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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Michael Jackson he just imagined it was real so it became real for him. For a time.
  2. This is a great example of "what you imagine becomes real for you" video. Reality is imagination - so if you imagine that there are other Gods - that will become reality for you. But note- they are imaginary. If you imagine this is a shared dream that will become your reality. But really the concept of this being an actual shared dream falls apart very quickly when you start to break it down. Because it's imaginary! JusI a guess but perhaps Leo may have just fell into a very nihilistic state recently with all of his recent validations that he is alone as shook him to the core if you recall. It shook me to the core when i had the realization...and so imagining that there are Infinite Gods out there somewhere may have helped him feel a greater connection to reality and have a deeper Love for Reality and others. But it still remains that all others and all of reality is held within One Eternal Consciousness. And he states that other Gods are still actually held within his Mind as God So if this was good for him great. But you don't need there to be an actual infinite number of Gods out there to have a deep, loving connection to others because the fact that they are all you literally - IS Love!!! This is Your Dream as God so live it to the fullest!
  3. As some of the others mentioned - when you awaken there is a shift to a higher state of consciousness- this is a state of Infinite Consciousness or Divine Consciousness. It is synonymous with Absolute Consciousness because it is Absolute or non-dual. So there is no room for doubt - all doubt is dualistic because it requires separation from Absolute Truth in order for there to be an entity separate from the Absolute that can doubt. But in such a state of consciousness there is no separation. It is Absolute.
  4. Thats an illusion... These things are being imagined at a higher level than the ego. So actually, if you imagined Hitler won WWIi so deeply it would become real - because there is no difference really - neither exist in the present. The difference is if you did, the rest of the world would deem you insane. But to you, THAT WOULD be reality. Whats really going on there is the ego is trying to replace the will of God or the imagination of God which is taking place at a much higher state of consciousness. This encompasses self and other.
  5. Its to open up the mind of the materialist. But most are paradigm locked so it doesn't matter. If their mind is open they were never a true materialist because they weren't locked.
  6. It doesn't exist outside your experience of it
  7. @Egodeathrow I guess he tries to appeal to all audiences- he has a million subscribers and 99 percent of those hold the materialist paradigm. If they are open minded enough they will not be paradigm locked so it won't matter. If they are already paradigm locked it also won't matter and his material will go in one ear and out the other. So ultimately the content is available but it's up to you as the viewer how you interpret it
  8. That is imaginary. Souls are ideas in the mind. The Mind of God - when it manifests itself as a human- shifts or morphs consciousness even to the point where it can sense a finite self. But if you look for it you will not find it because it is an idea in the Mind of God.
  9. It's infinity there is only what state of consciousness you are in right now. However as Infinity if is OK to deduce that you will experience every possibility. That includes all points of views. You will explore yourself from every possible angle and this will go on forever
  10. Shush. You will spoil the dream. But this is exactly right. As Infinity though, you must do it in subtle ways - otherwise you will awaken.
  11. Correct. Your Infinite Mind, which is not bound by the ego or whether or not it endures, is generating reality. You could not generate reality as a finite being because reality would be bent to your point of view. So infinity creates it. It's still you, but it doesn't appear that way because you have made yourself a finite entity and thus you have wants and needs that may not align with reailty.
  12. @Egodeathrow it's normal to question your own direct realizations. Don't blame this on Leo. Yes, he has his own backstory, but ultimately you will have to work within yourself to resolve. Others - including Leo - are projections of your mind meant to help awaken you
  13. @bythos yeah...evil and good is a duality and thus evil and good are relative. Relative to what? Well take for example, as you said. What is good and evil is completely relative and thus fabricated by the ego. The duality is thus established to ensure the survival of the ego. A real minduck right? It means that good and evil actually can collapse into eachother. But into what you might ask? Well - Absolute Good. This is God. This does not mean God shuns rape or murder. It means God understands that everything must contribute towards the Greater Good of Reality. That's a tough pill to swallow for the ego.
  14. I would only make one adjustment- You are not made of energy. Energy is imagined by you as God. You are made of Infinity. Infinity is nothing. You are God or Awareness - so Astral projection is part of the dream.
  15. @Someone here How could this bother you if you have awoken to the fact that you are alone as God and others are projections of your mind? @Kksd74628 said - these are ALSO projections of your mind. Go meta on those thoughts- step outside of them and see them for what they are. That should bring you some peace as you move through this stage.
  16. Because you as Infinite Mind have masterfully trapped yourself inside a finite body and mind. You had to, otherwise it could not be real and you could not experience finitude. Even if you will forget when you realize you are God "again". That's the cost.
  17. @trenton this is normal do not shun it. You think that you are not sticking to who you are when you allow outside influences to come in. But in the Absolute sense, others, or what is outside, are you. So really your identity is just shifting and morphing. It's OK if you allow it - it is in fact how you grow. If you were not stimulated by your surroundings you could never change or grow. You would only remain what you were. Even when one formulates worldviews they are influenced. We are all influenced and that is how we develop into what we are. The key is to think for yourself. If someone in your inner circle says God exists, and you have not become directly conscious of it - then God doesn't exist for you. Likewise if your buddy says basketball is amazing- you may be intrigued by this but do not take as a belief or that it is true. Really experience basketball for yourself and then come back and let everyone know. Outside influence cannot replace direct experience.
  18. Saunas are amazing for spiritual awakening- but follow up with ice cold showers. It shocks the system and triggers kundalini.
  19. Great advice! Highly recommend followed by cold showers.
  20. Precisely --- There's no higher or lower here. If you choose not to embrace mortal life after realizing God that is your choice. If you choose to embrace mortality that is attachment to your finite form. And that too is OK. It doesn't make you less advanced. Embracing finite form after God realization as @GreenWoods mentioned is detached attachment. Yet I will take this a step farther and say it's OK to be selfish and want to survive in your current form. This doesn't male you less advanced then the dude who does masamadhi. And nor does it make you more advanced even though Coral or this phase comes after enlightenment or Turquoise. It is just one who likes his form, is comfortable in his own skin, and wishes it to last. He knows it cannot last. But he loves the game
  21. In order to become God one must shatter the illusion. It's a mask, and you take it off.