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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Dany Balan investigate if it's psychological or biological. A lot of times if you are anxious about getting hard or thinking about it too much you won't get hard. If its is purely physical then viagra might help but you seem young for it to be physical.
  2. Creation and uncreation is a duality, yes. But when we say it created itself it doesn't mean it dualistically had to think about it then create itself (like the hand drawing itself)....I mean, it IS that but prior to time, space or even thought- it doesn't work in a linear fashion like the finite mind would. Infinity doesn't require thought. Now that's a mind fuck ? but that is omniscience.
  3. @IamYou if reality is non-dual - which you can become directly conscious of - then it has to create itself - in the ultimate paradox. You have to realize that paradox is the fabric of Infinity or reality and logic is content held within Infinity- it is not the structure. The structure is boundless and thus is prior to logic.
  4. @WokeBloke if it is a dream - do you think asking other dream characters if its a dream is going to give you the Truth? It is like being in the Matrix and then asking other people in the Matrix If they think its a simulation. How is this going to help you exit the simulation? You just have to exit it. Then you can come back in. You will be conscious it is the Matrix. And you will not need to ask the others within the simulation anymore because you have stepped outside of it yourself.
  5. Infinite - but what COULD exist still exists as something that COULD. its just EVERYTHING. Everything possible is just that - everything possible.
  6. @puporing glad you're OK.
  7. @iboughtleosbooklist that's right. There is justI Being. There is not even a back of your head or anything outside your door. It's a dream. It's God's dream.
  8. @BenG People have been trying to get him to try weed for spiritual purposes for a while now i think... Anyways i know for me since all my awakenings were triggered by meditation or spontaneous- when I smoke weed it is extremely psychedelic. I have been in a conversation with someone and had time completely melt away leaving me all alone in the universe. (I was the universe). Needless to say I don't smoke it often I shudder to think what would happen should I smoke DMT. ?
  9. Lets say you were the brain. The brain is made of billions of parts. What part are you? What if someone removed half of the brain. Would it still be you? What if someone removed 99% of the brain and just left a tiny smither. Is that little section you? This is actually how you would do self inquiry if you believe you might be the body or a part of the body.
  10. Just goes to show they don't work for everyone.
  11. @RendHeaven I'm in Chicago PM me.
  12. Loneliness is something that God can feel. It is Infinite so it feels everything. It can feel it through you.
  13. Meditation. Sit staring at something on yout wall for a week and see what happens. The problem is no one does it.
  14. Pain and suffering are part of being finite. (Part of the dream). Awakening is stepping outside the dream. Here you will reach Infinite Intelligence and Understanding - and this is liberation because you see through your finite pain and suffering and transcend human form. That's what awakening gives you. Then you can return to human form and be at peace. Pain and suffering no longer have the same affect. What you have to be careful about though, is forgetting you ever awoke. Which is how you fell asleep in the first place. God has the innate ability to forget its God - hence it is able to manifest suffering and pain into a reality.
  15. Only because you don't want the dream to end. And for it not to end you have to survive in this form. It's gonna be extremely painful to stop dreaming intentionally because you put yourself deep within it.
  16. Don't force embodiment. You are in this form to be a selfish fuck. Your actions will ultimately align with your wisdom on their own without you trying to force it. This comes with time. In the meantime enjoy the ride.
  17. God doesn't say he is God. God becomes himself. God just is God.
  18. They're your bread crumbs. There is no one else but you and you have designed this game with Absolute Perfection. So much so that you cannot decipher that you are alone and singular. So much so that you believe the bread crumbs are that of another. Absolute. Down to every single minute detail. You have left signs for yourself at almost every corner- to bring you home.
  19. As Leo said you are God so who else would. You are Infinite Possibility. So at some point you will experience every possibility and onto infinity. There is no one else to do it because you are God. The point for you to be "you" meaning in this body is now. Right now you are experiencing this particular form.
  20. You don't have to deconstruct your whole mind you just have to be curious and open minded. Enlightenment will shatter any construction you had anyway.
  21. What I mean is you being conscious of it at a conceptual level but technically that is a belief so you are right- to become directly conscious of it would be to become it which again, is enlightenment. To intuit it is not the same thing and so a better word for what I was describing was to intuit what Truth is. The reason I disagree is that to actually truly understand reality is to be it. Otherwise that understanding is conceptual and not to the level of Being. At the level of conceptualizing you cannot prove its true. To be it is prior to proof but at that point you don't need proof because you have gone beyond or prior to the meaning of proof.
  22. I'm just disagreeing as to what enlightenment is. I'm saying enlightenment is becoming that pure potential itself - whereby it IS actual. It doesn't matter whether that is a memory to me now or not. Becoming that is enlightenment or awakening. You can later be conscious of what Truth is...but that's not enlightenment.