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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Kksd74628 yes. This is about him not @nahm. . He needs to look within himself.. But it is easier said than done. If this is helping him right now to ultimately get to that point then fine. Telling him he is "the kind of person, etc" is not going to help him. Watch the personal attacks
  2. @TrickypYes it seems to be the emotional damage. Paying back the money now can't fix that. Ultimately @Raptorsin7 needs to find this closure within himself. And be at peace with himself over it.
  3. What would give you closure at this point? I think you need to address this with him face to face. Talking to us about it isn't going to give you closure. Otherwise how long do you need to let it out until you feel better ? A week? Or month? Or would dealing with nahm directly and getting closure with him directly allow you to move on?
  4. It's only confusing because it's sp God damn counterintuitive..yet it is so simple. It's the materialist paradigm and the way we have been brought up into this story that is really the elaborate one. God has to make the illusion so elaborate that you can't even unwind it in your mind - your mind has been so conditioned to it already. But yes direct experience is king. Otherwise this can be taken on as a belief and we don't want that.
  5. Thanks man you too...i know you looked up to him a lot.
  6. @Null Simplex nice. Yes that's it. I had the exact same was actually the final one for me. But it was exactly as you described. Everything you thought was external is seen in this expanded state to be actually you and Iinternal, held inside your are shown that you are dreaming all of reality. It can bring a sense of aloneness because others collapse into you so your reality is recontexualized in an instant leaving you completely alone. But it is liberating to know at the level of Being that this entire thing is ALL yours. Anyway that's awesome. You validated Solipsism although it sounds kind you have not realized no self in which there is this moment when it hits you that you, thst this entity you thought you were, was an illusion..and what remains is Pure Consciousness or Awareness..this is bliss! You die.. for this is recommend self inquiry. . But that's awesome man!!
  7. No self is one thing....but to say no God realization. No this is.belief and thought. Let thiughts go..this is going to hinder someone more than help because they may never explore conscioisness further or soak up the teachings here. There is an existential aloness when it is realized that all of reality is being held within your consciousness..when you are shown this is a shock. It can lead to destabilization or depression. Spirituality is dangerous. But yes if there were people who were unstable or turning this work into dogma or delusion then it's better to just tell them to get away from spirituality altogether rather than fill there minds with there is no you...that would make an unstable person worse
  8. Ok...gotchya. well for him perhaps 5meo does put him straight into Infinity. He's a freak with psychedelics. I'm a freak without for his claim no one else is awake im the most awake..etc..that is just his ego...I don't care about that. What I cared about was whether the teachings were sound and they are extremely sound. That's all that matters. They can take you to God Realization.
  9. I have directly validated every facet of awakening that Leo has had. These are not beliefs. I actually had several before him and before he began teaching them here. Namely the awakening in which you are in an expanded state of consciousness and you become conscious thst everything is your own mind. And I still have the PM where I told Leo about it. A few weeks later he had the same awakening and began teaching it more extensively. These are not beliefs. Don't take them as beliefs either of course. They can be validated. Yes we use language as pointers to talk about God..but it doesn't mean the finger is the moon. Thought should never be demonized. Egoic thought can be deception and illusion but it is still through Mind that we realize Mind. Nahm was not teaching God realization..I don't know why. Maybe he wasn't awakened. I don't wanna speculate and it's irrelevant..but he was not teaching that. He was teaching no self and that was it. The road is over there is no one to wake up. God is a thought. This is wrong.. awakening goes beyond no self although thst Is a massive awakening. His teachings didn't go far enough and were actually a perversion of the Truth in a way.. and towards the end he just became a madman actually.
  10. I could be wrong again..but I don't feel he was purposely swindling. He may have been a spiritual "coo coo" in a sense..but that was just him. He probably honestly thought he could give you liberation or awakening or peace of mind..whatever.. in other words it came from a place of love..but it seems he's not playing with a full deck. Again I don't want to pounce on him I just want to mention that. He didn't seem like a guy purposely out to scam you..he was way too out there for something like that. However that knew him better and you could be right.
  11. Your never leaving .you'll be here till you die or Leo shuts it down lol. U may disappear for a year but then return
  12. You've always been a pretty level headed member with good contributions...never cause any problems..more members like you would be nice.
  13. I honestly didn't spend my time investigating his activities....he is a well respected member and I honestly didn't know what agreements Leo may or may not have had with him in particular. So yes maybe this got missed by everyone or overlooked because it was him.
  14. I agree...yet at the same time we are also a community in a sense...
  15. Do you think it's just thst you were upset that you paid money for his counsel and then weren't happy with the results and maybe a little but bitter here? I'm not saying the guy was perfect but it seems your being a bit excessive. But I could be wrong it's just an honest question.
  16. Haha..And you are lucky to even still be here lol.
  17. You can have an awakening that will shatter that. You will realize that everything is you right now. There is nothing hidden from you . But afterwards it does make sense. If there were actually multiple experiences..they would be actual. And then reality would not actually be One. Instead , reality offers the appearance of multiple experiences - but it is an illusion. They are not actual. There can only be one actuality.
  18. @RevoCulture that's an enlightening perspective on the matter
  19. Then that would be a mistake because that is a key piece of these teachings. Not solipism as a philosophy but solipsism as God or Absolute Solipsism. Honestly i don't even like the word and to me its not necessary to use the word at all..reality just is what it is..but the fact is there are no other minds but yours. As God. I have had this awakening and others have too. To not talk about this facet of the Absolute world be a disservice., but maybe he will reserve all discussions of it for the course..this aspect of the teachings i mean. But we won't be able to escape questions here since it is such a key facet of these teachings. I think it would be a mistake to demonize talks of it. Yes some are not ready to hear it and just ask questions not really wanting the answers we are going to give...but others do wanna know at least the theoretical framework of how reality works at the highest levels
  20. But then the mods wouldn't be able to participate in conversations.