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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Haha. It was about life or Consciousness coming to life.
  2. Haha nice. I didn't think you did. You are wise enough to be on here in the first place so....but Truth stands within your grasp. Will you reach for it? ?
  3. Why are you acting Ike a jerk? I love you so much? Listen to yourself bro. I'm trying to help you. You are way too into Leo to the point where you want to mold him into what you expect him to continue to be. I have a news flash for you. He is a figment of your consciousness. You can outgrow him just like you outgrew diapers.
  4. Dude get off his junk this is gonna get embarrassing
  5. That is beautiful. But there is also a moment when God wakes up to itself. A moment when God says "Oh my God. I am awake. For the first time. I'm awake,"
  6. There is awakening from this dream. And then you are awake. If you are not awake, you are still sleeping.
  7. Work on your English please. The grammar is starting to be a hindrance.
  8. Interesting point. But I can tell you that most enlightened beings do not need psychedelics. This is because they are already gifted. Leo is an interesting case indeed. He was gifted with intelligence and intuition but he was not gifted spiritually. He needed stronger tools then meditation. Most masters require little to no tools. I meditated for two weeks if that.
  9. Because they didn't need psychedelics. Leo is the only master I know of. I didn't need them.
  10. Brainwash city right here unless you are being comical. Sad part is I don't think you are. Please tell me you are.
  11. I didn't say it was negative I said it's not necessary in this work.
  12. That is personal development and it's subjective. It is not spiritual work. You can die spiritualy or actually without ever confronting the ego's fear of death. The ego is an illusion. Thus, your death is an illusion.
  13. Yes. He has excellent teachings. But ultimately you must take these teachings and awaken for yourself- and thus transcend them. When you do you will not be here any longer- or if you are you will here in the capacity of a teacher. This is what he wants for you. To realize you are God. This is what any teacher wants. For you to take back your authority and thus no longer hang on the whim of another.
  14. He won't because when he reads this he will know I'm trying to teach you guys something.
  15. Leo can kick me outa here if he wants.
  16. I'm gonna say this once and only once. You do not need to harm the physical body. Spirituality has nothing to do with the physical body.
  17. I am not a follower I am simply saying thinking about killing yourself has zero to do with spirituality. If you think it does you are way too far up his ass.
  18. It's absolutely sad that you would kiss someone's ass so much that it would lead you to the brink of suicide. Because it's so raw. Jesus man.
  19. I do have every idea. But you don't because you hold your breath on every word some guru says. Need I say more? And yeah I've awakened without ever contemplating suicide. It's feasible and in fact contemplating suicide from the ego's perspective is more ego. Its selfishness. You don't know what you are talking about.
  20. I mean it gave him Truth in bits and pieces because you are relying on a substance. When you awaken sober you get the whole deal all at once. You don't rely on some external substance, imaginary or not, to feed you Truth.
  21. No Mind and Infinite Mind are One. We have been telling you this from the beginning. Zero is Infinity. It's two sides of a coin. You have watched Leo's personal path and you have watched him embrace no mind vs Infinite Mind. But you now see that it is one. Infinite Mind or omniscience is indeed found in quieting the mind. But that is only because ultimately they are one.
  22. This has absolutely zero to do with spirituality. Zero. The body and ego are imaginary which makes death imaginary. Spiritual death IS death. Not the harming of the body that is all part of the dream...this is not spirituality it was personal development for one guy - Leo. And he should never have posted it. @Thought Art was right to question his leadership but more importantly he shouldnt be questioning his leadership he should be questioning his own following.
  23. Stop waiting and live your life.
  24. What is "necessary" is relative to the individual...that is the whole point. This isn't necessary unless you make it so. Again- moral of the story is carve your own path.
  25. Let's be clear. Your existence itself is a bias. But there is no need to entertain further biases. And the need to face the fear of extinction is simply extending the web of biases. You should never, ever, need to hold a gun to your head. Or stand at the edge of a cliff and question jumping. If you want to die and realize God you don't have to harm the physical body. There is no NEED. How many damn times have we said this here ?