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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. haha, funny...the consciousness dial has no limit though kinda of scary
  2. @Vibroverse there is no limit to what God can do, and God does not need a mechanism. It can generate anything it wants instantly. The finite mind cannot even fathom this. we can just sit in awe of our higher Self. But this is actually God adminiring itself...God kinda gets off on limtiation and then gawking at its iown nfinitude. Using anthropromorphism of course but you get the idea
  3. This is a good explanation. What you can do is wake up and realize thst you are God dreaming up all of reality. You see, you are the present moment and eternal. you have been this same thing for eternity. All else is imaginary. This human self is imaginary... Souls are imaginary. Past lives are imaginary. Future is imaginary. Time is imaginary. It doesn't exist. There is only now and whar you are dreaming right now. Nothing else exists. Your mother doesn't exist if you aren't imagining her. Past lives don't exist if you aren't imagining them. Souls are just a thought and you are not the soul, you are God. Nothing exists but what you are as eternal, formless consciousness, and what exists is what you are imagining right this very second, nothing more. Memories are just a part of your imagined human existence, a way of making the story more real and adding a linear time frame to it. But they are imaginary.
  4. he's using Anthropomorphism so its easier for us as humans to grasp.
  5. The highest Truth gets perverted or lost because a false neo adveita guru will take no self and then use that to say no Self or also denounce Self. They mistakenly combine no self with no Self..thus steering someone away from ever realizing their true nature. Theres no god because theres no you to think there is a God..This is mostly because they weren't enlightened in the first place. If they were enlightened they would be God realized. The self would have dropped and they would realize Self.
  6. Technically yes because actually you are actuality itself! But you can get a hit on yourself if you look at your hand and acknowledge it. That's as direct as you can. Get. That's what I mean
  7. I too have had the realization that I was nothingness..that actually was almost has hard as realizing I was alone and was hard to stomach. God is nothingness. Formless and empty. But this northingness that you ARE is a pregnant nothingness holding everything within it.. It is Infinity. And you can become directly conscious of yourself as Infinity.
  8. @Forza21 it's not that people are empty suits..they are imaginary..they are identical to the room you are in..or the rocks outside..its just dream stuff. Your consciousness is Absolute. You are a not human that has consciousness you are Consciousness. This Consciousness is Absolute. It just imagines finitude and that it is a finite entity that co-opts awareness for itself...then in this way it can imagine there are other entities out there doing the same. But what there is is only one Absolute Consciousness.
  9. @RMQualtrough I guess you can have a no self awakening but not realize Self. For me it was one awakening and i became Self. But for others perhaps it is two separate awakenings.
  10. Stay away. You are headed for a psychotic break or depression. Your not ready for what would be shown to you. This is the issue with's unearned wisdom and you won't be ready to process it.
  11. @RMQualtrough if its an actual awakening to no self, the Self will be what remains and you will be conscious of Self and that you are Self. It is a shift in identity from the illusion to your true nature.
  12. This is a trap of the ego to prevent awakening. This work is riddled with pitfalls because the ego is so cunning. You must remain open minded.
  13. This is a trap. Be careful about that. This is one of the neo adveita traps.
  14. This other guy paid him about 1k and was happy with everything.
  15. He's already been banned 5 times. He shouldn't be here but he has an addiction to the forum and somehow I let him stay. Leo banned him last time and the software corrupted and had to be reverted back to before he was banned and i let it go. That's the only reason he's still here..and I am really thinking about changing my mind.
  16. Really? You have balls man, I give you that.
  17. The Truth shall set you free. That said there were people who paid nahm and were happy with the service and their growth. One such individual that I also talk to that has paid @nahm is @lesu. So Raptor is only one example and there could be many other happily paid (or not) customers. Whether they were deceived or not doesn't matter of it helped their growth. And he has told me it has helped his. I have always provided my counsel to him for free though.
  18. And we do feel compassion- at least I do, for raptor and the whole situation. It's sad that nahms imsge is being tainted..but maybe his image was a farce to begin with. We cannot hold any bias as mods either way.
  19. We are dammed if we do and dammed if we don't. If we lock it we will get crucified for a lack of compassion. And we do feel compassion- at least I do, for raptor and the whole situation. It's sad that nahms imsge is being tainted..but maybe his image was a farce to begin with. We cannot hold any bias as mods either way.
  20. I expect more from you then telling someone to shut up. Next time it's a warning and you are close to being banned. We are working through this with him.