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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. I'm not sure what you mean..but personally I don't even like using the word's not necessary and then people can get caught up with the word and turn it into a belief like you said. But there is only God. You are God. And you are imagining everything. If you want to call that Absolute Solipsism or whatever Leo called it in the video, whatever I don't really give a hoot. The point is that there is nothing outside of you. There are not actually other minds or God is not actually being other minds simultaneously. All division is an illusion created by God limiting its consciousness so that there appears to be things outside of or independent of it. In that way God can experience limitation.
  2. Your as God are imagining other is exactly like a dream. But they are real to you until you wake up because imagination IS reality.
  3. If you were to become the Universal Consciousness that Rupert speaks of..aka God...there would not be other minds still independent of you. They would all collapse into you. This is because they were never outside of you to begin with it. Not actually. They only appeared to be. God is a master illusionist and you fail to appreciate that.
  4. Your correct..time is an illusion so there is no some point "At some point" is also imaginary. There is only now. The past and future are imaginary. You are the present moment and you are eternal. You dream because you can't capture you dream to make up stories to explain yourself. Enlightenment is realizing that you just are yourself. You just are.
  5. When the finger becomes the hand all the other fingers dissolve. There is just the hand
  6. Hey now - I'm Jewish..don't even bring up those nazi bastards
  7. @RMQualtrough enough with the immaturity. If you disagree with the teachings here you know where the door is. No one is forcing you to stay here. It's not that you can't criticize or disagree but the childish behavior needs to stop. Be here to learn.
  8. That video has been posted here a dozen times. It's not like it hasn't been shown here.
  9. I wouldn't be opposed to taking 5-Meo if I had access- I assume it would thrust me into the same states of consciousness (infinite Consciousness)I've accessed without psychedelics. But it's not something I feel I need at this point. You don't want to get into a mode of chasing states of consciousness. It is more about the understanding of Truth.
  10. Not a paradox. Other people are imaginary you are imagining others. This is something you can become directly conscious of.
  11. How many times have you tripped? I am not a psychedelic user but Leo claims if you haven't done at least 50 trips you haven't really begun. However as I told the other guy, it's normal for the ego to come back and cast doubt. It has to keep itself alive you need to slowly cut away at this.
  12. Reminds me of the finger/hand analogy. When you look at one of the fingers of your hand you can realize that it is actually the entire hand by making a shift in consciousness. The finger was just something it had shape-shifted itselt into. But when you see it as the whole hand all the fingers collapse into the hand.
  13. Right all there is is Consciousness period. Both self and other (duality) is imagined from that. @GreenWoods knows this that's why he put "his" in quotes.
  14. That's possible but I doubt it. I believe he has answered that and his response is thst it a small assumption to make and that its OK to make this assumption. I forger how he justified that right now off the top of my head but there another video out where talks about solipsism. Though it should be noted that in thar video he talks about solipsism as the ego not solipsism as God or Absolute Solipsism as Leo calls it.
  15. That's normal for the ego to do. They were validated but this is the ego's attempt to unvalidate them and keep you in the illusion. .
  16. Because reality is surprisingly simple and direct. Look! Its right here and always was!! It's the stories we have imagined and the paradigms we have constructed that are so intricate.
  17. You don't need to know how..your consciousness can expand to show you that other minds are inside your Mind. That everything is your dream. He has not had this awakening. You do not need 5 meo for this if you are genetically gifted meditation/self inquiry or just doing nothing you can have this awakening.
  18. @Vibroverse if a tree falls in the forest and there is no one around - does it make a sound?