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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. We fool ourselves so deeply. The level of deception must be Total. This is why you are the Master of Deception. You are the Deceiver. But without that you would be alone.
  2. If you don't like the word don't use it. But you are Singular as God. There is nothing outside of you. Anything outside of you must be manifested as an illusion to fool yourself. And you are a wizard at that. You are a spiral wizard. A grand Master
  3. Yes but cant you tell I'm trying to point you towards the Absolute in this discussion
  4. You have it all figured out in your head but notice your mind is working to put me into some sort of model that you have mistaken for reality. Spiral dynamics is imaginary. There are no stage blue people or turquoise. There is only you imagining such models.
  5. Stage blue because of bluntness? I could tiptoe around the Truth and baby you if you want. But remember you are here because Leo and I lay it bare for you. Then you must do the work to validate our claims. That is, if you care. And if you aren't emotionally ready stay away. This is serious stuff. It will kill you.
  6. This is precisely how reality is constructed. You just need the illusion.
  7. The emotional ideology is keeping yourself deluded. But you are One and Singular. You must be, because you are Infinity. If you don't want to listen to the music, turn off the radio.
  8. @Spiral Wizard You are alone as God. You can and will continue to construct stories to the contrary..and you will do this forever.
  9. He seems to indicate here thar there is an objective world. There isn't.
  10. This is going to rock Bashar fans everywhere but he was not awake if he felt there were other beings having their own experiences. Those are imaginary and held within your mind.
  11. Where does Bashar state this explicitly? That there are actually other minds? Newsflash - he doesn't.
  12. By the way I just want to point out that Bashar is imaginary and created by your mind. Your Mind can self deceive itself at of the biggest self deceptions is imaging other minds like Bashar that have their own opinions and then you place your authority in them. This is the way for the ego to keep you asleep. The biggest one in this scenario because you are all Leo fans is Leo himself, so bare careful of this.
  13. You are God. You create other minds by imagination. Imagination is an innate feature of infinity
  14. Your wrong. He states that it is imaginary. Physical reality is imaginary
  15. This is what we teach here. Separation is imagined. So are you guys happy now? We don't have to call it Solipsism if you don't feel comfortable with that term. What he means is what you imagine becomes reality. If you imagine others are conscious this becomes your reality because this is a dream and when you are dreaming the dream becomes reality. Physicsl reality becomes real
  16. I have never said anything different than Ramana Maharshi. I am him. And so are you.
  17. Look in the mirror. We are not saying this to jerk you off. We are teaching you this to wake you up.
  18. Nothing else matters but understanding what you are. Everything else is ego. And you can feel fulfilled by egoic stuff..but it won't last. It will fade with your mortality. It is grasping your own eternal being that is true liberation
  19. Yes but if you don't have an anxiety disorder then you should be able to control the anxiety. If you think the kundalini is the source of the anxiety then see a kundalini specialist in tandem.
  20. @Giulio Bevilacqua this sounds like an anxiety disorder. Talk to a psychiatrist and maybe get on some meds for anxiety. When the anxiety goes away the kundalini energy you awakened will come under control and be blissful not a nightmare. When you start feeling better you can get off the meds. The meds don't have to be a life long thing but for the time being it can definitely help alleviate anxiety that is out of control so you can have a productive life.
  21. @Leo Gura it's hard to even listen to that channel.