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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. This is on the money. The more conscious one becomes the more they see sameness not difference. And the more they realize there is no difference between anything. This is both good and bad. In everyday life one needs differences for survival purposes. So it's good in terms with aligning with one's true nature but it's bad for the ego's survival. Thus a balance must be struck.
  2. @puporing remember, imagination is reality. You don't have to trick yourself. You just have to imagine that "other" is real- and poof, it is. When I'm talking to you now I'm imagining you are sitting at your computer somewhere. And thus, in that sense, you are. You are trying too hard in this regard. When you lay down and dream at night you don't over think anything- the dream just becomes your reality. It's the same thing here. Until you wake up- which is a shift in consciousness. Everything is shifts in consciousness.
  3. If you are asking me if I'm lucid - its when I choose to be. You forget a key factor. God wants to forget he's God.
  4. When you wake up from the dream you wake up. There aren't infinite depths to that. God Realization is quite simple.
  5. Its the same thing silly - If it's indeed enlightenment. What I meant was for him it was not triggered via meditation. There's no "meditation enlightenment" and "psychedelic enlightenment".
  6. False. You haven't experienced "classic" enlightenment.
  7. Lol. Don't be so sure Precisely.
  8. You don't know what you are talking about as you aren't awake. I was talking about triggers. What is a trigger on a gun? It is nothing unless the gun is loaded. If you are not ready for awakening it doesn't matter how much psychedelics you take or for that matter how many years you sit in meditation.
  9. The bottom line is that there are certain tools that can be used for awakening. Psychedelics are one of them. Personally I used meditation and self inquiry. But unlike Ralston I am not ruling out Psychedelics. Him ruling them out simply shows his lack of versatility.
  10. The question is would you have found those teachers regardless? I'm trying to point to Infinity. Things unfold precisely how they mean to. This is God's will. You can try to inject your will. But it is the Will of God that holds all. So you trying to raise other's consciousness is God's will. You not doing it would also be God's will. Either way, God's will is at play.
  11. I get it trust me. It's a valiant effort. The problem is if they are open minded they are going to find the group anyway without you. Basically you are talking about marketing spirituality. If someone wants to find out about spirituality they will. How much you advertise won't make a difference here. Or maybe it turns one in a thousand on and they click the button. Fine. What I'm saying is it that won't make a dent in changing what is going to naturally occur anyway.
  12. It is a mystical state you could say - i.e. pure Consciousness or a non-dual state. It is isness. It is Divinity. Within that isness You can become conscious of various facets. If it is an experience of machine elves than no, that is not enlightenment. Because that is the ego experiencing machine elves. God consciousness is completely void of ego.
  13. Enlightenment is not an experience because there is no experiencer. It is God Consciousness. But taking psychedelics could possibly trigger a shift into God Consciousness. So the whole wording or understanding by Peter is wrong.
  14. For someone that's awake Peter should not be so close minded as to think psychedelics couldn't trigger enlightenment. He's just old fashioned is all. He should at least be open to the possibility even if he awoke via another method.
  15. This is nonsense. If the right components fall into place - self inquiry can trigger enlightenment. Period. Don't place psychedelics on a higher level just because self inquiry didn't work for you. You can say that for most meditation and self inquiry won't trigger enlightenment- but that is different than saying you will have a more powerful enlightenment with psychedelics because that is just false. Enlightenment is prior to the trigger.
  16. Only in your imagination. There has to be something conscious that reality ceased.
  17. It doesn't work like that unfortunately. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
  18. @Chanratt welcome
  19. @Someone here I have done that yes. Your partner will thank you for it - it's actually a master move and girls love when you can last so that they can climax. Then they will love ya it takes practice and skill.