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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Wait what, you are beloved here. Don't you dare leave! You have provided more love and laughter here then anyone else ever on the forum. That's a big hooray! Other than when you disagreed with me on the political forum. That's a problem. But we'll address that later. Don't you dare leave !
  2. Wow it's been a long time. How are you? Yes I understand. I have felt like I should be farther along in life than where I was at. Is that what you are feeling or are you just feeling stuck in a specific situation? I think ultimately we get to a point where we just don't want to be in that situation anymore and we make a change because we have to in order to survive . I think I'm actually in that position now with a particular thing in my life. So you are just going to have to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and make a change. That's what I'm going to have to do in my situation.
  3. What I take from this is who the heck cares what anyone else thinks. If you've awakened you already know they are fictions of your mind but even if you're not, STOP fucking comparing your life to everyone else's and measuring it against that which is "other" your life is Absolute and it is amazing just the way it is. However you make it!
  4. Well he's right that concepts won't get you there. But one should be careful to also not mistake enlightenment as a concept too. It's a very tricky trap to fall into. Solispsim was one of the final awakenings for me - so it's very difficult to talk about and mostly I just choose not to. It's a lot easier to grasp if you've had some basic awakenings such as no self and the like. It's almost pointless to argue with someone about it.
  5. Yeah well no thank you. I know my own path and it took the mind. I think you're leading people down the wrong path like those neo-advaitans.
  6. Elaborate. I was pointing out the difference between physicalism and idealism. And what the true nature of reality is. Of course it's mental if im claiming everything is mental! Nothing happens In a brain bro. And..furthermore there is nothing outside of your immediate perceptual field right now. Nothing. Your perceptual field if you want to call it that Is literally all there is to reality. It's not really "yours" because there isn't a self. But you're arguing with a figment of your imagination. So I hope you get a kick out of it!
  7. Haha. This is why I typically don't entertain these types of conversations but since I haven't in a while I don't mind. Dude..imaginary just means reality is made of dream stuff..of mind stuff. It doesn't make any other person any more or any less real. They are just mind stuff. It's no different than you being in a night time dream and interacting with the people in your dream. You are imagining they are real just as you are imagining the dream is real. And while you are dreaming, unless you are lucid dreaming, that is your reality. That dream is all you know and you don't even know it's a dream. It just IS reality. But wake up. And wow! Holy fuck. You realize that everything that happened was just a fucking dream. And none of it matters the least tiny bit. And all of the people and animals you were interacting with - they were all just projections of your own mind. Well..this thing..this thing you're in right now? It's precisely the same thing. That's the claim from me but find out for yourself if you fucking dare. It's worth it - but you may never be the same when you come back.
  8. You made my case then. If imaginary vs real collapse there is nothing. Right ? So is other still there after there is nothing? No man..there's just Being. That's all that was there and that's all that will ever be. Being. And Being is right now. So anything we can safely say is held within Being. That is duality and form. Its form. It's imaginary. Real vs imaginary is relative to certain definitions of what you consider real and imaginary to be. But in the Absolute sense imaginary means form.
  9. If you read my post I said with awakening or enlightenment you will see that other is imaginary and held within your own mind. That's just what I'm claiming find out for yourself.
  10. Bur you can see for yourself that other is imaginary no different from self. It's awakening.
  11. Other is in your present moment now. And when you awaken the duality of self and other does collapse. So we can talk about it all day but ultimately it will be revealed with awakening. Both self and other is in your present moment even now.
  12. Haha. Love that. You are the buddah. So when you see him on the side of the road spare him. Hes you.
  13. That is where you want to be but you haven't done it long enough for enlightenment. For you it could take years of doing this and not leaving this state. Many monks have sit and tried for decades. I was lucky.
  14. Humor me here because I want to do a little self inquiry. Don't just dismiss and say you are a man but now let's think of the metaphysical sense. No. Don't just skip over that because in that is actual awakening. You're conceptualizing by browsing over it. No. Sit down in meditation and dispel the notion that you are a man. What is a man? What does it mean? Does it mean someone with a penis or is it an idea in your mind of a masculine entity. Is it an entity behind the eyes that's masculine vs feminine? For me I thought I was this, this entity behind the eyes. A soul. But when I realized that this was an idea or a thought it hit me that the me was a total illusion. This spawned enlightenment. So don't brush over this. Enlightenment is not conceptual as you are explaining it to be. It will be actual.
  15. Ok let's do this haha. Let's break it down. Is reality consciousness? Because if it is now we don't have other people we have other consciousnesses. All selves are an illusion there is just pure Consciousness there. So look! Does the moon exist out there without any "body" conscious of it? How can that just exists without anyone conscious of it? Seems impossible So then back to these separate consciousnesses. Does one end when the body dies or do they all just become separate formlessness after? If so where are they? How are they separate if space is imaginary? Isn't "where" a term we can't use here? Ok so they just are. And it doesn't make any logical sense. But then that would mean we can't understand Absolute Truth. But if we are God who else would be able to finally understand it?
  16. Going insane is a part of discovering Absolute Truth. In the sense that you will die and your mind as an ego will be gone - so when you return you should feel proud that you have emerged again and that sense of who you are was able to return. I like to equate it to Gandalf returning from the dead after his battle with the Balrog. He returned not as Gandalf the Grey but as Gandalf the White. Embrace Absolute Truth and the price you pay for Absolute Truth. So yes loving this will help you accept and embrace it. Right now the problem you have, which everyone has, is the fear of death. But enlightenment will liberate you from the fear of death. And this includes the fear of losing your mind. But don't push yourself. If your ego isn't ready for it yet then that's just fine. There is no reason to push the issue just enjoy life.
  17. I get that but still- for you to function, to work and hold a job - to do anything and function as a human in society, there is a sense of you in there. That sense of you is what dissolves with awakening. You believe you are whatever you believe you are and don't tell me that you just walk around existing and the body just moves for you because then you are going to sound just like these neo-advaitan morons who have twisted everything around and didn't actually awaken. There is a sense of self there whether you want to admit that to me or not. The opposite is something called Depersonalization disorder which is actually almost identical to awakening. Do you have that? No.
  18. You do not want to realize the collapse of self and other. It is horrifying. Because you will realize that you are completely alone and that is a radical recontextualization of everything you have ever known. You will spend the rest of your life as an ego forgetting about awakening. And desperately wanting other to be real, and so it is On the flip side there is massive bliss and tears and love and Divinity. But ego death is a part of it and it cannot be helped. Ego death and the realization that you are God is a double edged blade.
  19. But what is the definition of simultaneous? It is multiple things happening at the same time. But you see, time and space, and language and the word simultaneously...all of that is being imagined by Consciousness or God. All of that is fabricated. So you can't use finite tools or finite words within the dream to capture the dream itself - as it is Infinite. It's like asking for proof of Infinity when proof is a subset of infinity. Same thing here. So simultaneously or time is a subset. If you actually sit down and do self inquiry you can actually discover through a shift in consciousness that you are not a self but rather you are the whole of Consciousness itself. You are both self, AND other. Psychedelics and meditation are ways to break out of the subset but they are loopholes that God left for you. You'll never be able to use a subset of Infinity to capture Infinity. You just must actually become Infinity.
  20. Healthcare sucks in this country I don't condone but I empathize with the American people. We can't go around killing them but something needs to change
  21. There is no brain man! All of that is part of the dream. Exactly what you said at the end. So why all the fuss? If you shift your consciousness are you aware of these sensations in your brain? No! You need to sit there and deconstruct the brain with your consciousness while meditating. Perform self inquiry and it will do just that.
  22. I hope it was a sesame bagel with cream cheese? Anyways as @Hojo said as this is your dream the kundalini and the awakening is just evidence of this. But these spiritual Truths are a good thing. They are a blessing. So don't look at them as anything bad. The dream is a wonderful expression of you, God. Of course you havent had a complete awakening yet so don't take what I say on faith. You have bagels. Still you had significant realizations that should give you faith. Did you feel the Divine Bliss of God during your awakenings? That bagel is a very beautiful thing and you will never look at it the same again. You'll never look at anything the same. A sunset. A coke can. A bagel. A squirrel. An owl. A tree. A sidewalk. Your mother. Your father. All of it - you're seeing all of it as completely divine now and you're correct - it is God. So the love will come. It is all a manifestation of God and Consciousness. And Mind. It is absolutely glorious and you should bask in it.
  23. You don't just feel the movement. You have a sense of self, an identity. Have you ever performed self inquiry? There is something you hold within as to what you currently believe you are. When it comes to you what do you actually believe you are? The body? The soul? What do you think you are? Can you pinpoint it?