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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. You must become it. You ARE existence. You are speaking of (speaking - hmm) 2nd order. 1st order is Being. When we say red is red we are pointing to something. When we say something is itself we are pointing to something. There is a shift in Consciousness. Red isn't just red, red is you. You ARE red. Remember the phrase "Be the ball?" Well, I would contemplate that very seriously ?
  2. Genetics and brain chemistry have a lot to do it. It also depends on if you are ready for God to reveal itself to you. The psychedelics are just the trigger but awakening was already in place for you. Same for meditation.
  3. I guess you removed the double standard of our edits not being shown ? for a minute I thought I was demoted
  4. I think the point is to say that everything is but an idea or concept within Consciousness. And you are fundamentally Consciousness itself - but you have fooled yourself into thinking you are one of the ideas (the ego). These ideas flow in and out of Consciousness but Consciousness always remains and it can imagine it is whatever it wants to. The thing is Consciousness attaches itself to being one of its own ideas and it becomes so fucking strong. Because it fully becomes it. And so it must be. But this is our need to survive and our need to hold onto being one particular idea forever. But these ideas are not permanent only that which imagines them is eternal. And that's what you are. There is no need to be sad about this but being sad is Consciousness' way of experiencing loss. And that is OK. Because as Pure Infinity it cannot lose itself.
  5. Sorry I must have missed that. I can respect that.
  6. Dreaming can include suffering but it is not suffering itself. You don't need to suffer in your dream the ego creates its own suffering but you transcend this through understanding. Awakening and becoming lucid also helps. I'm not saying awakened beings can't suffer - but they can see it for what it is and then rise above it. And don't bring up physical pain either - that is also imaginary, believe it or not. It too can be transcended. @Jake Chambers Good luck on your journey friend. We are One. One day you will look through my eyes and type these words. And one day i will be looking through yours.
  7. Sounds like you did have an awakening experience. It might have just not been full blown enlightenment - or you wouldnt have to ask... Perhaps the ego became fearful and did not surrender.
  8. Agreed it just shows you how limited language is.
  9. This is where language fails and you can only use second order (language) to describe first order and this will always not be IT it will be a second order finite description. But that's OK. Going back to descriptions - when I say you I don't mean the small self you I mean God/Truth/Being/Infinity.
  10. You can't capture it bexause you ARE it. You are Being it. There is only Being or existence itself. Which is You. You are Absolute Truth. Perception of some experience is an illusion or a created separation between subject/object.
  11. That's your bias - notice that. But yes when your consciousness elevates a thousand fold to where you are directly conscious everyone else IS you it is terrifying to the ego because of the recontexualization. It feels like insanity because the ego's existence relies on a separation between self and other- and when that collapses, so does the ego. But notice this is not God as Pure Infinity or the pure singularity. That is a higher state but not pure Infinity. This will be Absolute Love and Divine Bliss. It is only in a finite state or fragmented state where bias towards being alone occurs. And notice that bias can go either way depending on your finite POV and how you want to view reality.
  12. What do you guys feel the meaning of Leo's poem was if you had to summarize it in one sentence?
  13. I think he said he would a put a link to it below the video.
  14. It's OK to talk about your awakening brother. You are among other awakened beings that is the point of this forum.
  15. You are not ready for this because you have not fully lived.
  16. Yeah. I don't like the Buddha bashing because honestly no self is what you realize and that is founded in Buddhism. Buddhism is awakening. Period.
  17. I think he has finally started to. That is why he put the no mind video out. You have to remember this is a guy who was gifted with the mind but not with spirituality. He spoke of Truth long before he ever realized it himself.
  18. That is not true you are echoing a teacher and I can name him God realization is IT and then that's it. You live out the remainder of your days awake. There isn't more consciousness to explore. That is Leo because he is so intelligent he thinks God is withholding more. He's not. When you awaken you awaken.
  19. Interesting can you elaborate?
  20. It does contradict it because he tried to make it a shared dream. It's not. As you said you are completely alone imagining everything. I am talking to myself. There is no shared dream. You are God full stop. As for your other points on it being a hell realm... - Try to enjoy being finite that is the point. God mode is boring. You have infinite intelligence and thus you crippled yourself for the experience. You are so intelligent that you grasp its not about pleasure its about the experience itself.
  21. Shutter island was awesome. Have you seen Vanilla Sky? It's up there. As for your other comments yes he is but a figment of your imagination. But within the context of the dream he is a public figure that can leave impressions on others and I think he should remove the second half of his video. He pulled the solipsism video but left this. Weird.