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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. That is bullshit. No amount of meditation coild ever awaken you because you aren't wired for it.
  2. It was a joke because you said no one on this forum....but yeah I'm it and your my imagination. So why bother arguing with myself ? Ralston is your imagination. It seems you have some bias towards him because he laid the breadcrumbs in your own awakening. But he is not awake and neither are you. Your just my imagination. See how this doesn't help others awake?
  3. I guess you are including yourself on that ?
  4. When they become real to you and then you look to them for Truth, you are deceiving yourself that Truth can manifest from second order. Truth is first order but self deception will trap you into thinking that second order, or concept, is Truth. And then you don't actually awake. @Consilience understands the difference but most will not. Either way ultimately you must become your own Master. After which everything else just becomes, well, second order.
  5. Your not conscious that you are constructing these other gurus that's the point. You are imagining they are real, and then they become real. And then you look to them for the Truth. It's self deception at its finest, on full display.
  6. Yes but balance again is key - they need them really only to provide the framework and point you to the tools..that's it. Those are the breadcrumbs I mentioned.. But what tends to happen is you place too much into them and then it becomes a hindrance and not a help. the Buddha a drink, pick his brain for a bit - then cut his head off. Remember the song by The Police? Wrapped around your finger? Well, the servant must become the Master
  7. But you don't know it's you yet. You place finding Truth in a duality you constructed- which is second order. You cannot become 1sr order from second order.
  8. This is true - but the point of saying kill the Buddha or be your own authority is meant for one who isn't yet awake to being God. If they aren't yet awake, then putting authority into other will not allow them to ever awaken because they are still looking outside themselves for Truth and not within. Regardless, the main thing is that you are doing the spiritual practices and self inquiry, contemplation, psychedelics, etc. And once you awake you will transcend all teachers and teachings..Now..after you awaken - then yes -- you can read a book or watch a video by someone else and realize that this is your mind and your writing reflecting back to you..(all authorities are you) and yet you can get something out of it that perhaps you didn't know as the ego. You can also realize it was always your own mind in those other gurus leaving you breadcrumbs to wake up. But most of the time reading books or watching videos after awakening will be for more practical, relative stuff. Relatively speaking you don't need an external source to give you Truth, in fact it cannot. You must look within. Afterwards, yes of course all external sources collapse into you as the Absolute. Prior to, though,and dualistically speaking, they are external and separate.
  9. Might need the samadhi snacks for this one ? and a nice reclining chair. ?
  10. didnt...if you did you would be liberated. Maybe try some psychedelics and expand your current state of consciousness into a mystical state of consciousness. It should provide massive healing. With mystical intelligence you will see through and transcend your suffering. You may come back down but you will take with you a higher understanding. This should provide a sense of peace.
  11. At 51 game alone isn't enough to keep a 25 yr old. He needs looks or money for that. At least to get past the door with her. I'm 52 and I can pull them. But it is more than game at that age.
  12. Very. I tried to make sense of it but couldn't.
  13. I don't think he was banned. He and Leo just disagreed on things- and honestly I don't remember what. Actually I think it was that Frank's teachings emphasize not knowing and Leo does not - although he finally did with his episode on not knowing.
  14. Don't go admiring him too much. It's easy for one who has seen Truth to spit it. It's another to embody it
  15. Or maybe not? Have you considered the alternative, I know you have.
  16. He can't. He's too far up his own arse.
  17. @RMQualtrough his awakening is incomplete. He has not realized Oneness yet.
  18. False. Divinity remains. God remains.
  19. I concur. But this shall not bring you to waking up.
  20. Stop wallowing in concept and wake the fuck up. Way too much concept.
  21. @Loveeee become it. By asking other you are creating a duality between self and other. Do you see that?
  22. @bambi Be careful of only taking Leo's words as Truth. As long as you hold Leo as an authority you will always be stuck and yes I know you said don't talk to you, but realize that this is a bias you hold.
  23. @Godishere you won't like this answer but that is for you to discover as God.