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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Even after you have become conscious of it directly- (shown it) it is still hard to accept. In fact the ego almost can't accept it. But because imagination is reality it really doesn't make a difference. You go on with your life. You carry water and chop wood. You pretty much go back to the way it was before but in the back of your mind you know the Truth. But day to day it's really no different.
  2. These are all very valid points and important to point out. In order to become directly conscious of this your consciousness has to expand greatly into mystical states. After whi ch you will be a mystic. That was my experience anyway. But I wouldn't want to judge his awakening if he just had the realization it may still have been an awakening to the insight itself being Absolutely true.
  3. Imagination IS reality. There is no difference between what's imaginary and what is real.
  4. U can have awakenings from Leo's videos trust me.
  5. They don't. You are God imagining me. From your POV as God I have no existence I'm just a figment of your mind. It's exactly like a dream. And so from my POV you are imaginary. I'm really just talking to myself or basically just lucid dreaming. I'm dreaming you into reality and and now that ive imagined you (and you are now real because real and imaginary are the same) i can then tell you that's what your doing with me. Do you kinda get how it works?
  6. For me it was the final awakening. But you realize directly that you are completely alone and that all "other" is in fact being imagined within your own mind. It was a very difficult but at the same time amazing and blissful one. But in that state of consciousness you really can't function because there is absolutely no difference between another person and you. Its terrifying but as I said also very liberating to know that you are God.
  7. Well, by discovering God I think he meant enlightenment or awakening. Yes it certainly is possible. But I'm just saying that enlightenment itself is not necessarily going to do that. I know with my awakening however it greatly reduced symptoms of OCD which I suffer from. As for infinite inteligence- yes its a bold claim but your mind does open tremendously in an altered state as you may know. and you may gain additional insight and clarity into yourself that before had been closed off. Yeah so I guess what were some of your other criticisms? Oh, and yes I do know Leo makes mistakes. We are all human here.
  8. Yeah I can get a cup of coffee I thought you meant at the higher levels of imagination where the dream is being formulated.
  9. Your mind is in a finite state right now so you have cut off access to yourself from doing that otherwise whole dream would collapse and dissolve
  10. Yes i think you do need the desire..or you can just stumble on it as well..meditate and discover some amazing shit
  11. This is a key mistake. There is a you to awake. Guess who? GOD!
  12. No it doesn't. You are totally projecting that onto that statement. In fact your doing a whole lot of projecting right now.
  13. I became conscious of this directly. It has nothing to do with Leo. I actually had this awakening before Leo..but that's neither here nor there. Be careful what you assume.
  14. No it's an actual trap and you don't see it. That's why it's a "trap" And I was not belittling him in that thread - his teachings can be of great value but the teachings here are more complete. Where his teachings fall short is where he still believes there are other minds outside of his own. And saying you were never born so you cannot die is more bypassing and speaking from the Absolute which is not in context. You can't respond to everything with the Absolute. It is not helpful to anyone
  15. No I don't. The teachings here can lead you to God..until you awaken then you are still asleep. Kind of simple really. You are falling into the neo-advaita trap. There is no you and thus there is no one to awaken. This is not correct. Rupert Spiras teachings can be of great value I don't think anyone is belittling him. It is indeed because with awakening you will die. And I do not mean the physical body, which is imaginary. I mean ego death. This is very irresponsible for an awakened person for you to say. This is also irresponsible and again your falling into the neo-advaita trap. There is no you. There are no levels. There's no awakening. Incorrect. There are stages.
  16. That's why I don't use the term personally. However at the deepest level it is the Truth. There is only your own mind as God and that is all that exists.
  17. @AdeptusPsychonautica if you are referring to this quote by Leo: "I can help you to discover that you are God. When you do realize that you are God, this will instantaneously solve every single problem in your life, not only that but it will heal you, it will heal you of every disease and problem that you have" As I pointed out before enlightenment does not permanently heal you of any illnesses you had previously. While in a state of God Consciousness you will not have any ailments. But on returning to your ego those illnesses may persist. It does give you access to Infinite inteligence and can help with clearing up problems in your life. If he clarified this already then we can put this to rest. I was more interested in your other criticism. I think Leo is going to be making some changes and putting the deeper content behind a pay wall. But we make it very clear here that spirituality is dangerous- and we have tons of disclaimers. If people want to get into spirituality we do tell them here that it is serious stuff and to know what they are getting themselves into. And it's also why Leo is shutting down the solipsism threads because most people are not ready for this when they first step into spirituality. They have to start at the basic level.
  18. Gotchya. Yeah everyone's awakening is unique to them. That's awesome though congratulations.
  19. Just a realization? Was there any type of energy or anything that filled your body or was it just a conceptual realization? You were sober correct? I'm just asking because my awakenings were kundalni and then I accessed mystical states of consciousness. If it was awakening proper you should have become God and had ego death. That's why I ask. If it's just a conceptual realization that's not awakening.
  20. I'm not disagreeing with that but we can also be in the relative and have perspectives. I think that's what @zurew was pointing out. We need to be flexible and shift between the relative and absolute. From the relative, we have a POV and it appears that we are these humans interacting on a forum
  21. There are facets of the Absolute that can be absolutely realized. These are indeed Absolute Truths. Such as that reality is indeed non-dual and Infinite at the deepest level. But it doesn't make someone special to be God realized.