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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. This...also keep in mind that even we don't "actually" have consciousness..consciousness has us. Its being imagined we are "self" conscious and that consciousness happens in the brain. So robots that get so intelligent they are indistinguishable from us could happen and it would be imagined that they are conscious just at a different layer of imagination.
  2. @Bob Seeker Oneness and Love are identical
  3. @Tim R beautiful. Running definitely is great for the Mind
  4. @Michal__ just don't take anything he says on faith. Whatever he teaches you try to validate in your own direct experience.
  5. Enlightenment to me is the moment Infinity/God, after getting lost in its own mind, has the realization that it is in fact God. Small self drops. You have talked about it in some of your posts.
  6. @Khan 0 yes that's why i said you are already enlightened. Yet telling a student this isn't really going to help him if he hasn't become conscious of it directly for himself
  7. Yes you are God so in that sense you are already enlightened - but your not in the sense that you are not conscious of it.
  8. Good advice. Did you awaken to no self ? You seem advanced so I was curious.
  9. You were never actually finite. Even if it seems that way - you have imagined that you are and fooled yourself into believing it is real. So it becomes real for you. It seems paradoxical but that's a feature not a bug. That's infinity.
  10. Yes ..if you mean wiping the slate when you start this life at birth.
  11. It is this. If you have forgotten that you are God you are still God you have just fooled yourself. You can stay fooled for as long as you want to experience being finite. Just like you fool yourself in a dream yet you are generating the dream from nowhere. It's impossibly possible.
  12. You don't need to do self inquiry anymore once you have awakened to the facet of no self. But you will know when you have this awakening so you won't have to ask. If you are asking should I keep going then you should probably keep going. You may know conceptually that the entity behind the eyes you think you are is illusory but you need to know it at the level of Being..which will be your death.
  13. @RMQualtrough what are you confused is One and it works exactly as a dream. The problem is this is too radical. Truth is going to be Truth though, regardless of whether or not us egos like it.
  14. In order to experience a particular POV God has to become it fully. Remember time is something it dreams doesn't do multiple POVs simultaneously because it's eternal and not bound by time or space..and there's no need when - it is actually being a particular finite POV it is being it totally and fully. Which means it's not being something else. As this one finite POV you are actually Infinite dreaming up all other POVs as the rest of reality - precisely like a others are actually identical to you as God. They are you so fully that both ego self and other POVs completely dissolve. In other words If you become directly conscious of this by expanding into an infinite state, you will not be able to tell the difference between you and other your point about God needing to be creating the storyline- well, in a dream your creating the dream on the fly even if your dreaming you are finite..but your not allowing yourself to be conscious of it - we call it the subconscious but that is actually imaginary. It just happens from nothing because no mechanism is actually required for God..God.doesnt require a subconscious mind because it is omnipotent.
  15. Yeah it is mostly dormant for me these days but can flare up from time to time..
  16. Yes Absolute Infiniy - no dualities. Sounds like you may have glimpsed non-dual states or states of pure Being before. Being is prior to belief so you can think of it as 1st order..and concept/belief is 2nd order. And so for example you do not need to believe you are God..because you ARE God! You see? You literally become the thing and so you can't get more direct than why would you need beliefs about something when you can become it? When God wants to understand what it's like to be an ant, it doesn't believe ants are a certain way - it actually becomes the ant! Same for a human, etc, etc. Anyways For meditation self inquiry did it for me as well as do nothing meditation and concentration meditation.
  17. In that way you can imagine their inner world.
  18. @Gianna seeing a reflection of yourself in them. That's what they are basically. They are a reflection of you in a particular way
  19. Infinity has no where to go.
  20. So have stripped yourself of your powers and now you are whining about how you don't have them. As a matter of fact- you were so good at your job that you completely and totally forgot that you were all powerful. .. now that's power..