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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. If a tree falls in the forest with no one around does it make a sound? We're talking real possible shit man keep an open mind. I discovered it directly. I had the wind of Infinity blow through me so hard I screamed. I felt like Moses on the mountain after. Quite a thing. And I was just meditating in dim light with nothing but a blanket covering me. It scared the piss outa me this ain't about some you tube dude man we are talking real spirituality.
  2. @integral I would rip his heart out and pull out his throat while he was still breathing
  3. Occupy the mind. An idle mind is the Devils playground. Find a book or watch a movie. Do anything.
  4. Yeah I mean don't give up on society yet. You're right from the standpoint of wisdom and morality but that's not any fun. Batman and the city of Gotham is much more popular. For that we need the Riddler. Would say Penguin but I watched it and it's great but I can't wait for Riddler to come out. Penguin was a one dimensional gangster.
  5. Lol...well Captialism could have fooled me. Maybe it's Communism in disguise.
  6. I don't think anyone is wishing for death it's just a lashing out in frustration and desperation. When someone is wronged for so long and sees no way out there's a really good chance they are going to lash out. That's what we see here. You're thinking way ahead of society. Most people in society want to survive or will be cutthroat if they aren't able to get what they need. So that's what you're seeing. It's just a part of the population, there are many like you though too.
  7. This issue is there are hundreds like him. It really wasn't a matter of targeting him in particular it was the failure of the Healthcare system as a whole. You know how you fire a football coach? Well this was the American people firing the head of the health care.system. its nothing personal of course.
  8. What type of medical issues? Again I'm not justifying what was done but also you have to empathize with the level of disregard and the passiveness with which these companies just let people die and collect their revenue every month. If I had a family member die because they were denied health insurance I'd be pretty pissed off. And now throw in things like PTSD and other illnesses and you really have a concoction, a potion full of evil ready to explode. These companies aren't stupid. They have to know that there will be outbursts against them. So you would think that there would be better preventative measures taken. But there isn't because they just don't care. So I don't have a ton of sympathy for this guy. He bought into Orange and paid by apples 🍎
  9. He was the head of the company that denied coverage for the guy who suffered- whether by a loved one or himself. And believe me the corporate world could honestly give two shits whether you live or die. They ONLY care about profit and revenue. That's it and thats all. There's a very sick side to Orange. And your seeing the very devilish side to Orange.
  10. @integral just these guys and that's only because the last four years sucked so bad. That's what makes Trump look so good. Musk has a bad lisp and Trump slurs his words.
  11. Yeah. But are you turning a blind eye to just how fucked up this world is? Because we can't blame the guy who had nothing left. His mother probably died because the system failed him. There are thousands dying because health care is all fucked up. Thousands. Killing him doesn't unfortunately change anything but a bunch of folks raising their eyebrows over coffee. Maybe to him it was worth spending the rest of his life in prison.
  12. No matter what reality or what Infinite dream you are having you will still wake up to God and God realization. That doesn't change. The only thing that changes is the dream. Now you can think that this Absolute can change but you have to first wake up to the Absolute. Then you can understand why it is Absolute. Once you do that you will never again doubt that there cam be any differences between the Absolute. The infinifites it expresses can be ultimately different and that is the variations in dreams. But the Absolute itself is unchanging across all dreamers. Of course there is only one true dreamer.
  13. @HardkillBro it will be a completely different landscape in 4 years. Let reality play itself out.
  14. It's the same question as to why this dream and not something else. Riddle me this. Why not this one? The answer is because it can be. It's an expression of Infinity. You don't need to - but nothing is stopping you from choosing this particular dream. Or this particular outcome. This particular possibility. All possibilities are on the table. It just depends on which one you actualize. And you actualized this one. And?
  15. Ahh no worries man - yeah man a lot of it is saying the same things in different ways. Language is funny like that. It's all good. You're very beloved here...I just wish i had as much time to spend here as you do! Yeah but for the Absolute for me you can't perceive it or think it you just become it. You become the Absolute. You always were the absolute but your state of Consciousness actually expands to become the totality of the Absolute. Or God.
  16. Want is the keyword. If they're just going to give it to them don't act like Israel orchestrated it. Yeah they're in a better position now but it wasn't something they orchestrated so let us be clear. To say otherwise implies some type of conspiracy theory.
  17. As if it's some Master plan. Israel is just defending it's own. Albeit sometimes too much.
  18. Probably to blame Israel. @zazen and as i read further, as i predicted, here it comes.
  19. We're saying the same thing in different ways. I don't say only me exists I am saying only the Absolute exists. The thing is to realize what you are saying you have to break away from the materialist paradigm which states that you aren't the Absolute, but that you are a physical biological entity and that you are in a physical universe with external objects. Hence the duality of self and other. So when I say we are a mind I am saying that to differentiate between the materialist paradigm or physical paradigm vs consciousness being the paradigm in which all is One making it Absolute. This isn't just Leo this is anyone who can discover it.
  20. Well look - each of us walk their own path. Awakening for you is what it is for you. Just because I didn't start your path doesn't mean I didn't find it in my own way. The discussion here was whether there are other minds. Well to me If there isn't a self how can there be other, Absolutely speaking. If you don't want to talk about that then maybe this isn't the thread for you. I am not saying you aren't awake, so please have the same respect. Obviously you have been here for a number of years and you have a lot of good positive constructive things to say here. So it is appreciated. I apologize for insinuating that you didn't have any awakenings. I'm sure you have. This is just a very specialized topic about awakening per se.
  21. Are you saying that conceptualizing about awakening isn't the actual thing? Of course not but these are things you can discover ACTUALLY in a non-dual state or a state or no-self. Why are you demonizing concept? After all concept and actual is a duality!! So again you sound just like the neo-advaitan bunch. Or maybe you need the non-duality trap bear video. I'll have to find it and show to you.
  22. Right and the problem with other minds is they will always source from your own mind. There is no escaping that and never will. So if you imagine other minds real you imagine them into existence. But you can imagine them out of existence too. Now obviously there's higher levels of imagination at can't deny that. But they're not happening behind the scenes or elsewhere. There happening in that very same now. Infinity is capable of that, as, outlandish as that seems. But one can expand to Ifninite Consciousness and see it all themselves. Problem is nobody wants to.
  23. If there is no objective reality well then.....there's nothing independent of what you're conscious of right now. It's not that complicated really. It's just a matter of whether you think their are other minds or not. That's really for someone to discover and validate on their own via awakening. But I can tell you this even Leo's video on Infinity of God's relies on the same mechanisms that your dream relies on. If you imagine other minds are real they will be real to you. You'll never be able to escape that everything sources from YOUR own mind. And that's how all of reality functions.