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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. I understand what he is saying. I was actually going to respond to your earlier post. As we have said before, and you can become directly conscious of this believe it or not (actually don't believe it) that you stand alone as God. You are One. You are not really human you are Actuality or Infinity. You are right now. The past and future are imaginary, your thoughts right now are imaginary, they are you as God dreaming. All of that can dissolve and you can become pure Actuality or pure "right now" notice you can say "right now" and the moment is gone. So you say "right now, right now, right now" and you can keep going on like that because you can't capture the present moment. Why? Because you are Being it!! You ARE it. So when you realize this directly by Being it you will awaken. And you will realize that you are God dreaming. And that this was a dream. That reincarnation is your dream. That time is your dream. That space is your dream. That there is only Being. Imagining you will be other perspectives one at a time is more of you dreaming. (Because time is no different than space, a dimension within this dream). It has no existence outside of you Imagining it right now. That you are being others now simultaneously is also your dream.
  2. Yes it does. It is obviously someone who follows his work closely. And someone who feels cheated about not getting a hot witch girlfriend. @Joseph Maynor btw - leo and i are not the same oerson (relatively speaking lol) i have never used psychedelics and have had threesomes but sorry again good luck in your spiritual work
  3. He is not a troll just has his own POV. In his eyes Leo is reckless with the teachings and that this place is spiraling towards a cult and can screw up young impressionable men. And that Leo has no bad intentions but has no control at this point. This is his POV. I also think he doesn't grasp that the teachings themselves are sound and not of Leo. Truth stands on its own. Because he doesn't grasp spirituality or Truth - he has never had an awakening to God.
  4. @Leo Gura you do know who wrote that right? Your favorite person...
  5. I agree your damned either way but at the same time It's not defending its enlightening...shutting them out as trolls makes it worse then speaking to them directly in my opinion. It takes 5 minutes to explain to someone what you just explained to us and move on. If they come on here and read it fine. Totally your call. Your work your business. I just believe it is a total lack of communication that causes these things to come out. But hey its no skin off my back if its no skin off yours.
  6. Let them come! ? kinda figured you would reopen anyway
  7. We here all know this. My recommendation would be to get on a call with Adeptus and clear the air with him. He seems to think you just think he's a troll and that just promotes these types of articles from coming out. I locked it because it's no point in us jumping to your defense here, it only makes matters worse. It is best to talk with those who have criticism directly and not shy away from taking them on directly. Or maybe you don't care which is fine too. But these types of articles may continue to come out and tarnish your brand. And that's a shame.
  8. Actuality is prior to time and to space which are dimensions within this dream. Let's put it like this.. If you truly tealized what I am saying you would become God and awaken. The only thing that exists is Actuality which is what you are. Nothing else exists. Everything else is something you are dreaming up. When you realize what you are all of that collapses and you awaken.
  9. But are they gonna become actuality at some point in time ? see how tricky this is? There is no time. Stop after "Yes I'm right now"
  10. Why not just shorten it to eternal? You I mentioned in another thread asking the question about living all perspectives including your own over and over again...playing out all is the thing..infinity just is. You are already that without playing it out. You are identical to every "other" being or object in existence. You don't have to reoccur. What you are is all of that right now just dreaming that you can do this or can be that - or will be this or will be that. But time is also something you dream up. So anytime you reference future or past you are imagining. You don't need to do that you can just be, because you already are.
  11. If you have had a pure ego death and become God you have died. You become Infinite Divine Consciousness. So the fear is alleviated. It is only the ego that comes back and Injects fear.
  12. Didn't mean to single you out I'm just pointing it out in general.
  13. Just be wary, when you jump to Leo's defense it makes them think it's a cult even more.
  14. there is only NOW. The future and past are imaginary. You are the Now. The Now is eternal, singular and Infinite. You dream to try and reference yourself but you cannot bexause you are yourself. So to say you will be Leo's POV at some point is imagination, because there is is only You/Now. So you already are him. You already are everything. You don't need to say "at some point you will be" because its already you now. Once you say "at some point you will be this or that" your mind has wandered into imagination again. And remember, when you awaken from a dream, all of the content of the dream is gone with the dream.
  15. I would agree But I think @hello1234 makes some valid points about Putin. We have to try and look at this objectively. And i think we can all agree that he is stage red and wants power. Leo agreed he is corrupt. This does not mean that from his POV he does not think he is doing good. He thinks by creating a powerful Russia that he is doing good..just like Hitler did..not to make that comparison because I concurr with Leo they are not the same character. But we need to be objective here and not baby Putin just because he and Russia has their own POV. If what he is doing is wrong (and we know right and wrong are relative but again here we need to take care of not conflating the relative with the Absolute) then something needs to be done to protect the collective good.
  16. Your conflating the Absolute with the relative. This discussion has nothing to do with the Absolute.
  17. What if that's an assumption that you have taken as fact?