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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Honestly no. Most actual God realized beings don't even announce it. Most of the ones you see out there are not actually enlightened they are just using it to make money. Leo is the real deal but there aren't many.
  2. Actually you did just that because you are Infinity.
  3. There is nothing outside your door. It's a dream.
  4. Why? It's a gem. Listen to that enough times and you might awaken
  5. What he is saying is that you aren't enlightened and you aren't. You are a philosopher. You can become a mystic, though, if you start taking psychedelics. You obviously won't awaken with meditation otherwise you would have already. Or you may in 10 years- but right now all of this is mental masturbation until you actually awaken.
  6. TRuth is prior to proof. You need an awakening.
  7. It has no substance or backing. It has no ground. It has nothing behind the scenes. That's what reality is because it is Infinity - which does not require an engine or a back end. That is for the finite.
  8. You continue to imagine. You are an Infinite Mind
  9. It's very simple. You are God imagining you are a human. When I say God I mean Infinite Consciousness. What you are is Infinite Consciousness. Now what Leo fails to explain is that you are imagining this universe right now at a much higher level of imagination. But if your level of consciousness was to get high enough you could unimagine the physical body. In order to ensure the dream is real you have cut off access to these higher levels. Otherwise you would have Infinite power and could unimagine everything including the idea of you which is your ego. But with enlightenment you access this higher level and come back while keeping the dream intact for you to come back to Including your physical body.
  10. These experiences are part of one's growth. Plus if you are ultimately conscious that you are the only thing in existence there is a sort of playfulness to reality. Its not so serious anymore. While there is still an attachment to the dream, however, you have to find a balance and keep things in check. Eventually you outgrow things naturally. He will need to keep a balance so as not to lose what he has gained here - and so far, it doesn't seem like a big deal. Once it is out of his system he will be beyond it. Remember he's not even 40 yet.
  11. Because it's Infinity. Really get a hit of what being Infinite means. Yeah - now you are catching on. Infinity will blow your mind.
  12. @axiom Stop with the nonsense and do the work
  13. That's all nice. But to awaken is to realize that Existence is Consciousness and that you are Existence.
  14. He has denounced God to me directly on a one and one phone call. Which means he has not awakened to no self. He read a book or watched a video and bought into it. When you realize no self, you realize God. What does it mean for something to exist? The answer: To be conscious of it. Existence is Consciousnsess and Consciousness is Existence. This is God - and this is You. If he fails to become conscious of this, then he is still assleep. If he is still assleep, he is still Truth. But he is Truth unawakened.
  15. You become conscious that you are both light and dark. Without both, you could not be. You are Inifnity.
  16. bro - i l love you to death but lets be honest. You're awakening to no self is purely conceptual. You conceptually realized you are not an ego. And that the ego is just a concept. Hey, thats great!. But you should not be on here teaching enlightenment because you are not awake as God. You have not realized God. You denounce God and you denounce what is mystical. So please - save the conceptual BS for another forum. We do not need it here.
  17. Of course the ego is a trap. It's a trap masterfully created to keep you dreaming. When you play a video game and you press start do you want it to immediately go into God Mode? What would be the fun in that? Life and reality is entertaining... God has nothing else to do. But when you realize you are not the player you become the designer. You don't have to realize you are the designer you become it
  18. no one wants to wake up. It will take extreme suffering or a thirst for Truth that surpasses all egoic desires. Leo was not gifted. But he found Truth because he thirsted for it and he put it in front of his own egoic desires. His thirst for Truth surpassed his own survival. This is what it will take.
  19. You are close but you haven't evaded the dream. The dream is evasive. But don't despair. There will be no one to tell you evaded when you do. There will be only you. So you'll just play the games. You'll play games to stay in the dream. And believe me, you are a master.
  20. I can just tell you that they are. And this is without psychedelics. Psychedelics will show you bits and pieces of awakening - apparently. But waking up from a dream means who wakes up? When you are dreaming you are a butterfly and then you wake up to realize you were not what are you but the Dreamer itself? Neo-advaita is a conceptual belief in no self. It is not waking up from the dream.
  21. No self and God realization are the same thing. If it's enlightenment. When you realize no self there is nothing else but God and you become it. There are realizations that can come shortly afer -aspects of the Absolute - such as realizing that other is and was always you. That it was your imagination. All religions and spiritual BS such as neo-advaita are just hand me downs to actual awakening.
  22. Precisely...he wouldn't have to ask Leo because he would know he is Leo.
  23. You say you are God. But is this a belief? Becoming it should fulfill the burning need the ego has for some point to life. The point is itself. It is reality itself. But to realize that you must realize you are reality itself- at the level of Being not concept. And this is synonymous with Absolute Love.