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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Hey listen we all are born with certain genetics. I'm not 6"2. Leo is not spiritually gifted and requires psychedelics. It does not mean he is any less awake.
  2. I like you although normie might be cutting him to the quick
  3. Don't take this the wrong way. But you have no idea what you are talking about. You are not God realized let alone had an experience of God.
  4. Where does he claim that he already possesses these abilities? I went back and listened to the beginning of the "I'm leaving" video. What he says is that reached levels of consciousness where it became evident that healing is indeed possible. Levels of consciousness where miracles are possible. He does not claim that he has the ability to perform these miracles yet (and specifically states so) - merely that they are possible. There is a distinct difference there. First off - any experience of God or expanded state of consciousness is a miracle in itself...and I've no doubt from the levels of consciousness and realizations that I have had that healing is indeed possible. I understand the difference. But I think you misunderstood Leo's claims because you are so quick to jump the gun. Of course. But I don't think this a fair comparison to someone claiming he could heal, when in fact that wasn't even the claim. The claim was that levels of consciousness were accessed to where this is possible. Btw - Once you are God realized you also realize that you are creating reality, thus who else would be able to perform miracles but you at the highest levels of Consciousness. Of course these things would be possible because you are Infinity. Many doors open that were previously closed to you under the materialist paradigm. Miracles in themselves are something you've created. So..these things may seem totally outlandish to you if you come from a rationalist paradigm. But you say you don't right? And you had had 30 or more years of experience where you have reached mystical states of consciousness. If that is the case then how could you be so quick to denounce the fact that it could be possible. And if you aren't denouncing that fact, then could you really so quickly jump to criticize that one could not attain this ability? Again, not that Leo did, nor did he claim so.... but do you see where I'm going with this? For someone that claims to understand spirituality it seems your specific criticism doesn't measure up with what you portray.
  5. And I agree with that. But in life you want to have and experience attachments. When you lose a loved one there will be suffering from the loss of part of your identity. Part of you. That's OK. It doesn't mean you are not happy. You just suffer a loss of part of you.
  6. I'm not saying you can't be happy. Don't misunderstand.
  7. Well let's look at this one. This is exactly correct and this is the end of suffering. Howe er - when we sink back into the dream, and ultimately there is nothing else to do - guess what returns. If you wish to live In a non-dual state at all times - (it's not a true non dual state because in one you will be dead) fine. You may not have suffering.. but you also won't be living. You see, suffering is part of living. It is actually selfish to deny it. This is why liberation is not about the end of suffering it is about understanding.
  8. All meaning is relative. Reality is what you make of it.
  9. @zurew @Thought Art and again im not saying Adeptus has any ill intentions with his ciriticsm. Im giving him the benefit of the doubt that he is concerned for youth who stumble onto the community and the community as a whole. But as @zurew mentions, cirtiquing spirituality takes a nuanced approach. I think he needs work on his approach. That's just a little constructive criticism for him
  10. This video is outdated keep that in mind. The teachings have since evolved.
  11. That's why Leo prefers to speak with more open minded critics such as Curt. With spirituality you have to be open to anything. A materialistic critic is just going to shut you down as a crazy person so it's almost futile to explain thi gs to them. You can spend some time on it but it may not be worth it to you. Or at least they would have to be willing to hear your POV
  12. Well said. But that is why mortality comes with some degree of suffering. A self is selfish to some degree. The key is self understanding and self awareess. To be come conscious when suffering kicks in and see it for what it is- thus alleviating it. So go meta so to speak.....
  13. Yes it is fine to be skeptic. This work is so radical that one should expect a decent amoint of criticism...It's just that @AdeptusPsychonauticaseems a bit hypocritical here. He claims Leo cannot know his own subjective experiences but then assumed Leo's subjective experience was delusional. You see? He is not a rationalist critic or materialist, or so he claims. He is open to other paradigms.
  14. Just like you state that Leo cannot know your own subjective spiritual experiences - by the same token you cannot know his. So if you had mystical experiences in the past you would also know it is premature to assume that during is DMT trip he did not become fully God and have these abilities. This is why you we felt your criticisms came more from a lack of understanding of spirituality and what is possible. The criticisms seemed rather to make a mockery of things rather than to question it objectively. This is probably why Leo doesn't take you as a serious critic. Anyone who had had mystical experiences and come back and talked to "normies" about them is normally greeted with "your insane! Or you sound like a prophet!" I know from direct experience
  15. No it's dreaming it has someone to share the news with ?
  16. There's no other dreams. There is only You now. You are God.
  17. stories within this particular dream that you as God are dreaming right now. Here we stear you towards actual awakening. That's why i would prefer to rather point you to whats actual, what is actual right now. Stare at your hand, for example, for 2 hours. A glimpse of Being may arise, and your consciousness dial may start to go up. Try to stay in actuality, or the present moment (right now) not stories. Because that's what you are fundamentally. Also do self inquiry.
  18. i like you that you are open minded and have an inquisitive mind, but us spoonfeeding you the answers are not going to satisfy you. you are going to have to discover these Truths for yourself. Do the practices, and don't put pressure on yourself. I am assuming you are pretty young. All will unfold in time.
  19. In Truth there is only the dream you as God are dreaming right now. Thoughts of future lives or you one day being your brother and experiencing life through your brothers eyes, are imagination. The key here is that there is no objective reality. God is just what it is. God doesn't have a book somewhere where he states objectively "this is how i am designing reality. I'm going to make it like a one player game in which i am then going to take turns experiencing every possible perspective". You will not find the official "reality playbook" somewhere up in the heavens somewhere. Reality is just Infinity. And you are Infinity dreaming. It's really quite simple. When you wake up from the dream its gone. Other beings, creatures, and objects, are you, right now. They are ABSOLUTELY identical to you.
  20. Indeed. God is so much. For me I have had mystical experiences of God moving through me like a wind or tornado. Or my body would just shake uncontrollably