 3 hrs is pretty long...I did catch that he took the vaccine by listening to the first 20 minutes.. so I guess it wasn't dangerous enough to sway him?
  17. It's a facet of can become directly conscious that everything is being held within Your Mind - not as you the ego but as God. It is only in a state of God Consciousness that you can become conscious of this directly. But just be careful what you wish for. You can also become directly conscious that your direct experience is Absolute Being. It is not "yours" as is in the ego. It is God Consciousness. It is God. The deception is that the ego has co-opted it and made it "your" perceptions. But what this is is Absolute Being. If this is realized directly it will be a radical shift or break thru to God Mind.
  18. You don't have any idea what they are going to do or say next in a night time dream either..yet it's all held within your mind. It's happening in the subconscious other words it happening but you are not conscious of it. Same thing with an infinite mind. If you as Infinite Mind were conscious of how you were doing it all the time and what was going to happen next, the dream would be over and you would be in full God Mode. You wouldn't be able to play the role of the finite ego.
  19. @Someone here indeed groundlessness can make the ego uncomfortable....just get comfortable with being uncomfortable
  20. @Ineedanswers if you didn't value life over death you wouldn't be alive very long. So the only ones around to ponder the question are those that still put a value on life.