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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. That's what I'm trying to do here. Im not talking of the finite mind being all there is. I'm talking about God's mind being all there is.
  2. I've never used the trm myself for that reason. Leo likes to use it and it took off here so if we are going to use it let's call it Absolute Solipsism. But I concur I personally don't even need the term. I think where the term can help is providing the distinction between there being other minds outside of your own.
  3. It is not the same thing. Where did I say God is a self? God is Infinity. You cay Self with capital S. That does not mean what you think it means so yes that terminology can be misleading. Language in general is very prone to misunderstanding which makes things like spirituality especially tricky to convey.
  4. Yes I mean you are fully God right now and your consciousness is Absolute. It isn't really "yours" as the ego. That is the illusion of perception. There is no perceiver it is just Being or Pure Consciousness /Awareness. Where people get tripped up is the finite part. Yes I do not mean the ego. Hence "Absolute Solipsism". You are not really a finite Being you are one who is Infinite but has dialed down there conscious level to appear finite.
  5. It is. But Infinity is a separate awakening. as for Love, you will drown in it with all your awakenings. The distinct insight that God is Love almost isn't necessary because you drown in it. So yes I agree here although Leo may disagree and say Love is a completely separate awakening. For me it was part of all my awakenings. Traditional solipsism is based on the small ego self yes - the definition used in Wikipedia, yes. But here we are talking about Absolute Solipsism or Solipsism as God as I call it.
  6. The individual incarnations are all happening within one Mind. Yours. Though this mind appears finite - that is an illusion and you have access to your Infinite Intelligence should you awaken. There are not actually separate perspectives or incarnations. That is an illusion created by the mind to create the sense of separation. It achieves this by dialing down its level of consciousness. But in an infinite state of consciousness you will see that others are your own mind and you will see it directly. You will BE everything - Including them. So..I think what you are describing is more along the lines of what Rupert Spira teaches and I have found through my own awakenings that there are not other minds outside of your own as God. God or Universal Consciousness was One and always has been One. It is only able to create the illusion of two or more..etc.
  7. The one called "What is Reality a Radical Explanation"
  8. I wouldn't say imaginary people are dying I would just say people are dying. The structure of reality doesn't matter here. You would be inserting the Absolute in when it's not necessary. It's real either way.
  9. @OBEler cool for realizing imagination and real are the same I think the video @Someone here linked earlier in the thread is also very good.
  10. True lol. It's liberating...and it's nice to know your not gonna miss anything right:)
  11. Yeah i think the problem is with understanding that imagination is reality. It doesn't have to be "actual" to be real as long as you imagine it's real it becomes so. Even if it is imaginary and not actual. Imagination is all there is so it becomes real. It doesn't make a difference if it's actual or not. The only thing actual is you. Take a look at Leo's video on actuality vs imagination. Then take a look at the one Someonehere posted earlier..this is huge when you grasp it it will drop you to your knees and you will say holy fuck. But then you'll know what I'm saying here. Another way to say it is appearance is reality.
  12. I mean as God your imagining the war and then it becomes real for you. So it is happening as long as you are imagining its happening. Imagining - real are the same.
  13. If you were infinitely intelligent you wouldn't do things that aren't necessary.
  14. Turn it off. Maybe we should lock this because a lot of you guys aren't ready for true solipsism. And I don't fucking blame you.
  15. That's why I said it's amazing. It's absolutely astounding. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying relatively speaking the war isn't going on right now. Of course it is. I'm just talking about the structure of how everything is structured.
  16. There is not really a subconscious though as we know brains are imaginary. Just as God doesn't have a subconscious where it holds stuff behind the scenes. Why would it be necessary? It's infinite and can do it without storage or backup.
  17. Yeah video game isn't perfect analogy but you get the idea...dream is better.
  18. Consciousness is fundamentally nothing so where would that be actually? And That would mean God has its own POV separate from you that you could shift to or access. So God would need it's own POV. It's actually simpler than that. It is just imagined on the fly exactly as a dream. Infinity just collapses on the fly and you are it right now. There isn't really an ego. There is just God in a finite form but able to still imagine at infinite levels on the fly.
  19. In a dream or a video game..where is your house when you drive off?
  20. Not exactly. There are many POVs but they are imaginary. Which of course is real too because imagination is all there is, so that makes them real. But the other POVs have no existence or experience outside of your Mind as God. You are the only actual mind in existence - the only experience.
  21. Absolutely. No self was the first awakening I had and to me it's what enlightenment is really about. You really need this awakening before you can move to other ones. I know Leo likes to down play it - but it's massive. It's enlightenment in my opinion although there are many more awakenings one can have. Yes mine was not with psychedelics as you I can't really comment on that part...but yes I would first do self inquiry (and you can follow along in Leo's very first enlightenment videos he goes thru a self Inquiry process. I was doing that process when it happened. And I remember distinctly it happened the second I realized the soul is a thought. Because I thought I was the soul. Some think they're the body..etc. but for me it was the soul that I thought I invisible entity behind the eyes.
  22. I'm glad. Yes thats correct. Your ego - that entity you think you are - is also an idea or a concept. That's why self inquiry can be very powerful because you can realize this directly and have an awakening to no self.
  23. Well for me I was shown it directly during an awakening. Believe me I would have rather it be what you are describing then what it is in reality. But then again it's beautiful, elegant. It's amazing frankly. That the mind can dream up reality.