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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Go where you please. Do not let fear run your life. If you run into them so what? Who knows If they will even be together in 2 months? The guy sounded like a jerk to be honest lol. His loss. Hold your head high.
  2. I knew you would highlight that part. Because most people haven't experienced DP therefore they believe that no self is not DP Trust me on this it is. With no self you will completely lose your sense of self. The only difference is you will realize Self It is otherwise identical. That said I'm sure there are gradiations of DP in which perhaps there is still some sense of self. But with pure DP there is none
  3. Listen I was weak for decades because I always wanted to make the other person happy while not looking in the mirror It's part of your growth.
  4. @Hello1 for one thing what did you say earlier in your post? You allowed him to still be with you even though everything went south including the sex...because you were weak. What are you going to change from this experience? Stop being weak. What I mean by this is don't be afraid to be yourself. Don't be someone you think would make him happy or others happy. Be confident in you and that you don't need anyone but yourself because you love yourself and this will make you a strong person. You need to have love for yourself first before you can make someone else happy
  5. This is correct but incomplete..there is more. When you become Oneness you also realize no self (small self) - you disassociate from the self or ego - which is DP. Then you realize Self. They are entangled. If he was truly awake he would know this. (Wituout psychedelics)
  6. Thanks Lol...i am looking for another pic but he may return in the interrum
  7. you realize all of those things are shallow and superficial. You just have to be happy for yourself. Just be happy for itself. That will come in time, with many decades. I'm 51 now and only just in the past year or so really can be just happy for no reason at don't "need" external things to make you happy - that's the entire illusion of the ego. Everything external is an illusion. (remember Absolute Solipsism?) The ego thinks it has to find happiness externally, but its internal, which means there is doesn't need to be any "reason" that makes you happy or source. Just be happy for itself. This is internal peace!
  8. Have you ever experienced DP? I have. And i have also experienced awakening to no self. They are almost identical with the exception with raw DP you do not become Awareness itself..or Consciousness itself. (Aka God)You are depersonalized but instead of a shift in identity there is simply no identity. So it's a rather depersonalized experience no pun intended. There is no bliss. There is no Divinity or no Love. But so it's like enlightenment without enlightenment so to speak. When you do awake you will experience a type of DP + God realization. You guys might disagree but I have experienced both.
  9. To have form - which is limitation. Otherwise you would be formless nothingness - pure Infinity.
  10. Their POVs are imagined. When i say their POVs I mean the appearance of their POVs. Reality literally IS appearance. Imagination is reality. "Their" POVs are not actual.
  11. Understanding IS the ultimate Bliss. If you were to become totally omniscient you would also realize Absolute Love, and Yourself as God. Only awakening proper will do here and I would second @Michael Jackson here and leverage all the tools available to you for awakening. This will allow you to awaken to no self, Infinity, Love. You said you did but if you did you would have died and thus you would no longer have any questions about death. The pbysical body is imagined along with pnysical death. When you directly realize the self is an illusion it dies and you brcome God. There never was physical death. Death is a concept just as the small self is a concept. There can only be the falling away of concepts because all is Mind.
  12. That's what I am saying. Others are you and a figment of your mind. But keep in mind that there is just Consciousness and you are it. Your own human POV (self) is also imagined just like other's POV. In order for you to awaken you have to dissolve the self.
  13. @Brandon Nankivell No. You are God. You are Absolute. There can be nothing outside of you as Infinity. If your consciousness were to expand to Infinite levels it would become shockingly clear that others (and for that matter all of reality) are held within your own Mind as God. Precisely as a dream. It's just that right now you are in a finite, dialed down state of consciousness to where there appears to be separation. This is precisely so reality can appear separate from you and so there can be a "human you" over here, and everything else over there...
  14. I think it would be foolish for Leo to ban people on both forums...he would be cutting off his nose to spite his face. I don't think he will do this. I think he was more interested with those recruiting or leeching off the viewers that he had attracted from the ground up.
  15. Here's something for you and the Zen Master. Don't demonize the Mind. Indeed the egoic finite mind should be quieted in order to align with Truth but Mind itself - Gods Mind - your Mind - and understanding, should not be thrown away. Don't toss the baby out when you flush the bathwater.
  16. Can you expand on what conflicts in life you speak of? Also keep in mind the ego is an illusion and in order to keep yourself asleep and in the illusion the ego needs to keep you away from your true nature. See how this works? ? awakening is the dissolution of the ego.
  17. He's like most people honestly. I would say that's sad but that would be my bias. It would be nice if he had an awakening but I do not forsee it. Again my bias. A "turquoise" awakened one is not better than an asleep "Orange" person. The issue with spiral dynamics is because of people's bias they view tbe higher stages as "better". But I agree if he used his own mind more or was more open he could have an awakening that would shatter his whole worldview. But what then to all that he has built? His ego is more comfortable with being what he is now.
  18. Then I wouldn't worry too much about it at this point. Eventually you will probably quit on your own when you are ready. Until then it doesn't seem to be causing you any major issues so you shouldn't feel guilty. I can understand you feeling guilty if you were binging and drinking large quantities at once where it was having negative effects but that doesn't seem to be the case.
  19. @cjoseph90 do you really need them at all at this point ?
  20. Yeah true...but my point is the 50s is still young. It's all relative. When your 20 you think 50 is so old..but it's not. And when your 50 you think 70 is so old lol.
  21. I have not found another way yet.
  22. @Arthogaan why would you want to die at 50? Thats when life actually begins.
  23. Can you expand on "game-over" awakening levels? It seems you are chasing states from your post - which is an egoic pursuit. What have you actually become conscious of in your "game over" awakenings?