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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Well said on all points about Truth (I don't know about the quotes I didn't read them all) but your correct on everything. I don't like calling it a bubble either its an Infinite Field of Consciousness. An infinite Mind. And solipsism is a word that doesn't even need to be used really. Truth just is what it is. @Tim RThis Infinte Mind is Infinitely Intelligent - and yes it can feel too. And yes it CAN feel a sense of aloneness when it realizes it is the only Mind in existence and everything is recontexualized. Thinking and feeling does not require finitude. These are not actually human qualities these are qualities of Infinite Consciousness or the Infinite field of Consciousness. A human or finite self is imagined. It is an idea within the Mind of God and you are that Mind.
  2. Well when you are immersed in the dream you are cosplaying as a human so you are being the human fully..but you may regularly have a shift in consciousness and say "oh yeah..I'm God!"
  3. All I want for you is to be stable and happy. Spirituality, though you do go through some tough times - should on the end make you a happier more well balanced person. But I understand. Much love to you.
  4. Yes - you know you are putting yourself back to sleep. That's the difference. Someone who has never awoken does not know they are are asleep or that they can awaken until they do. Even when an awakened person goes back to sleep they don't know it in the moment. But they will awaken again or have that conscious moment where they say oh! Yeah! I was asleep again and this is all a dream ? and then they go back to sleep again. So it's kinda like waking up over and over again for the rest of your life when you have those moments.
  5. Because there cannot be anything outside your Consciousness. Consciousness is Infinity. You are Consciousness. You are Infinity. There cannot be anything outside of you. Something behind the scenes is you subtlety creating tbe construct that there is some :other place somewhere separate from you. But this something your mind is imagining or creating.
  6. A ton of people on the forum ask this when we tell them there is no other mind but their own.
  7. Yeah this is a key mistake and maybe the nihilism trap. After awakening you should feel more love, more empathy and more sympathy for others because all are a part of you. Also you actually created others out of selflessness so that you can learn to put others before your small self. This is a way of exhibiting selflessness because your true nature IS selflessness and formlessness. So being selfless towards others is a finite form of what is Infinite Selflessness or your true nature.
  8. This is basically you falling asleep. We are saying similar things here. You don't stay in the Absolute. If you did there would be no dream and thus no reality. Yes but with awakening in general not just awakening via psychedelic trip. An elevated state of consciousness or mystical state if uou will. Basically as you said earlier there is no objective world or objective other. Other is imagined. So if you are talking to your girlfriend you don't first say in your mind - I know she's not real but I'm gonna have fun talking to her and pretending" that might be fun in a night time dream when your lucid dreaming...but here this is the "real: reality. It would not be fun if you knew everything is a dream all the time. It wouldn't be real. So you just go back to it being real. But the mechanism itself for making it real is still is imagination since reality is a giant mind. We just don't realize we are doing it because we are imagining its real. That's what falling back asleep basically is.
  9. No that's exactly what I don't want you to get confused about. Your Mind is all there is. Full stop. Your Mind and You are identical. Consciousness is YOU. Even to say your POV is too far because you as Infinite Mind must first imagine it is a self to have a "POV". So it's clearer to say your Mind is all there is full stop. And you are your Mind. It's all One. When you say it's just Consciousness yes it is. But YOU ARE Consciousness. You and Consciousness are identical and that is a duality that can collapse. And when I say YOU I am using an expanded definition of what YOU means. I don't mean the human self or ego.
  10. The problem is you are taking this stuff as a belief. Even what you just said- there is only Consciousness - which i also claim is true and I don't disagree with - my claim is ONLY a possible theory for you right now. You have no direct experience of what i am speaking of or evem what you are speaking of. Hear what I am saying but then do the practices to see what is true. Or - if this stuff is already bothering you - which I know that it is - then just take a break from spirituality and get back to everyday life. Or even go back to what we talked about self inquiry and start there if you truly wish to pursue spirituality.
  11. This is where at the deepest levels the teachings can get confusing. If I tell you from my POV that you don't exist - it creates a paradox in me trying to wake you up. Because it contradicts me telling you I have no existence from your POV. If I tell you I have no existence, but then tell you from my POV you have no existence- it seems like I'm saying we both have POVs. That's why i am speaking from your POV only. From your POV I have no existence because you are God imagining me. I have no existence outside of your mind. Your Infinite Mind is all there is so when I say POV I really mean your Mind because you as God must first imagine a POV or a self. That's IT FULL STOP. It's THAT simple. I am literally a figment of your mind just like a dream you have at night . I am YOU trying to wake YOU up. I trying to aid YOU in awakening so talking from my POV is only going to throw a wrench in you understanding reality (i.e a contradictoon). So in terms of helping you awake its better to speak from your POV. Understand what I mean here?
  12. These things are also something you as God are imagining. Including things like reincarnation. It is irrelevant to focus on this. You are God now and this is your dream now. Everything else is imaginary. What you are doing is very subtley still clinging to the idea that others exist. You are still clinging to this. And this is totally expected and normal for the ego. You want it to be true that there are other points of view happening now separate from you occurring simultaneously. But I'm here to tell you that absolutely ALL separation is something you as Infinite Mind are imagining or creating
  13. Putting yourself to sleep IS reality! You got it now. But that's not ego that is God. That is the very essence of how God creates reality. Reality is an illusion that must be bought into.
  14. It's much more profound than that. Reality itself is dependent on it. Reality itself is dependent on separation. Without that there self would go insane because there would be no difference between self and other and self requires separation for its very existence. Also stop falling into the trap that I see many if you falling into. The Leo trap. These facets of Truth are independent and prior to the imaginary avatar Leo. Yes, he has a good way of articulating these things - but he is a product of your own mind articulating them back to you using your own Infinite Intelligence to the point where you have blinded yourself from even realizing this fact. Should you realize it directly you will awaken.
  15. Lol. How dare you put it behind a pay wall? ?
  16. Not necessarily he may just want to share it. When you first awaken you want to share with everyone. Counterintuitively you also know there is really no one but yourself to share it with. That said, God creates separation or the appearance of it (same difference) for the very reason of sharing its love with others. That is a selfless act not a selfish one.
  17. Wise words from the young enlightened master!
  18. Understood. I have seen it directly. I'm not asking you to take it as a belief. But notice how your ego is pushing back against it.
  19. Well let's talk from your POV. If you are indeed alone and God imagining everything..absolutely everything. Then you are the only mind and I have no experience or existence. I am held within your mind. Then why would you talk to me at all? The reason is bexause imagination is reality. So if you imagine I am real, then I am. Because there is no difference. Thus, appearance is reality. If you were lucid dreaming at night you wouldn't stop talking to the characters because you are dreaming them into reality so you can talk to someone.
  20. Right and what I am saying is my claim is that the video is correct. That person has no experience. Don't think of it as a mindless cartoon its just their imaginary just like everything is imaginary
  21. Well that's because in the dream the Infinite Mind has made itself finite or appears finite by dialing down its consciousness. So it appears everything is happening from the human self POV. But really there is no perceiver there is just pure awareness. Which then imagines it is the human self.
  22. is explained that you are Infinite Mind or God's Mind imagining everything into existence.