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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Your in denial. You told us in a previous post that you realized directly everything was your own Mind and it was total Oneness. Exactly like a dream. Unless i misunderstood you. And you were not able to function as a separate self. It doesn't mean zombies. It just means they are being imagined by an Infinite Mind or Ifinite field of Consciousness. This field is you. By the way- it's totally normal to have this awakening and then fall back into denial - simply because it's too much. It's too much to stomach for the ego.
  2. Yep. Since imagination is reality all you have to do is dream others up again.
  3. Why? Maybe that's just something you are appending to what is being said? A good way to explain this is to watch the what is perception video. The sensory bubble is Absolute Truth. There is no perceiver. It's just Pure perceptions without a perceiver. So as actually to say they are perceptions isn't right because it slides in a hidden metaphysics that assumes a perceiver. But what if that's not the case? What if it's just Pure Being or Pure Absolute Truth existing for itself? And this Absolute Being was total and whole and Infinite. It only imagines a perceiver or a subject /object duality and thus it also imagines a self/other duality.
  4. It is because it's such a shocking and radical recontexualization from being in a state of consciousness where there are others and other, to become conscious directly that you are the only Being that exists and there is nothing outside of you. Not to believe it, but to really truly know it at the level of Being.
  5. @Matthew85 Heed these words. You will more than likely have an existential crisis or psychotic break which you will recover from if you are lucky. But it will shake you to your core. The plus side is that you will know liberation beyond all words. You will be directly conscious that this entire thing is all yours. All of it is all yours and yours alone. But you will be alone.
  6. There doesnt need to be any. It is just something infinity can do. You were never truly finite. That is an illusion. You are God. And your doing it now in the present moment. But otherwise God could not trick itself. It would be like playing a game with the cheat codes all of the time. No realism to it. But it's not being done behind the curtain somewhere else. It's a mind fuck.
  7. This is a question that perhaps many of you, even after awakening, may have wondered. If there is nothing behind the scenes and you are right now indeed God limiting itself - then how the hell is reality happening without you as God being conscious of it? In other words if you are finite right now then there must be some entity, God for example, doing stuff to create these higher levels of imagination that actually create reality or what we would refer to as the "subconscious" or "Infinite conscioisness" or what you as this little finite human, is currently not conscious of right now. Well here is the answer and it was realized by me during an awakening in which I hit the floor and cried "oh my fucking God I thought I grasped Infinity before!!" Even if you have hit the floor in tears with the realization of Infinity - it still hasn't hit you. You are doing it - you have never been finite!! That's the illusion! you are creating all of reality- out of thin air - because YOU ARE INFINITY!!!!!. Infinity can fucking do that!! Has that sunk in?!!! It's infinite! It doesn't need ANYTHING! God can generate reality or the dream on the fly and have the most granular detail right fucking now because it is Infinite!! What I am telling you is there is NO subconscious or absolutely anything behind the scenes..infinity doesnt need it... This to me is the absolute ultimate realization. Infinity has the ability to completely fool itself into being finite yet still be Infinite simultaneously. Thats what infinity means. It took me years to realize, and is one of the biggest mindfucks I have ever had - but it is actually quite amazing and astounding .
  8. @SQAAD he should never have been the hero you thought he was. You may have fallen into the trap.of making it about the teacher and not what is being pointed to. Be careful about that. You already know everything that was said in that video because you've been on the forum for years and also have heard all of his videos. You should be less concerned with Leo and more concerned with validating the deep Truths being pointed at here for yourself. For if you were truly able to do that Leo would no longer be required other than entertainment that you could let go of at any time. But right now I think you got attached to him and gave him some type of Godlike status in your mind. Notice this and address it.
  9. Lol. You laugh but I was being dead serious.
  10. thats all in your imagination as God. You are imagining Ramana Maharshi right now.
  11. There are actually people that can feel no's a disorder. But I don't think that's whar is being pointed to here. Yes senses can be turned off. But to stop identifying with your small self is much different.
  12. You can be in an infinite state of consciousness in which you are directly conscious that everything is your own mind as God. But then you can also be in a finite state of consciousness which in your mind you create separation- you create the sense of a finite self and others out there.
  13. @Forza21 all POVs including your own are imaginary. You are Absolute Truth.. You are Absolute Being. And then what the Absolute can do is begin to imagine or partition itself off via creating the self/other duality
  14. If you truly had no more attachment to your human existence or finite would stop imagining all of it and the dream would go poof. The fact that you are still imagining that you could transcend it throughout the experience means you would have to still be attached in which case it wouldn't be possible. Its only possible if you transcended any attachment in which case everything within this dream would instantly cease to exist forever.
  15. @PataFoiFoi it's able to dumb itself down. This is one of the most ignenius things that Infinite Conscioisness can do. It has the ability to dumb itself down to the point where it is completely fooled.
  16. What is before you is all that there is. So if you are not conscious that you are God, you are not God. There's no "prior to you still are God" ..that's something your imagining right now about the Absolute. This must be Total otherwise reality could not be what it is.
  17. Thats false. The Divine puts itself to sleep precisely to experience the Love of Realizing itself "again". Of course there is no again it is always the present moment. But that is precisely what allows God to realize itself forever
  18. Have some fun with the story...there is powerful mysticism with the ancient enlightened beings, even if you are all of them and imagining them all...btw..I've read your experiences of God but have you truly become conscious that you are the Divine in an awakening?
  19. @Someone here just feel through them, experience them fully. Eventually you will have had enough of them. What else can you do? Its obviously something causing you tremendous anxiety and fear that you've suppressed. But if you fully expose yourself to it and go THROUGH it, you will realize there was nothing really to fear and it was all your imagination.
  20. @Nahm @Leo Gura do i see an hunting trip on the horizon? How's the game in Vegas ?
  21. @Forza21 some teachers want to sugarcoat spirituality. But you have to remember that the Truth will literally kill you. Which is precisely why the ego wants to stay asleep in the dream.
  22. Indeed I have experienced the same state in the awakening I call the oneness facet. It will feel like madness.. It is when you realize everything is you or a function of your own mind.. it is definitely an expanded state of consciousness and there is no sense of separation (thus a non-dual state). As you said you can barely function because self/other dualiry collapses and the ego has no identity of its own at that point because there is literally no difference between self and other.