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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. The answer is meaning has no meaning. Thus something is what it is for itself
  2. Correct. But look more closely. The present moment is also a thought and imaginary. You cannot capture the present moment because you ARE it, you are being it. So there really is no such thing as the present moment. Better to speak of Being and God. It is more accurate. There is no Now because you are Being itself. There is no past, future, or now. Those are all descriptions of time.
  3. Pepperoni please. Im trying to cut carbs though so if i do this you are smoking a cigar with me.
  4. Hes actually right. Its consistent because your imagination is infinite so it has everything covered. But time is an illusion and you know this. The past and future are imaginary. Actually to be even more.precise the present moment is also a thought because you ARE it - so you are being it.
  5. He is real. There is no difference between real and imaginary. You imagine he exists outside your door and this lies atop a nest of backstories which create your reality. One of those is his particular backstory. And that is that he is still growing his business. That is real because it is imagined so.
  6. I was kinda thinking the same thing. @Reciprocality are you saying if you are truly enlightened then you do not need to say God is the best word because you have experienced God?
  7. Haha i hear ya. But the more beer you drink the more you should see they are absolutely identical and that nothing needs to arise from anything because its already it. Relatively speaking yes you create "things" with your imagination - however in the Absolute sense they were already there you just had to see them with your finite mind's eye.
  8. Everything doesn't arise from nothing. Everything IS Nothing. Now, you can awaken to different facets at a different times. You can realize Nothingness but then realize Nothing and Everything are identical in different awakenings. But this is still enlightenment and it is not a process. Awakening/enlightenment is a state of Infinite Consciousness which is not limited to a logical system or process - it is direct.
  9. In the Absolute sense you are just revealing things to yourself yes. But that fine. I would just suggest a meditation practice - self inquiry specifically. Really dig in to what you think you are.. You say impersonal awareness but notice this could be dogma and not realized directly which is enlightenment - its enlightenment because you become awareness - which you have not. So what do you really think you are? An entity or soul residing behind the eyes?
  10. Look the point is to me she doesnt need to play this card. She hasnt even sat down and done self inquiry.
  11. I expected some pushback from you. Dont make me poke you with my staff! :)?
  12. Then you havent yet done true self inquiry. True self inquiry is finding out what you currently believe you are and then killing that belief by realizing it was an illusion and therein realizing that which you truly are. When this happens you become what you truly are and thats enlightenment. You are gifted so this method can work for you. Psychedelics just destroy the illusion without you having to discover it on your own thus i consider it unearned wisdom.
  13. Haha. Relatively speaking. All speaking is relative. Have you delved into psychedelics or done serious self inquiry meditation? You may be on the brink of ego death/awakening but without the gun to pull the trigger....:)?
  14. Indeed. Perhaps a mystical state then. Do you meditate? Or was this completely spontaneous? You have had a taste of Gods Love..just take care not to chase. When you chase it it runs faster.
  15. you wont have to ask us if it is enlightenment. But it does seem like your consciousness is leaning towards a shift to an expanded state or has elevated. May be the right time for DMT and ego death so that you can experience God.
  16. So you can be you at this particular time. Dont over complicate. Thats what the ego likes to do. 1=1 Absolutely. Why isnt 1 a 2? Because its 1.
  17. @vizual nothing gets deleted here but you can ask to be banned or just stop logging in. You can go through and empty all your posts of content and then hide them if you really wanted to go through the trouble but as for total deletion, no. This is probably for tracking purposes.
  18. This is correct. They say the ego is the devil. As the ego wants to do "good" for itself, this may ultimately negatively impact others which will consider this "evil" because it impacts their survival. Good and evil all boil down to survival. When one self survives at an expense of others it will be considered evil by the others. Or when one attempts to pleasure themselves at the expense of their own survival they will be doing "evil" to themselves in this case.
  19. You can also ask - if i am Infinity why am i cosplaying as this one particular finite being and not some other? Why am i looking through these eyes and not my mothers or some other? But this is an illusion. Consciousness appears one particular way when in fact it is Total and Complete. It becomes one particular way to be that way. Its tautological. The laws of physics are this way so they can be this way. But in fact they are the dream of finitude.
  20. @Someone here of course. This is just entertainment. You can just as easily go duck hunting then hang out here. But the Truths spoken of here are being pointed to. Belief isn't the right word unless you take them as beliefs, which we warn against vehemently.
  21. Yes. You will ultimately suffer from drinking alcohol too much and suffering is a form of spiritual growth. Selfishness leads to suffering.