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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. That is conceptual. What i am pointing to cannot be conceptualized because concept is dualistic. I'm pointing to actually being what you are infinite state of pure potential in which all possibilities are held, but unactualized - yet are all there without needing to be actualized into one particular finite form. That is God Consciousness. It is Absolute Bliss or Love-because it is everything and nothing, there are no differences. That's enlightenment .
  2. You become actuality itself. You become the hand. All merges into Absolute Being or Absolute Truth. God is all states yes, but it also has a state of Infinity in which it is whole and that is just pure Being itself...there is no duality so there is no one who can be.. there is just Being.
  3. Even your actual experience of the hand is still a finite state of Consciousness and not God Consciousness- so no, it's not enlightenment. But its where to start if you want to have an experience of God or become God Consciousness. It starts with actuality or Being. Not the chatterbox that is the ego mind
  4. Definitely! Relative love is a finite part of Absolute Love - but notice - it's still Absolute alove!! The relative IS the Absolute. @Michael Jackson chill. I think due to the Infinite Gods video you may be worried that Leo has gone insane and began conflating the relative with the Absolute to preserve his sanity. And hey, there may be some Truth to that. And that's OK! Its still a part of the Absolute. But he definitely made the case that he was speaking about relative Love here. He also made the case that Infinite Gods were his own imagination as God. So relax!
  5. @Gianna in a spiritual context, it is the difrerence between conceptualizing what God is (and that God exists or not) and becoming God/experiencing God.
  6. I consider you an expert on this particular topic ? have you considered starting your own You Tube channel?
  7. The biggest thing with enlightenment is awakening cannot be forced. It happens precisely when it means to - and the tools that may or may not be used are irrelevant. Meditation and psychedelics are merely triggers within the dream designed to facilitate awakening. But you don't wake up from a dream until its time. When it's time, something wakes you up. In a night time dream that might be someone shaking you awake - or even pouring cold water on you. In the waking dream it could be meditation or psychedelics. But the difference between the waking and night time dream is it is much more difficult to awaken, and more intricate. It cannot be forced. When you are ready, all that may be needed is a slight push. So although I awoke without psychedelics I concur fully with Leo's take on serotonin levels and that chemicals are always in play. Peter doesn't know what he's talking about here...he's being close minded. He is wrong about them not being a valid trigger but he's right about if you aren't ready the trigger will do nothing. The bottle must be full first to drink - then you just need to open the cap.
  8. Infinite Gods, unfortunately, are part of the dream. It's unfortunate because God desperately wants to have another. But it cannot. It is the Absolute.
  9. The collective dream does not hold. When accessing God Consciousness you will see that all others are held in your consciousness, precisely like a dream. Your Consciousness expands to include "other" or what was seemingly outside your conscioisness when in a limited state.
  10. What you are missing is there is no difference between that and you dreaming infinite dreams one after the other and not remembering them. Its identical. All differences ultimately collapse and this includes exact copies of yourself. It's the same concept as zero=infinity.
  11. And im saying you can know Absolutely. (Awakening) ...This is a dualistic paradigm because these other Gods would be actually separate from you. It gets tricky bexause you can imagine this into reality and it seems like they actually are, (the duality of imagination and real dissolves or collapses) ......until you realize they were you.
  12. I'm very surprised he released this yet pulled a video he spent years planning and developing and validating- yet seemingly released this one on a whim...all because I think his previous validations were too much to stomach.
  13. But it does, it's Absolute. If you imagine them into being yes - but they exist within you're own Consciousness as the One Absolute God. You just fool yourself which is how reality is created. But in Truth, or Absolutely speaking, you are ALL there is. There are no "others". You're getting bamboozled by Leo's latest video.
  14. Actually that you are totally Alone as God can be directly verified via a state of God Consciousness (aka enlightenment).
  15. @GreenWoods ok but follow me here ..because heres the thing...with this paradigm you would still be able to shiift to what you are calling the Absolute Infinity God or the Absolute existence, thats holds all the infinite God's within it. If you could not then this says you are not God and thus debunks Oneness or non-duality. So, you could become this. When you become this, all others are absorbed into You. . All other Gods collapse into you. You are Alone. But also, right now, according to this paradigm as one of many Infinite Gods, if you shifted to God Mode of your own infinity, all others would dissolve into you and you would be Alone. Absolutely Alone. There is no difference between that Alone and the Alone as the Absolute God of God's because you could be both. If you could be both, why even have the extra layer -- unless of course, it was IMAGINARY! The only way it could work is If you couldn't merge everything into One - but then you might as well throw away non-duality or Oneness. So if we keep to Oneness, basically you are just pushing the problem of what is reality and what am I down a layer (or adding an unnecessary layer) see what I mean? Its still all the same one God fundamentally.
  16. No what he is saying is he had a more profound realization that imagination IS reality. Here he imagined an Infinity of God's into existence - literally. That's how reality WAS. That WAS reality. Remember reality has no ground. It can be whatever it wills. However he also realized that those other Gods must collapse into him as the Absolute. The Absolute realization here is that what you imagine becomes reality. But YOU are still the One, Singular Absolute. You are the fabric of reality. It's just like saying you imagine your mother exists at her house right now. She DOES, as long as you are imagining it. But once you stop imagining it it collapses or dissolves (or is it absorbed into you as Infinity).
  17. When you become Absolute Truth there is no suffering...or in a state of God Consciousness there is no suffering. But in a finite state one can still suffer. In this state then It is through understanding that they can avoid suffering. So just because you are enlightened doesn't mean you have rid yourself of all suffering. Expanding your baseline is what will really minimize your amount of suffering. Enlightenment does expand your baseline but then you can then slip back down so it's a continual process. But the more wisdom you gain the less you will suffer. Because all suffering is of the mind and of the ego. But as your wisdom expands you really can take a meta view on this and rise above it.
  18. If nothing limits you, you would have to be the Absolute Infinity cosplaying as finite. You would have access to everything there is. If you say nothing limits you within your own Infinity, then you are not Absolutely cant really call yourself Infinity are just really saying you are sovereign over your own realm...but there are other this makes you finite. Now if you are saying you are finite and not God then OK....:)
  19. Yes its just Consciousness. Realizing this is enlightenment. There cannot be anything outside of you.
  20. Yes but as @Ry4n points out it's not the ego so it's not really a bubble - that sneaks in perception - but there is no perceiver. It, or You, are just Pure Absolute Consciousness or Awareness.
  21. That is my current understanding based on my own realizations. Not as the ego but as God. So it's not really a bubble it is pure Absolute Consciousness
  22. Correct- other dimensions are imagined by the One Infinity. But Infinity can trick itself into imagining that another Infinity can exist but that this Infinity can't know about it. But then it comes back to realize that whole thing was just something it imagined. It cannot escape itself. When it tries to escape itself, that which escapes it becomes a part of it.
  23. From my own realizations i have merged into the Godhead or became the Godhead (God Consciousness, in other words) in which it is realized that all "bubbles" or "perspectives" are held within your own Supreme POV where it is revealed to you that you are God dreaming everything. In this state of God Consciousness, if you were also being the other bubbles simultaneously - then it would have to be possible for you to shift into one of those bubbles. Become a dog, a cat, a bird, an ant... . The fact is you can't, because you are still in finite form or this current physical body. So until you as God stop dreaming you are in this physical body (what we call death) you will not dream you are some other bubble or finite POV. Thus there are not trillions and trillions, or an infinite number of bubbles happening are dreaming all other bubbles right NOW, you are just not allowing yourself to know you are doing it. But if you were able to shift into God Consciousness you would see it.