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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Learn to embrace it. This is wisdom. Understand that the mechanics of God is Infinity. God will understand and experience everything there is because it is the very thing that it learns from. You will bask in this for an eternity so do not despair. But you will also not know. Which is what you do now. You itch to know who you are. To understand yourself - but you have put up barriers to prevent Infinity from breaking in. This is paradoxical because infinity is itself, and can break any barriers it creates.
  2. @Godishere it's not a joke at all. my final awakening was what I can only call Oneness. I also lost my mind. This is because Oneness or Infinity cannot be contained by the physical body so you may experience a wind I call the God Wind. The God Wind is Infinity and the human body cannot handle it. But beyond the God Wind is a bliss and a Love like no other. Once one crosses the storm one can bask in the beauty of peaceful perfection. The kingdom of God. You are here now. But you do not hold it in your mind as such.
  3. It can be. For Not knowing is Truth. To know too much can get one lost in concepts. I put it at number 2.
  4. You need a dose of Total Recall. Get that mind opened buddy! Whaddyathink?
  5. Excellent. Spot on. You might want to include yourself in those 5 or 10 on the forum. I know it for sure now.
  6. I don't think nahm was against meditation or psychedelics. I think he did both. So I wouldn't put him in this category but I do question his awakenings because he really got caught up in the dogma of it really bad.
  7. It's almost like a brain washing because If you tell them this they will respond with its just happening but no one is doing it. It's just happening. The body may turn when your name is called but no one is turning. It's really sad to see. It's a bastardization of spirituality and a demonization of the ego and it's sad to see. It's the neo-advaita trap.
  8. @Razard86 nice...if i may i will add that one has to realize no self before one can realize Self. With self inquiry this can happen in the same awakening because the ego consciousness will give way to God Consciousness. I don't see it happening in separate awakening but perhaps with psychedelics it does. .
  9. This is all true but I think he means the Self with a capital S. The Formless One. Language is second order but when you become the Formless One you will sit back and say "Oh my God. I'm God. I AM." And you shall smile.
  10. @Someone here thats a really good way to put it...for them it became a religion. They took a nugget - from actual enlightenment- that the self is an illusion- and ran with it instead of actually realizing no self directly and dying. Many of these folks will poo poo mysticism which is true spirituality. And they will say there is no one to die or to have mystical experiences- which is the irony in it all because then they miss out on God. I don't want to demonize but as you said this is an awful trap to fall prey to. Oh and nice profile pic ?
  11. @Someone here very good post I hope your words are heeded.
  12. Yes you just have to awaken to the realization that finitude, which is imperfection, is a dream of God's. Isn't it ironic that you as God dream of imperfection? The only way fo attain it is through dreaming.
  13. Please Please don't @Vibes. You are loved. I know you want to act out of selflessness but what you don't realize is this may be selfishness.
  14. @RMQualtrough welcome home. All that is now left is awakening.
  15. God sees no differences. You assume he didn't. But Jesus knew his wants were immaterial.
  16. You are assuming one is not awake. If they are awakened it renders everything meaningless.
  17. Watch your bias towards gays.
  18. You sound like Trump now. Realize that.
  19. You cannot see this to its fruition without dying. And yes, believe it or not, this is possible.
  20. @Leo Gura There has to be something- for God's sake. But that doesn't get to the root of his issue. His issue stems from a lack of awakening. Conceptually he is correct. Not knowing is Truth. But he fails to come full circle into Infinite Knowing.
  21. @RMQualtrough I think what you are basically saying is Being is prior to knowing and not knowing is Truth. Am I correct?
  22. This is the limitations of language. Call whatever whatever. Being or becoming it is prior to what you call it. What he is talking about is identifying with the Self. And he thinks this doesn't exist.
  23. Use Oneness. Oneness is the only thing that exists. It is easier to grasp then Love. Otherwise love is viewed from a finite lense .