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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Precisely. And welcome back - thought you busted this popsicle stand ? Just ask him for Mod status I think it suits you.
  2. So science is all there is? I thought you were open to possibilities. Are we bound by the laws of physics?
  3. It doesn't work that way. That's like saying me proof that reality is Infinity!! Well- you can't prove Infinity because proof is held within Infinity and is prior to it. So it cannot capture it. Just the same you can't capture these sort of things with your human tests. They just happen prior to that. Because it's something more fundamental. You can drown some guy claiming to be a guru and chances are he will die. But maybe one day he is out kayaking by himself and is thrown overboard. He loses his ground and is underwater way too long. Yet somehow, miraculously, he rises to the surface and squints at the sun. Alive. Somehow - unexplained by science.
  4. Right it is the collapse of self and other which you as God created. But you're still a Mind! It's still a shock to see that everything is held within your Mind and that there is no objective reality!!! That's a huge deal. That means that reality is not made of matter. That changes everything. So then there is either separate consciousness running around completely isolated or all of those "other consciousnesses" are actually held within your Own!! Wow. Infinity of Gods just debunked itself. Its funny how Leo debunks it himself WHILE doing the episode.
  5. You have not seen miracles in this world yet, but magic is possible. What isn't possible? Reality is Infinite.
  6. But what is nature. What the fuck is it. Maybe a video on it because spirituality is connected.
  7. Don't change anything. You're perfect for understanding Truth.
  8. There is only this. Nothing else exists. Not a self. Not anything. You reading and understanding this post is all that exists and all that is happening. Now if you choose to think about anything else...anything! Like the scratch on your asshole, or the girl you forgot to call today cuz you chose to fuck around on the forum...or how Trump watched a rocket blast with Musk edging him on...all of that happens right now! Prior to that you were just reading this post. You see, your world is all that exists. Everything's imagined. But it's imagined on an even deeper level than what your doing right now! Because that's being imagined too. It's all a dream brother.
  9. Bro don't mix spirituality with politics please. This gets really messy. Leo's stuff on spirituality is really good but leave that to what it is.
  10. We love you too dude. Love and kisses. The game of wrong and right is played as entertainment. Is everything OK? You seem extremely loving of late.
  11. It should be on Leo's booklist.
  12. It's still a democracy. It's still the land of dreams. Many would give anything to be here to make a life. To be a creator here in the land of opportunity. And it still is. The problem is we've all forgotten how to be creative. But you haven't.
  13. Well, you made an impact on me. So if that ain't control I don't know what is. You keep going kid. In the name of love. You will find your way. And don't ever break. Even when Love seems so far away. The world is going to hit you but as long as you keep punching you'll be ok.
  14. @Raze. All Hamas has to do is surrender and thing is over.
  15. For sure. It's very interesting and important stuff.
  16. Who judges who is the Devil and who is God? Is there some outside guy and if so what is he?
  17. They're too busy up Musk's ass watching rockets launch at the moment. May as well call the guy who is top 10 in Diablo the President. Talk about the devil.
  18. But how do you not defeat the devil other than infiltrating his defenses via deception? You cannot defeat him head on you have to use his own tactics which is deception and defeat him from within.
  19. It doesn't seem like his autobiography is available online but you can get it at a public library. Mein Kampf is the name of the book and that will be how you really can get to know him.
  20. Have to concur. The guy even looks like a snake. The Devil would not have any control over that. You give him too much power.
  21. @Hardkill That would help. But ultimately it will depend on how the economy does and international affairs. Luckily Trump can't run again. That's big. If Trump implodes or the economy faulters, the left needs to be there to step in. With stronger voices this time.