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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. So we are little Leo clones only not as smart? Interesting....
  2. Some of us older mods got lazy on giving out warning points. Modding ain't easy..he's awesome..your just butt hurt cuz you are 3 points away from being kicked out.
  3. Ok then why not start a separate thread list us all and then let us know how you feel? rate us or do whatever .. I'm sure plenty of you guys don't like me
  4. Please don't call out mods names like that. If you have issues with a mod take it up with Leo or mods. He's a good mod and still new. Someone has to keep you guys in line
  5. I love @Nahm but as you saw from his conversation with Leo communicating with him about that would have been futile. He was lost in his own bubble of there isnt a self no problem. That's just a thought, a belief, etc. It got really bad..or from bad to worse. If he comes back and communicates great! @Jahmaine mods are disciples of Leo now? Funny man.
  6. Here's a thought..maybe we all get along. @AdeptusPsychonautica i know i personally have been a little harsh on ya..but i like you and your channel though i dont know much about it seems fine to me...perhaps the real reason you are here is maybe to learn something? I know you have had some awakenings in the past so you know this spirituality business is sit back and enjoy..your welcome here in my book...and if you want to make constructive criticism of Actualized be my guest...we are open ears. Or I am..can't speak for Leo I say let's all be pals!
  7. Correct. This is a dream just like your night time dream. Your mothers life has no meaning outside the dream. Your mother exists only as what you are dreaming about her right now. When you wake up it's gone with the dream. You don't live her life after. You may dream something entirely new though.
  8. Thanks but I'm not perfect. This thread should be locked at this point. I don't want a free for all on nahm. If everyone had said their peace we can close it.
  9. How easy you turn on a legend. Shame on you.
  10. @Breakingthewall It was not dogmatic it just is what is. He seems not able to transcend no self. The realization of no self is paramount. But there is more to go. There is God Realization.
  11. Thank you.
  12. That goes too far and is disrespectful.
  13. Words cannot describe it. You do die and become God. You will return to the body until you are ready to become the singularity forever.
  14. It was a long time coming. We all felt it. He is a great mind but he is not in alignment with our highest teachings. That's just the way it is. Don't feel guilt for an intuition that was accurate
  15. Said what ?
  16. @Tyler Durden you don't know what awakening is yet. You do DIE.
  17. No. It wants you to wake up! Wake up! When you do you won't need us anymore....
  18. @justfortoday no it doesn't plan it ahead of time and then play it out. It does both simultaneously. Other than that what you are saying is accurate. Everything is created on the fly. Infinity is able to do that. Infinity doesnt need time. It creates that.
  19. Indeed. Infinity is an Infinite Mind that imagines forever and internally.
  20. Ahh..just glanced back. Yeah..let me address that: @justfortoday no..this is not an infinite reel that plays over and over again . That would put a limit on infinity. You are dreaming that. You are a dreaming that right now. Wake up!