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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Phil King yes. When you are cosplaying you are cosplaying. But you are awake. Lucid dreaming is a nice way to frame it.
  2. @Edvardas something and nothing are identical- that's what you are missing. So, Love is something (everything, in fact because it is reality itself, yet still nothing simultaneously. The essence of Mind is nothing - it exists nowhere. It may all be tied into what your current paradigm of reality is but when you realize everything is One and Infinity, you realize that nothing and everything must sit on top of each other - not in two separate places. Only an awakening will do as you must become the Oneness not conceptualize it.
  3. @Kalki Avatar not sure @Meta-Man would agree
  4. Yes you are 100% correct. Congrats on your awakening. Welcome to the dream.
  5. All it takes is a shift in Consciousness to realize that you are God dreaming everything into existence and all exists within your own Mind. However to the ego this wil be insanity because sanity itself is the ego's ability to maintain a separation between itself and other. That is what it is or what it's identity is. If you collapse self and other it is pure insanity for the ego. That's why no one wants to go there and why it's such taboo. But when you truly awaken from the dream you do realize that you are all that exists.
  6. @GreenWoods nice insights. Yes I would equate this more as natural human development. Before enlightenment, chop wood carry water. After enlightenment chop wood carry water - only reality has been recontexualized now. Also I tend to agree with your views on Turquoise and Coral - I tend to also equate Turquoise with becoming a mystic - and Coral with your pendulum swinging back towards this human existence- and not shunning the beauty of mortality itself (not shunning attachments but embracing them, for example). I include choosing to be selfish here as well, though you are conscious of it at a deep level. As well as to realize things like that there is both no self and self simultaneously. And yes - some great insights. What you are presently conscious of is what is. Or you can say reality is an Absolute Relativity. The only thing Absolute is that it is 100% relative. Good stuff. As you mentioned this is basic human development and really requires no labeling or stages unless you just want to zoom out and look at it. But as a human I think it's important not to get caught up with "stages" because then that becomes some type of ego thing. Also, since reality is 100% relative, it of course means that human development is also relative - i.e some Individuals may never become mystics or never access a state of God Consciousness - and that is perfectly fine. Good stuff!
  7. It does this via Mind. Mind is Infinity. Infinity is everything which is simultaneously nothing. All it has to do is create the illusion of physicality - which it does because nothing permeates through the physical world (rendering it Mind or a dream) So yes it is thus Omniscient and Omnipotent simultaneously.
  8. Point is that even the distinction between ego and God shall blurr. Oneness shatters all separation until there is none. There is only total unity. There is Infinity.
  9. The You that thinks of you as you is You and will know it.
  10. The idea of you dies. You were just an idea.
  11. All distinctions ultimately break down when you get to the root of reality. There is no difference between real and imaginary or existing and non existing. You create the distinction between a physical "real" world and the world within your mind. Why can't reality be exactly like your dreams at night ? Why can't that be the structure or metaphysical nature?
  12. Everything. The distinction between imaginary and existence, or real and Imaginary, is in fact Imaginary. It exists as long as you believe it exists. There are no distinctions at the Absolute level because reality is groundless.
  13. Because reality is made of mind not material.
  14. The problem is you are making the distinction that properties exist in the "physical" or objective world. And that the world of imagination is not real Yet there is no such distinction. Imagination and reality is a duality. Imagination and reality are actually one thing. So "properties" are relative to what you describe. Properties could easily be something you are imagining - if we accept that imagination and reality are the same...
  15. You got it. You are even judging suffering. You can even judge judging. You can go meta and then go meta on being meta. That's not what will set you free. What will set you free is realizing you are finite and have bias. What you are speaking of is bias. And bias is so that you can survive. It's OK to want to survive and have bias and I think that's where you are going. There is no need to judge survival. In other words, don't judge judging. It's OK to judge.
  16. @Raptorsin7 another thing. Suffering is not evil and it is not bad. Only the ego mind puts that label on suffering. There is nothing wrong with suffering. Being mortal is to suffer and to suffer is the point of being mortal. Don't demonize it. Suffering actualy grows you and brings you closer to God when you don't judge it.
  17. @Raptorsin7 your learning. Remove attachments and you don't suffer. Judgment is an attachment.
  18. Infinite Consciousness. Then back to finitude Infinity cannot escape itself it can only trick itself. It does this by shifting states and morphing into what appears as something else. It takes finite form. It is a shapeshifter that has no shape.
  19. They are relative. In the relative sense correct, WW14 doesn't exist yet. However Absolutely speaking it exists and is real - as a thought in your mind. That's what it exists as.
  20. I think he's just saying that existence and non existence is a duality that must collapse. They are relative terms. But I shall add this: things Exist with a capital E - this is the Absolute. There is also Understanding with a capital U - this too is an Absolute. It doesn't require finite thought or dualistic thinking.
  21. Its not that theres a toilet - its why its an oval shape and not a square shape. There is no preference of one shape over another
  22. Thats what that question ultimately is based on.