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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. That is true but Love also means realizing Oneness. In fact the two are identical. When you realize that other is you, you can still hate. You can hate aspects of yourself. But ultimately the realization that there is nothing outside of you will make you realize that you are that which you hate and thus it is impossible to not love that part of you because you ARE it. A good example is how you don't hate your own farts
  2. You are beginning to sound like @Nahm ...hard to understand yet there is some logic behind the madness. Please try to make your posts graspable by all.
  3. The key that we realized from this thread is that you don't have to realize it to be it - and he is right there. It doesn't change reality but at the same time it also doesn't change what you are. Reality is paradoxical.
  4. Oneness must be realized here. Now - after the realization of Oneness, one can demonize and still create "other". Here we create "other" because it infringes on our survival. So we demonize it. What we want you to realize is that Absolute Truth is beyond or prior to the survival of one particular being. Thus it is free of bias.
  5. I get it. God is prior to realizing it is God. That is all you say here and it is correct. You can be without identifying as being. But this doesn't negate what you are.
  6. It's precisely the opposite. As long as you demonize the act itself then you will always be finite and imperfect. Vulnerable. Because some external act is other than yourself and thus can hurt you. When you realize this impossibility - you awake.
  7. Ok sorry. Heck the more awakened beings here the better. He was a bit immature and I don't sense that from you. Anyways - welcome aboard.
  8. Thanks for your honesty. I kinda had a feeling ?
  9. I only recently started seeing your posts for some reason but all of your stuff has been right on the money. Thank you for your contributions here. And welcome since I never got a chance. You are obviously one of the few here who has had legit enlightenment. Hopefully you aren't @Michael Jackson who (I know was awake) has since vanished from the forum and is your only follower.
  10. @Holykael God didn't limit himself from imagining his own personal hell. And boy did you leverage that freedom. You can also imagine your own personal Perfection. But hey, your life.
  11. You become God. You become red. Thus you ARE God. Thus, you ARE red. When we say I we are recontexualizing the meaning of I. @amanen hit on it. The key is identity. When you become it you identify AS it. This is implicit. That's what we mean by I. Not the ego although that is a form of I.
  12. You cannot open another's mind. But you can try this guy.
  13. You are mistaking language for what he is pointing at here. When you do awaken you will realize self is an illusion but your identity shifts to Self. Self has the intelligence to be able to identify with itself. But don't mistake that with the finite "I". It is all encompassing.
  14. Thanks well you have said you had some awakenings yourself when we talked correct? How have things been going since? As for othet tools - Self inquiry, meditation (namely do nothing meditation and concentration meditation) . While listening to Leo's original enlightenment videos. Yes I would want everyone to awaken if it were possible. However you as the ego will die and the ego doesn't take to dying very well. Not everyone is mentally stable enough to awaken - as there are some very rough periods where you will feel like you are losing your mind. It doesn't mean people with mental illness can't awaken but there needs be a degree of level headedness. But even with the rough patches - the Bliss and Divinity make that all worth it. But just as a rabbit will never become enlightened - most beings won't either. I stopped worrying about everything. And It really takes the fear of death away. That doesn't mean I want to die - so I am still cautious. But you won't panic about stuff like you did in the past. You also see the Divinity in everything after experiencing God. It makes reality magical. You don't worry about your mortality or your physical ailments so much anymore.
  15. There is no "my" experience. There is only Being..and that's what You are. This is Total. Also your questions about being limited to human senses - keep in mind that Absolutely speaking your senses are not yours as in the small self. That is an illusion where the ego has appeared to co-opt them. Perception is an illusion. There is only Being. What you deem as sight, sound, touch, smell, etc are not human senses they are the raw Being of the Universe. They are Absolute Truth. Again this requires a shift in consciousness to Absolute Consciousness.
  16. Because you are ascribing a negative connotation to illusion...but isn't that relative? Why does illusion have to be negative? When you look at what happens behind the scenes of that video game it kinda takes the wind out of your sails as the player. You don't want to know the Truth that stuff is rendered only when directly experienced. But that is the most efficient way to design the game. And it doesn't affect the players experience. It's only when the player sees behind the curtain that it can affect him because the player has bias and is finite - he wants the game to be a certain way for him even in its design, even if its not the most intelligent design. Anyway, that's why we say spirituality and Truth is so dangerous to the ego ?
  17. Why would whether other minds had separate experiences matter to your question? It really doesn't. Why couldn't you create this experience regardless? In fact wouldn't it be even simpler to just have one mind yet the the appearance or illusion of other minds ? What's the difference as long as you imagine they are separate? If you think about it, there really is no difference. It's just that we are bias towards having some tyoe of physical, material separation.
  18. We don't. There is only You. We are projections of your mind. When you awaken you realize this.
  19. This is exactly right. This can be directly validated of course. Also if you really think about it - it is your mind that is constructing the self and other duality. In truth You never needed self and other. There is just Self. It's just that Self has fragmented itself to appear as self, and then others out there. (Other minds) When in actuality none of this is even needed. Only one Mind is needed. It can then expand to be everything or it can contract to appear finite. It is just a subtle shift in consciousness to get a glimpse of this. That shift is the expansion.
  20. You know ? Becoming is not knowing. It is Being
  21. @Someone here neuroscience is only one aspect of science. They need to incorporate holism, along with open mindedness and original thinking. If you notice- it was the founding fathers of quantum physics that went on to become mystics - and they were original thinkers and could think beyond just one particular part of science. They were able to think holistically.
  22. Of course do not take anything as a belief. But where do you get that only your finite consciousness exists? You ARE Infinity constructing the entire world along with your finite ego ? when this is realized you become Infinite.