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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. He is a classic example of one who has adopted these teachings as a belief. Namely the neo-advaita teachings.
  2. Happiness is found within. It is in your Being. You do not find happiness externally. However, the ego does not grasp this. It seeks happiness outside of itself and seeks to fulfill itself with something external that it feels it needs.
  3. Banned. We are here to question reality with intelligence not mock it with ignorance.
  4. The unnamed are the highest masters because they do not seek anything. So you can't even call them Masters.
  5. Stop with the low quality posts and rambling. Make your posts of quality or you will be kicked out of here.
  6. In reality no difference. You are imagining the difference between 2D and 3D.
  7. He's correct here. There are levels of consciousness. At the lowest level is the waking dream- in which you are a selfish bastard hung up on survival and "manifesting" things into existence.
  8. @Michael Jackson great stuff as always
  9. You got it bud But it's not that's its how it seems for mosr people... I'm telling you there is Absolutely no difference between appearance and reality. Absolutely so. Also you will find that ultimately all differences collapse - not just the difference between reality and imaginary
  10. @UpperMaster there is both free will and no free will as the ego. It's tricky There is the appearance of free will that the ego has - and note that appearance IS reality. Thus there is free will. Because all you need is appearance- you dont need a layer below that. Yet on the larger scale it is actually Your Will as God that is in play. You are willing everything to happen precisely as it is meant to on a level that you do not allow the ego to see.
  11. I think one is the sharpest first thing in the morning. For me that's when insights come..even when I'm still I'm bed. You can figure stuff out instantly that maybe you had been struggling with for weeks and it will just come to you. Paradoxically this is also the best time for no mind meditation as well.
  12. Your level of consciousness has been limited to that of a finite human so that you can experience the dream as a limited player. Otherwise it would lose its realness and then wouldn't be reality. Awakening will allow you to cut through and see this because your level of Consciousness will expand to Infinite levels. However if your ego still has attachments to the dream and to survival then you as God know you aren't ready for full on God Mode because you are still selfish. If you weren't selfish you would be dead and Infinite Love and selflessness. You would not be concerned with selfish desires such as putting a million in your account. Your higher self knows what's best for you. Even if you don't.
  13. You need an awakening..that's it. Awakening is prior to belief or ideology. It can't be explained.
  14. There can be nothing independent of Consciousness. Consciousness is not an emergent property of the external world. The external world is an emergent property of Consciousness. It is held within Consciousness. Don't believe me - validate this in your direct experience .
  15. Now i follow you. Yes. An expanded episode on the dream itself and how Infinite Consciousness manifests the dream would be good. But this would be for advanced practitioners like yourself who have already awoken yet questions remain as to God's intricate design. But for the guy just wanting to wake up this episode is perfect.