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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @kieranperez you have all the answers. And yet you are not enlightened
  2. I have told you before that there is no other dream but yours. You don't need a video for that lol
  3. that is a great point. Only awakening can reveal this. And you can only awaken if if you are open to other paradigms.
  4. Yes it is all that exists. But how is that understanding going to help you if you have not come to that conclusion yourself I can answer that - it becomes a Belief and the Truth thus gets twisted.
  5. Be careful. All traces back to the mind. You have spun a wide web. And you won't even know how wide your web goes until you look.
  6. You dismiss it as a joke. It is not. But ailments ultimately lie within the mind. In an infinite state of consciousness you will have no ailments. It is only as a mortal being and your need to survive as this being that you can suffer
  7. He was wrong to say it is permanent. You have to clean up your own shadows. God will not do that for you
  8. @AdeptusPsychonautica here is your great misundersnding and you can only be awake to know this" "I can help you to discover that you are God. When you do realize that you are God, this will instantaneously solve every single problem in your life, not only that but it will heal you, it will heal you of every disease and problem that you have" Yes. In God Consciousness you WILL be cured of all ailments. I have confirmed this. However- once back in the ego these things will return. It may take years to return but the further you sink back into the ego they shall return. But Leo did not lie. In a state of God Consciousness you will be cured of everything because you will be God.
  9. Everything is imaginary. Imagination is the structure of reality but within reality it is the same. Don't think of people in empty costumes. In a dream you don't see it that way right? In a dream it's real.
  10. Honestly I don't know. That's why I asked. I'm willing to meet him head on. I also can take it on the chin if I'm wrong.
  11. You left breadcrumbs in your Infinite intelligence
  12. Hahaha. You enjoyed the feature film didn't you.
  13. I think we got to the bottom of his ciriticsm. And that he jumped the gun.
  14. Oh really ? ? well we will work on that here. I can't speak for Leo but jumping the gun is something we all do. We ALL do.
  15. I love you but stop deflecting. What was the criticism about the community again? You want me to apologize to @RMQualtrough? Fine.. I can take it on the chin..sorry dude. Does that make you happy? Let's get back to the criticism at hand. Get to what really upsets you. Because I know it's not Leo's talk of healing.
  16. The wording was not the greatest. One who turns his back on himself is his own greatest enemy.
  17. Cool. Well just keep in mind that you may die and come back. Gandalf the Grey becomes Gandalf the White.
  18. It gets deep ..but we talk about it here. The problem with this public forum is it is there is no structure or hierarchy for the highest teachings so everything is just spewed out all over the place here. That's why I think Leo is working on a course for the serious seekers that are mentally stable. When you do discover the Truth you will have a mental breakdown. 1. There is ego death 2. There is massive recontexualization
  19. Of course there is. There is God . Then he imagines which creates a separation from God and what he imagines. But God IS. What he imagines seems to be.