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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. I have to tell you my spot first and let me just say - that ain't happening ?
  2. Your a fellow lighter and your OK in my book. Let's light the torches.
  3. That's what death is silly ?
  4. Did you think God is love or did you experience God? You shouldn't have to ask me that. Omniscience and Love are One.
  5. Because that's what it is? There is nothing for the ego to attain. Omniscience is God. Rest assured that when you become totally Omniscient you will forfeit your limited existence. But that will be OK.
  6. Yeah and i would say to that - To attain omniscience is to die ?
  7. Omniscience does not imply degrees.
  8. Love u Penguin ? It's all a blurr.. fuck psychedelics bro. Just live your life. You will awaken when its time. Chasing it won't do and you discovered that for yourself. Just live.
  9. Cuz its your dream silly. She was always there. Or they were in your dream.
  10. Yes the Absolute is Absolute Knowledge. AKA Omniscience
  11. Still act like it sometimes
  12. Thanks man. Don't look 51 right? Good genes I guess
  13. The finite cannot know the infinite. Omniscience exists and can be accessed but the finite must fall away .
  14. This is kind of hard to undersdand...but your right. Good points on compassion and love. The key point is imagination and reality are identical. It's one and the same. He doesn't understand this because he has taken these teachings as belief and thus believes she is imaginary. She is but she is also real because they are one and the same. There is nothing else besides reality so he might as well get used to it.
  15. Precisely. That's the Infinite Field of Consciousness. Not only are u in this field of consciousness but you're it. Mindfuck!
  16. Did you actually awaken? If you did you would know how to go back to sleep. Dreaming is where it's at. There is nothing as Infinity. You are just yourself. And yourself is formless and nothing. Infinite. Being finite is where it's at.
  17. Been telling him this for months
  18. See that's exactly what I'm talking about. You are trying to live your life from the Absolute. You have had this problem and I've seen it since the beginning. You have had it for months. This is a clear sign that you have taken these teachings as dogma or belief. Don't take this in a bad way I am trying to assist. If you were awake and knew these Truths you would also know how to shift seamlessly into the dream. You would then care about her past. You are letting spirituality (or what you know about it) destroy your life right now and that is not a good thing
  19. In what ways is she critical? Yes there are always higher powers at work (its your dream as Infinity) but can you expand a little ? You don't want to live your life from the Absolute perspective either - meaning if you go through life from the standpoint that everything is you, then your missing the trees from the forest.
  20. Separate fight. And yes you can definitely awaken via self inquiry. That was my path. Most are not genetically wired for that though and thus they need gear.
  21. God does dummy ? you still think God is something the ego dreams up. We are gonna ignore the forum guidelines on the name calling for now
  22. Your not awake . You just took a whole bunch of shit that you read online as belief. But I mean hey- if your happy that's all that really matters.