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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Maybe i was making it more confusing. Theres only yours. But not as a finite mind. You are God. You are an Infinite Mind or Infinite awareness. God first imagines self/other. Meaning it imagines it is a human self separate from others. So you are imagining me and everyone else on this forum. I don't have any existence outside of your mind. My mind is a sub mind of yours. Just as in a dream. In your dream I appear to have my own POV right? I will sit there and tell you I have my own experiences.
  2. Yes but I didn't need to. It was stuff I was already concious of for several years when I had my final awakening in 2018.
  3. Ok understood. We just have to be very careful when we talk about these delicate Truths.
  4. It'd not like that. It's just you as God imagining that we exist and that we are imagining you. It sounds like madness I know but it must be (for the ego) at the deepest level where everything collapses into One. But then Oneness imagines it is not One and hence you get reality
  5. This is true. If the ego became conscious of this it would lose its identity. Because it's whole identity is being separate from others. I explained this to you a few years ago but i think at that time you werent ready to hear it. That is what a self is. If you collapse self and other you get Oneness. The self dissolves into that and will do anything it can to fight against that. This is why hardly anyone actually awakes. The only reason I did was because I stumbled onto it and it caught my ego by surprise. Not exactly. Accepting it would be accpting it as a belief. Be very careful here. Did you accept this as a belief? If you did then what @Tim R has been saying to you this whole time is accurate and you have taken the nature of reality (im not using the other word) as a belief and not directly becoming conscious of it or direcr experience. If you did then wonderful but now that your awake you will quickly learn that you can't push this on someone otherwise it gets accepted as a belief. They have to discover it for themselves and all you csn do is lay down the breadcrumbs.
  6. The problem it is a depressant so it will probably inhibit awakening although you are in an altered state of consciousness. So it kinda defeats itself.
  7. Your finite mind cannot manifest a chair, but Infinite Mind can.
  8. That's because you aren't grasping yet that imagination is reality. What you imagine IS real because there is nothing else.
  9. And I know first hand your not the only one. There is another young man that @Nahm and I have been talking with over the past few years to get him stable. He is now but this stuff screwed him up because he was nowhere near ready.
  10. Not everyone is ready to hear or understand it. So yes it is advanced.
  11. Look I totally get it. This is very advanced stuff and the use of language properly is paramount. It's why perhaps there should be stricter guidelines here on what material is openly discussed because this place can screw someone up just as easily as the video he pulled down if they aren't ready to hear it or misinterpret. I try to clarify that the nature of reality is not about the finite mind being all there is. It is about the Infinite Mind. Where people get co fused is again, with the Wikipedia definition of solipsism- which is why I don't even think the word should be used - even if we say Absolute Solipsism or Solipsism as God it serms to still confuse people. Here we do not mean the finite self. Here we mean your Mind - your Infinite Mind - is all there is. And yes I said You - but when I say that I am using an expanded definition of thr word you - not you as a human. You as God. This is where language reveals its limitations. But this is how it must be, for Truth is prior to language and can't be grasped with language. I sympathize if people have gotten confused by the teachings but I am doing my best here to speak as clearly as possible about the nature of reality. You do not know for sure whether or not @Someone here had an awakening or not. Only he knows that. You believe he didn't- but you could be wrong. And the fact remains that you are alone as God. Never did i say that meant i am lonely or that there was a negative connotation to this. It is more of a shocking recontexualization which does require time to integrate. But it is the ultimate liberation because when you have this awakening you realize you are God. We all need to put our heads together and see what we can do to ensure we provide clear teachings here in the future- and if it means shutting down the forum then perhaps that's what needs to happen and then Leo can restructure his teachings to be more controlled..where people will not have access to the enlightenment material unless they are proven to be ready and are mentally stable. I agree 100 % that the no-self realization is where one needs to start- it was my first awakening and to me it's really what enlightenment is - even though there are more awakenings to have. It should not be dismissed as unimportant it is probably the biggest one you can have. But a realization of no self is also dangerous because it gets into true spirituality. As you said, you die. When you come back it is not a guarantee that you will be mentally stable afterwards. Let alone the deeper realizations that come later with realizing there are no other minds. So yes I agree with you and I'm not sure how we address this problem to be frank. It is ultimately Leo's house but if wants our help I am available to discuss with him and the other staff including yourself of course.
  12. I think yes psychedelics may be in order because you haven't had much success with traditional methods.
  13. @Someone here you should still continue to do the practices, such as meditation, self inquiry, etc. there are more awakenings to be had. Yes you had a very deep insight first, which is odd. But there are other powerful awakenings. To have everything in one shot would be almost unheard of. Its just too much.
  14. When I say you I am not saying it is a person or a someone. It is Infinity. But Infinity is one so that makes YOU and IT the same. To say "it's God" is still creating a separation between you and God. It is completely ONE. You are IT. Just expand your definition of You.
  15. Tolkien was a master. Hehe Eru the one. The Silmarilion was a great piece of work.
  16. There is no greater gift or miracle than for God to realize itself. However, this will only happen when one is ready. If you take psychedelics you need to be careful. You might be shown things you are not ready to see and your mind will not be able to integrate it properly. If you have a thirst for Truth at all costs then know what you are getting into. Your getting into your own death and coming back from it. Gandalf the Grey became Gandalf the White after he defeated the Balrog. But he died and returned and was forever altered. Was it for the better? Ultimately yes. But a part of him was lost forever. That was the cost.
  17. I don't understand what you mean by this. Not sure about this but's nitpicking at this point which also happens with criticism of Leo. People nitpick rather than focusing g on the teachings themselves that can actually awaken them. I'm not that concerned with other teachers. And both Rupert and Leo's teachings can help awaken you. Rupert is brilliant and awake as far as I'm concerned. I retract any statements that he isn't. Same with Peter Ralston. Ego talking here but he has had deep awakenings and when you have awakenings that deep there are literally no one else so you are the only one that can awaken. So to come hack and say this is kinda silly when you are God. No one is perfect. We all deal with our ego. You have seen me lose it here with my own ego. I however can humble myself and admit it.
  18. Rupert teaches that there are other minds behind the scenes. Happening simultaneously. That is the difference. There only appears to be this. It is an illusion. Appearance is all that is required for it to Be real.
  19. I'm perfectly OK with never using the term again perhaps it's a discussion to be had among the mods. It does seem to be causing more confusion than anything else.
  20. As long as the distinction is made that we are not talking about the finite mind or ego self I see no issues with it. It helped @Someone here ti awaken and he had no problems understanding the difference between Wikipedias definition and what we teach here. But ive never felt the need to use the term myself. When you awaken you dont say "oh damn - its solipsism!". just become conscious that you are the only game in town