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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Perhaps. But here we tell you the total Truth. Whether you want to hear it or not is another matter.
  2. From that perspective, yes. In a sense if you have become conscious of Oneness you know it. Whether you play in the dream and discuss other minds is irrelevant because you are God and you are One.
  3. Has this forum not helped you at all..also when I say the forums I include the videos
  4. Interesting. know this the internet. We can't as spiritual teachers vett everyone as to why they are here. But your right..there is definitely a limitation here as to what can be conveyed
  5. Stop. You are given the highest teachings here. All of it. What you choose to do is up to you.
  6. No. Your right. No one will ever give you that because you must give yourself that. I am not saying he is not amazing. He is. I'm just saying that he is a creation of your own mind. He is you. Take away his authority and what will be revealed is your own
  7. No silly. Tbe body is imaginary. It is your mental hold or attachment to this world that binds you.
  8. If you have reached this level of awakening it is directly realized that you are God and completely alone. There is no one to teach but your own mind. You are lucid in your own dream. So everything you do Is purely imagined
  9. It can do it via illusion. But by its own Infinity it cannot separate itself because it is One. It can only trick itself or create the illusion of many. Which it does so well. You do it so well.
  10. There are no other minds. Drop that. You are imagining me. You are God.
  11. Simultaneous experiences occur within Infinity and you are Infinity. There is nothing outside of you.
  12. It can within Infinity but remember there can be nothing outside of Infinity and what you are is Infinity
  13. Yes it can imagine anything but notice it is all imaginary and all held within this field of consciousness. If it imagines there are people with their own minds, then that is what it imagines.
  14. The solution to your dilemma is in Truth there are no persons.. what you are dealing with is pure Absolute Truth. It is an Infinite field of Consciousness. This sensory bubble is the Absolute. We just append or imagine an individual that is having these sensations to it and then we append or imagine another that can be around us. This is how we generate reality. But really it's just Consciousness and you are Consciousness. And if you are not conscious of it directly then it doesn't exist!
  15. Rupert Spira will not give you the total Truth because he is not fully awake
  16. Start here. Riddle me this...when a tree falls in the forest with no one around to hear it does it make a sound?